Recent papers in Falconry
A review of Helen Macdonald, H Is for Hawk
モンゴル国西部アルタイ地域の遊牧民には,イヌワシ(Aquila chrysaetos daphanea)を鷹狩用に捕獲・馴致する伝統が受け継がれている.鷲使いたちは,巣からヒナワシ“コルバラ”を捕獲するか,成鳥“ジュズ”を罠や網で捕獲する方法でイヌワシ(雌個体のみ)を入手する.そして4 ~... more
相馬拓也(2011)モンゴル西部アルタイ系カザフ鷲使いたちの現在 《キーワード》 アルタイ山脈, 遊牧民, バヤンウルギー, イヌワシ, 無形文化遺産, 牧畜, HAI, サグサイ, 西部モンゴル, 鷹狩, 鷹匠 [Keywords] Altai Mountains, animal-herding economy, Bayan-Ölgii, ecology, ethnic identity, ethnic minority, golden eagle,... more
Ancient biblical literature does not mention falconry. However, European medieval Jewish and Christian artists and commentators did depict biblical falconry. Examples are surveyed representing Jewish and Christian art of the High Middle... more
相馬拓也(2012)中央アジアにおける騎馬鷹狩の民族考古学 《キーワード》 民族考古学、遊牧社会、鷹狩、中央アジア、天山山脈、キルギス、モンゴル西部、文化人類学、古代史、スキタイ、動物文様 《Keywords》 Ethno-archaeology, Nomadic Society, Falconry/ Hawking, Central Asia, Tienshan Mountains, Kyrgyz, Western Mongolia, Cultural... more
ENGLISH ABSTRACT An illustrated Byzantine manuscript of the Cynegetica by Pseudo-Oppian, housed in the Biblioteca Marciana of Venice, has deserved the attention of scholarship because it contains a vast collection of zoological,... more
Falconry is one of oldest human activities, goes back thousands of years. It is defined as ‘taking quarry in its natural state and habitat by means of trained birds of prey’. It was for centuries using wild birds of prey. Falconry is... more
This article explores the role of hunting birds in the definition of the knight in twelfth-and thirteenth-century French chivalric literature. After some introductory remarks on the identity-shaping role of hawks in the hunting practices... more
Analysis of some cases of hunting iconography in Books of Hours, starting from the case of two Hours illuminated by Marc Caussin (15th c.).
Yannis Hadjinicolaou: Macht wie die des Koenigs. Zur politischen Ikonographie der Falknerei in: Hunting without Weapons ed. by M Saß, Berlin/Boston 2017, S. 87-106
In the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the Middle Ages and early Modern period, various types of hunting had a very large impact on the mundane life of the rulers' estate. In addition, hunting was used as means of political communication.... more
Falconry has been practiced in China for nearly two thousand years, but its early history is obscured by a lack of visual, textual, and archaeological materials. Falconry first appears in visual and textual records dating to the Eastern... more
This is not the last version of the paper
So far, the best documented archaeological traces of falconry from the Norwegian Viking Age (800–1050 AD) come from the ship burial at Gokstad, dated to about 900 AD. Written Sources indicate that falcon-catching was also established in... more
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Hawking (falconry) is the use of birds of prey in order to hunt or trap. It is demonstrated that this form of hunting was practiced by certain Jewish communities of medieval Northern France. Part I In his Shita Mekubetzet, Rabbi... more
相馬拓也(2013)東アジアにおける古式鷹狩の民族考古学 《キーワード》 民族考古学、古代中国、古代日本、鷹狩、文化人類学、民族鳥類学、画像石、鷹匠埴輪 《Keywords》 Ethno-archaeology, Ancienty China, Ancient Japan, Falconry/ Hawking, Cultural Anthropology, Ethno-Ornithology, Stone Curving, Haniwa Figurine... more
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As archaeological evidence confirms, the Germanic groups who established kingdoms in northwest Europe during the Age of Migrations were participants in a broad cultural zone extending well into Eurasia. Elements of Anglo-Saxon culture in... more
Working from the premise that falconry was introduced in Scandinavia from an eastern origin sometime in the course of the 6th century AD, this paper suggests that the practice may have harboured cognitive and spirituals dimensions... more
The Anglo-Saxon charters, official documents dating from the 7 th to 11 th centuries, were used to record land-grants. The surviving documents – whether in original form or as later copies – are largely from the southwest of England and... more
This essay explores different intonations of the episode of the Female Shaman Eagle that is found in European versions of the Bear’s Son tale. It will be shown that a retelling of this episode can be detected in other myths and legends.... more
This paper surveys the zooarchaeological evidence for the practice of hawking in England from its origins up to around AD 1500. Although there are some tantalising possible traces of hawking during the Roman (AD 43–410) and Early... more
While scholars may know that the 'sultan of Babylon' sent Frederick II a 'white parrot', few are aware of the existence of four sketches, indicating it was a Sulphur or Yellow-crested Cockatoo. As these were made two and a half centuries... more
This paper illustrates how Gulf nationals' claims to their homelands are affirmed and enacted through the ostensibly banal, but highly political, effort to construct falconry as a ‘heritage sport’. Taking the case of the United Arab... more
The criteria of how to decide that falconry was practiced at an archaeological site are discussed. They are: 1) falconry devices, 2) the bones of hawks, 3) a preponderance of female goshawks and sparrowhawks and 4) bones of the birds and... more
Throughout the Nordic Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (c. 1000–1700), gyrfalcons were caught in Iceland and exported via foreign merchants to the courts of Europe and beyond. This paper presents the contents of two sets of 16th... more
Hunting with raptors and hunting with hounds became distinctive features of the European elite’s lifestyle during the Middle Ages. The association of falconry with the concept of nobility conceived as courtliness and inner discipline –... more
Après avoir dressé le contexte historique du concile et de la venue des Grecs en Italie, l’auteur s’intéresse aux différents dessins effectués par Pisanello de Jean VIII Paléologue et essaie d’analyser leurs rapports avec la médaille et... more
The paper analyses legal sources between the 5th and the 19th century with regard to falconry. It demonstrates that legal sources can deepen our knowledge of falconry in the past, but also highlights the limitations of these sources.
Falconry is usually considered to have appeared in China beginning in the Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 CE). It became an important part of royal hunts in Medieval China (roughly 6th–12th c. CE). Two different types of royal falconry... more
The paper is the synthesis for the second book on raptors and falconry, published by the ZBSA (Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology)
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Abstract: In the present article the idea of “flying images” concerning more specific images of falconry will be addressed in both a metaphorical and a literal manner. It will be shown how falconry’s iconic afterlife was crafted in the... more
In contrast to contemporary Scandinavia with its many burials of men that include raptors, only very few human graves with bones of bird of prey are known from the Central European 1st millennium AD. This observation, plus the fact that... more
This study deals with the new production in the field of medicine (human and veterinary), during the Paleologues, and more precisely, with the work of Demetrios Pepagomenos, scholar from the XVth century. According to our point of view,... more
A origem do nome do arquipélago dos Açores é um dos assuntos mais intrigantes sobre a história destas ilhas Atlânticas. Das muitas teorias apresentadas ao longo dos tempos, a que defende a identificação errónea da espécie de ave de... more
This is a short intellectual biography of my father, Hans J. Epstein, focusing on his interest in falconry, via medieval history, and later his interests in naturalism (mostly lepidopterology). It is also of interest in terms of some of... more