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Artikel ini membahas pengaruh perkembangan bahasa terhadap teknik mengajar guru bahasa Inggris. Artikel ini karenanya dibagi atas dua pembahasan utama. Yang pertama membahas tentang teori perkembangan bahasa baik L1 maupun L2. Sedangkan... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
In the Ministerial Decree of the Department of Education and Culture no. 060/U/1993 it was stated that English could be introduced to the fourth grade students of primary school as a local content subject. As a result, English is now... more
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      Primary SchoolFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Mata Kuliah Semantik. Dosen Pengampu Dewi Herlina, S.S., M.Pd. (semester 4) - Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FKIP, UNSIKA. Pengakuan dosa: "Mohon maaf, makalah kali ini bukan dari kelompok saya. Kepada para pemilik, maaf juga... more
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      PendidikanLinguistikSastra IndonesiaPragmatik
Artikel ini berisi tentang macam-macam majas dalam bahasa Indonesia.
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      Sastra IndonesiaUniversitas Gadjah MadaUniversitas IndonesiaUniversitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Mata Kuliah Pembelajaran Berbicara. Dosen Pengampu Daman Huri, S.Pd., M.Pd. (semester 4) - Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FKIP, UNSIKA.
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      IndonesiaPendidikanMAKALAHBahasa Indonesia
Teaching English, especially for children, should be enjoyable, interesting, repetitive, and understandable. In doing so, there should be appropriate methods for teaching English to them. One of the alternative methods that can be applied... more
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      Language SkillsFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Halliday has been inspirational. Among his seminal linguistic concepts are the notions of language as social semiotics and language as action. The former refers to the idea that linguistic forms encode the world which socially... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Puja dan puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadapan Tuhan YME, karena berkat rahmatnya laporan ini dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu tanpa adanya suatu halangan yang berarti.
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      Seni Dalam PendidikanSeni RupaSenior ThesisSenior Citizens
Halliday has been inspirational. Among his seminal linguistic concepts are the notions of language as social semiotics and language as action. The former refers to the idea that linguistic forms encode the world which socially... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Wayang topeng of Malang is a performing art with its own special characteristics. Its survival is due to the supporting local community. The relationship between wayang topeng performance and the local community is not only functional but... more
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      Nilai Moral Dalam KesenianSeni BudayaKreaktifitas Dalam Pembelajaran Seni TariFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Essay bergaya ini mengambil isu
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      IndonesiaEssaysSastra IndonesiaBahasa Indonesia
This study aims to determine the role of local communities in conservation efforts of Paseban manuscripts. This research uses dominant less-dominant design, which combines quantitative and qualitative approaches in one study. The data... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
The implementation of SOP (Standard Operational Procedures) in university library is needed to improve the service quality. The arrangement of SOP in University library includes four stages. The first is analysis of SOP needs. The... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
The Acehnese language is a head marking type since the relationship of nouns and verbs are marked through agreement. The agreement forms an active-stative system because it occurs not only on transitive verbs but also on intransitive... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
School-based Curriculum known in Indonesia as Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), including that for the teaching of Arabic at Primary and Secondary Schools needs straightening up to avoid the inherent overlaps. In order to... more
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      Secondary SchoolFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
In modern Arab societies, the fusha and amiyah may be seen as a phenomenon of diglossia. The same phenomenon occurred in ancient Arab societies during the pre-Islamic periods, i.e., between dialects locaux of Arab tribes and the fusha as... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Abstract: In modern Arab societies, the fusha and amiyah may be seen as a phenomenon of diglossia. The same phenomenon occurred in ancient Arab societies during the pre-Islamic periods, ie, between dialects lo-caux of Arab tribes and the... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
In modern Arab societies, the fusha and amiyah may be seen as a phenomenon of diglossia. The same phenomenon occurred in ancient Arab societies during the pre-Islamic periods, i.e., between dialects locaux of Arab tribes and the fusha as... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Syi'ir and nadzam are two different genres in Arabic literature. They are similar to and yet also different from each other. Their similarity lies in their formal structure as realized in their wazan and qa:fiyah, whereas their difference... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Syi'ir and nadzam are two different genres in Arabic literature. They are similar to and yet also different from each other. Their similarity lies in their formal structure as realized in their wazan and qa:fiyah, whereas their difference... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This study is aimed at analyzing the implementation of the cooperative principles in Avatar cartoon movie. It was a descriptive study with the content analysis technique. The data were taken from the conversation from the characters in... more
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      ArtFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Linguistic features of English and Indonesian essays made by EFL (English as Foreign Language) undergraduate students were analyzed by using content analysis. The objective was to identify the similarities and differences in sentence... more
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      Research MethodologyAcademic WritingContent AnalysisCurriculum and Instruction
Bahasa yang dapat dipelajari melalui karya sastra memiliki pemikiran dan ideologi. Kedua unsur inilah yang kemudian dianggap sebagai jati diri suatu bangsa. Dalam hubungan antar bangsa, identitas menjadi penting karena menyangkut... more
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      BudayaBahasa Dan Sastra IndonesiaFakultas Bahasa Dan SeniBudaya Nusantara
In the Ministerial Decree of the Department of Education and Culture no. 060/U/1993 it was stated that English could be introduced to the fourth grade students of primary school as a local content subject. As a result, English is now... more
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      Primary SchoolFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This research describes a process and background of the name change among the Chinese people in Surabaya municipality. This problem is studied under the interdisciplinary science called sociolinguistics. In line with plurality, the change... more
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      Data AnalysisFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia Fak. Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang Abstract: Halliday has been inspirational. Among his seminal linguistic concepts are the notions of language as social semiotics and language as action. The for- mer refers to... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisSocial StructureFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This article discusses the use of negative particles in Arabic, specifically the so-called "Modern Standard Arabic" (MSA). This vari- ant of Arabic is commonly used in written form in newspapers, maga- zines, and journals; and... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Syi'ir and nadzam are two different genres in Arabic literature. They are similar to and yet also different from each other. Their similarity lies in their formal structure as realized in their wazan and qa:fiyah, whereas their difference... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
The purposes of this study are: (1) to know the ratings of the most cited authors, (2) to determine what means of bibliography was cited most frequently, (3) to know what subject is often cited and, (4) to know the obsolescence of the... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This article reports on research project analyzing the specific terms of cultural expressions that exist in Madura Island, the strategies in translating Madurese cultural expressions into English, andhow the strategies of transferring... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This article reports on research project analyzing the specific terms of cultural expressions that exist in Madura Island, the strategies in translating Madurese cultural expressions into English, andhow the strategies of transferring... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
In the Ministerial Decree of the Department of Education and Culture no. 060/U/1993 it was stated that English could be introduced to the fourth grade students of primary school as a local content subject. As a result, English is now... more
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      Primary SchoolFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
The concept of autonomous  learning  has gained massive attention  in educational  research  and practice  over the last three decades. This concept is regarded as an option in this modern educational... more
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      Fakultas Bahasa Dan SeniQuantitative approach
Serat Wulang Putri was written by Paku Buwono IV (PB IV). This work was originally written as teaching ethics for his children. The text was to be read by especially girls in the palace. The text has served as a guide to good conduct. In... more
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      Art HistoryGender and SexualitySelf ControlFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This research aims at identifying the effectiveness of the use of 'content area strategy' in teaching creative writing. Based on the action performed in the class it was found that the content area strategy was able to enhance students'... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab tiga pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu 1) apa sajakah tipe-tipe substitusi dalam bahasa Inggris yang ditemukan pada novel berbahasa Inggris Absolute Power? 2) apa sajakah tipe-tipe substitusi dalam... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
The ongoing debate concerning the best method to apply in language teaching, especially in English as Second Language andForeign Language context has been lasting for about forty years now. The first side of debaters is the supporters of... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This research aims at identifying the effectiveness of the use of ‘content area strategy’ in teaching creative writing. Based on the action performed in the class it was found that the content area strategy was able to enhance students’... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This study aims at finding out the effectiveness of ICT based Student Centered Learning Approach based on ICT toward prose appreciation ability of students at Indonesian Department UNP. The population was 141 students classified into four... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
In the Ministerial Decree of the Department of Education and Culture no. 060/U/1993 it was stated that English could be introduced to the fourth grade students of primary school as a local content subject. As a result, English is now... more
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      Primary SchoolFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perbedaan hasil penelitian tentang jenis kata yang diucapkan anak dan perbedaan individu yang mempengaruhuinya pada fase perkembangan 50 kata. Bertolak dari latarbelakang tersebut, penelitian ini... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
Syi'ir and nadzam are two different genres in Arabic literature. They are similar to and yet also different from each other. Their similarity lies in their formal structure as realized in their wazan and qa:fiyah, whereas their difference... more
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    • Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni
This article investigates speech acts in the discourse of rubrik konsultasi in the daily newspaper Jawa Pos, focusing on its structure and also on the speech acts and maxims of politeness involved. The discourse consists of four segmental... more
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      Speech actsFakultas Bahasa Dan Seni