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We report the case of a 22-year-old woman who is suspected of having primary Sjögren s syndrome. She complaining of bilateral swelling of eyelids and the parotid glands of three weeks duration. Physical examination revealed a bilateral... more
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      DentistryFacial ParalysisDifferential DiagnosisSjogren´s Syndrome
Objective: To compare the electrophysiological excitability characteristics of the facial nucleus and related structures in hemifacial spasm (HFS), post-facial palsy synkinesis (PFPS) and facial myokymia (FM). Methods: Facial F-waves,... more
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      EngineeringFacial ParalysisAdolescentElectromyography
Background: Chronic paralytic lagophthalmos is a condition that is often conservatively treated with ophthalmic ointments and eye drops, but usually requires definitive surgical correction. Purpose: An effective modification of the gold... more
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      DentistryFacial ParalysisMedicineComplication
Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of intractable partial epilepsy in adults. Surgery (lobectomy or amygdalohippocampectomy) is effective in most patients. However, some complications can occur and brain shift, hematoma... more
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      Facial ParalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingElectroencephalographyTreatment Outcome
The sonographic findings of Mobius syndrome with brain stem calcification are presented. Prenatal and neonatal sonography disclosed characteristic hyperechoic dots or linear bands in the brain stem representing calcification, which... more
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      Facial ParalysisPregnancyPediatric radiologyBrain Ischemia
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Facial ParalysisMedicineDiagnosticsFacial Nerve
To develop and validate a patientbased instrument to measure both facial impairment and disability, the Facial Clinimetric Evaluation (FaCE) Scale. Study Design: Prospective instrument validation. Methods: Eighty-six patients with a... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisStatistical AnalysisFacial ParalysisQuality of life
Many disorders of the parotid gland require treatment by subtotal or total parotidectomy. In such situations functional and esthetic complications may arise due to the location of the incisions or from permanent or temporary injuries to... more
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      DentistryFacial ParalysisAdolescentEsthetics
Introduction: Dr. C. Miller Fisher described the appearance of unilateral facial palsy after resolution of ataxia in a patient with the eponymic Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS). However, there have been very few reports of delayed appearance... more
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      Facial ParalysisAdolescentAntibodiesChild
Moebius syndrome is a congenital, nonprogressive disorder clinically characterized by loss of facial expression, impaired stomatognathic system functions, incapacity to close the eyelids, and several oral impairments. The purpose of this... more
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      DentistryFacial ParalysisSpeech DisordersFollow-up studies
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      Facial ParalysisAdolescentChildElectromyography
Moebius syndrome is a congenital, nonprogressive disorder clinically characterized by loss of facial expression, impaired stomatognothic system functions, incapacity to dose the eyelids, and several oral impairments. The purpose of this... more
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      DentistryFacial ParalysisSpeech DisordersFollow-up studies
The effectiveness of botulinum toxin injections in 11 patients with hemifacial spasm was investigated in a prospective placebo-controlled blinded study. The patients were treated with four sets of injections to various facial muscles,... more
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      ElectrophysiologyClinical NeuroscienceFacial ParalysisProspective studies
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      Facial ParalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingAtherosclerosisRheumatoid Arthritis
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      Skeletal muscle biologyFacial ParalysisTreatment OutcomeFacial expression
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      SurgeryFacial ParalysisTreatmentFace
The lengthening Temporalis Myoplasty (LTM) is an innovative dynamic facial reanimation procedure that has been used to great effect following its conception during the early 1990s by the senior author. Since its first description in the... more
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      SmilingFacial ParalysisTreatment OutcomeClinical Sciences
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      Facial ParalysisAdolescentSicilyIncidence
Objective: To determine if the diagram with schematic drawings of the face based on House-Brackmann facial nerve grading scale can be of easier use than the original grading scale for facial palsy patients. Study design: Prospective case... more
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      PhotographyNonparametric StatisticsFacial ParalysisMultivariate Analysis
Synkinetic movements comprise abnormal involuntary contractions of one or more facial muscle groups which follow the desired contraction of another facial muscle group. They are frequently encountered in patients with long standing facial... more
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      Facial ParalysisSynkinesisBiofeedbackBotulinum Toxin
The Sunnybrook Facial Grading System (SFGS) is one of the most employed scales to assess the severity of facial palsy. The aim of our study was to produce an Italian version of the SFGS and of its explanatory criteria, and to test their... more
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      Facial ParalysisFaceItalyClinical Sciences
Address all correspondence to Professor Dalla Toffola at: [email protected]. 2 [Pavese C, Cecini M, Camerino N, et al. Functional and social limitations after facial palsy: expanded and independent validation of the Facial... more
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      Facial ParalysisLanguageAdolescentPhysical Therapy
Facial nerve paralysis is a daunting potential complication of parotid surgery and is widely reported. Knowledge of the key landmarks of the facial nerve trunk is essential for safe and effective surgical intervention in the region of the... more
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      SurgeryFacial ParalysisTreatmentMedicine
The effectiveness of facial exercises therapy for facial palsy has been debated in systematic reviews but its effects are still not totally explained. Objective: To perform a systematic review with meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of... more
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      Facial ParalysisQuality of lifeTreatment OutcomeRisk assessment
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      Facial ParalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingInfectious DiseaseChronic Disease
Patients with paralytic ectropion and lagophthalmos may experience keratitis and may pose a functional and aesthetic surgical challenge. Various methods are used to reduce the vertical palpebral aperture, including lateral tarsal strip... more
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      OphthalmologyFacial ParalysisProspective studiesFollow-up studies
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is one of the most common soft-tissue sarcomas and generally arises in elderly patients. Most often, MFH occurs in the extremities and the retroperitoneum; MFH of the head and neck region is only... more
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      Facial ParalysisYoung AdultClinical SciencesHerpes zoster oticus
To investigate the extent of within-system reliability and between-system correlation for the "Sydney" and "Sunnybrook" systems of grading facial nerve paralysis, and to examine the interobserver reliability and agreement of the "House... more
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      Facial ParalysisFacial expressionSynkinesisFollow-up studies
There is no standard for the adjuvant treatment of patients with chronic facial palsy and defective healing. There is a lack of standard for mimic training programs with biofeedback technique. The advantages of modern EMG based... more
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      AlgorithmsFacial ParalysisNeurofeedbackChronic Disease
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      Facial ParalysisAdolescentChildYoung Adult
Background and Objectives. Although serious complications of otitis media (OM) such as brain abscess are rare, sequelae of OM such as tympanic membrane perforation and atelectatic tympanic membrane are quite common. Inner ear sequelae can... more
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      Facial ParalysisHearing LossClinical SciencesOtitis Media
Objectives: Cochlear implantation is a relatively safe procedure with a low complication rate. The overall rate of complications among cochlear implant patients ranges from 6% to 20%. Major complications are those that are... more
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      Facial ParalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingInflammationTreatment Outcome
Sclé rose en plaques associé e à un syndrome des antiphospholipides : difficulté s diagnostiques et thé rapeutiques
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      Cognitive ScienceMultiple sclerosisFacial ParalysisMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Social cognition researchers have become increasingly interested in the ways that behavioral, physiological and neural coupling facilitate social interaction and interpersonal understanding. We distinguish two ways of conceptualizing the... more
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      GestureSocial CognitionSocial InteractionTheory of Mind
We report a sporadic case of Lenz-Majewski syndrome (LMS) with newly recognized manifestations including facial palsy, cleft palate and hydrocephalus developing later in infancy. The clinical course of the patient and neuroimaging studies... more
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      Facial ParalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingCleft PalateHydrocephalus
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      SurgeryFacial ParalysisForeheadClinical Sciences
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      ZoologyFacial ParalysisAdolescentChild
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      DentistryBlindnessFacial ParalysisOral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Paralysie faciale pé riphé rique secondaire à une thrombose veineuse cé ré brale Peripheral facial palsy after cerebral venous thrombosis 1.
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      Cognitive ScienceFacial ParalysisChildcerebral Venous sinus thrombosis
Paciente de 53 añ os que acudió al servicio de urgencias por diplopía. En la exploració n se constató una endotropía derecha con limitació n de la abducció n de ese ojo, y se diagnosticó al paciente de par alisis del VI par craneal... more
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      Facial ParalysisMedicineMedicina ClinicaSyndrome
The paper aims to help people affected by drop foot syndrome to walk efficiently without dragging their foot. This paper also suggests a method to keep the nervous system active, till professional medical help is administered, when a... more
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      Facial ParalysisStroke EpidemiologyStroke rehabilitationSleep Paralysis
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      Ancient HistoryFacial ParalysisSculptureGreece
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      Facial ParalysisTreatment OutcomeBiological SciencesHorses
Cholesteatoma invasion into the internal auditory canal (IAC) is rare and usually results in irreversible, complete hearing loss and facial paralysis on the aVected side. This retrospective study examines the clinical characteristics of... more
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      Facial ParalysisMagnetic Resonance ImagingAdolescentDifferential Diagnosis
To determine the value of the blink reflex as a predictor of outcome of idiopathic peripheral partial facial paresis. The study included 30 patients suffering from acute idiopathic peripheral facioparesis and 30 age- and sex-matched... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsFacial ParalysisProbabilityElectromyography
Objective: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that impairment of orofacial function following stroke affects the patients' oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Material and methods: From the University Hospitals of... more
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      DentistryPainFacial ParalysisQuality of life
Delayed facial nerve palsy following cochlear implant surgery is less documented though it poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Apart from the functional, aesthetic and emotional concerns, it can raise important medico legal... more
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      Facial ParalysisHerpes SimplexCochlear ImplantYoung Adult
Facial palsy; Platysma transfer for oral sphincter substitution; Drooling; Platysma transfer for counter-balance excessive free muscle pull Summary Background: The present study demonstrates our experience with a novel use of the Platysma... more
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      Facial ParalysisQuality of lifeAdolescentChild
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      Facial ParalysisMicrosurgeryPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery