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The goal of this paper is the proposal of a Process Map for building retrofit. Process Mapping is a useful tool to underline the different stages of a process, the involved actors, the documents produced during each stage, and to clarify... more
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      Construction TechnologyDesign Process (Architecture)Building TechnologyEnergy Efficient Retrofitting
The evolution of the shape, structure and behaviour of natural responsive systems, such as pine cones, is defined by the necessity to maximise the use of the inherent properties of available materials. This principle forms the basis for a... more
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      EngineeringBiomimeticsWood ScienceComposite Materials
This paper deals with the color theory and the application of this theory in architectural design. Since the modernist architects and modern era in architecture, the colors of the buildings were not in the focus of their authors. On the... more
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      Computer ScienceArchitectural TheoryIndustrial ArchitectureArchitectural Design
A smart material is able to provide a unique response when a particular change occurs in its surrounding environment. In the last years, several experiments and prototypes of shading devices exploiting the potentialities of smart... more
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      Environmental DesignSmart MaterialsSustainable DesignClimate responsive Architecture
Although their potential for high environmental performance is largely accepted, adaptive façades have not yet become widespread in practice. Most of the current examples are developed by engineer-to-order design processes, as... more
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      Product DesignAdaptive ArchitectureClimate responsive ArchitectureConstructability
This paper discusses thermal surface performance on front facades of high-rise apartments in Malaysia built with early modern style. Early modern style apartments were popular from the 1950s to 1970s using mass produced and fast... more
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      Sustainable ArchitectureFacade DesignShading
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      AestheticsContemporary AlgeriaFacade DesignContemporary housing
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    • Facade Design
The ventilated façade (VF) system is a double-wall construction, comprising an external lightweight cladding panel and the building's façade, which is used to increase the indoor comfort level (e.g. temperature, humidity) in... more
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      Environmental ScienceFire BehaviourStructural Fire SafetyFire Engineering
There have been numerous publications on unreinforced masonry construction in the literature; however, there is a lack of publications on the condition assessment of existing unreinforced masonry façades for disturbances due to nearby... more
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      Civil EngineeringFinite Element MethodsConstruction TechnologyConstruction Management
The advent of the computer in architectural design process not only has improved precision and increased speed of architectural drawings, but has also had a substantial effect on the design process. Consequently, it has weakened the role... more
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      CoherenceFacade DesignParametric design architecture
from Blake de Maria, Tracy Cooper, and Mary Frank, eds., CELEBRATING VENICE: A FESTSCHRIFT FOR PATRICIA FORTINI BROWN.  Five Continents, 2013.
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      ArchitectureVeniceArchitectural Decoration-Bauornamentik16th century Venice
The paper presents an outline of the development of external surface treatments of the walls of rural and small-town individual housing construction in the easternmost region of Slovakia, in Zemplín. Like the houses themselves, their... more
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureSecessionContemporary Vernacular Architecture
The goal of this paper is providing a methodology properly supporting façade optimization in a DfMA (Design for Manufacturing and Assembly) perspective. DfMA has proven to facilitate offsite manufacturing, lowering costs and improving... more
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      BIM (Architecture)School Building DesignFacade DesignDesign for Manufacture and Assembly
German-Iranian Research Project Young Cities Developing Energy-Efficient Urban Fabric in the Tehran-Karaj Region All texts are based on scientific research performed within the Young Cities Project. All pictures, tables and graphics are... more
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      Computer ScienceEnvironmental EducationArchitectureClimate Change
Sgraffito as a decorative element of the exterior of 14th and 15th century Florentine buildings has long been known, although seldom granted much attention. The present dissertation, therefore, examines the phenomenon of sgraffito, a... more
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      Architectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtRome (Renaissance)Italian Renaissance Art
The evolution of the shape, structure and behaviour of natural responsive systems, such as pine cones, is defined by the necessity to maximise the use of the inherent properties of available materials. This principle forms the basis for a... more
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      BiomimeticsWood ScienceComposite MaterialsBiomimicry and Architecture
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    • Facade Design
Traditional houses of American work reemigrants in Eastern Slovakia of interwar period. Typology, constructions, materials, structural members, master-builders.
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      Rural HistorySheet Metal FormingCeramics (Art History)Interwar Period History
An example is given for the calculation of glazing curtain wall with insulated glass units under wind action. Limit states for breakage and deflection is performed for double glazing panels according to the Standard prEN 16612. Limit... more
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      Structural EngineeringCurtain WallCurtain Wall And Structural GlazingCurtainwall and Structural Glazing
This paper deals with the color theory and the application of this theory in architectural design. Since the modernist architects and modern era in architecture, the colors of the buildings were not in the focus of their authors. On the... more
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      Computer ScienceArchitectural TheoryIndustrial ArchitectureArchitectural Design
The process of discovering the relationship between objects and events, and understanding their proportion will lead to the production of meaning. During the process of making architecture as a type of art, beauty is created. When a man... more
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      AestheticsPhotographyFacade Design
Adaptive designs and intelligent spaces are in the forefront of the current architectural and product design discourse. They engage users in interactive dialogue, allow for public domain authoring, and are critical factors in sustainable... more
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      ArchitectureSensors and SensingEmbedded SystemsSustainable Architecture
This paper presents the main aspects related to the design of aluminum alloy profiles in building façades systems, according to Eurocode 9. In the case of glazing façades particular attention must be paid to excessive deformation at... more
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      Facade workFacade Design
As small unmanned aircraft Systems UASs are emerging from the horizon, it is uplifting to see technology saving lives because the AEC industry is one of the world’s deadliest jobs, according to Forbes (Smith, 2014). Consequently, by... more
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      High Performance ComputingArchitectureMachine LearningBuilding Surveying
It may be difficult for modern man to believe that what is known as handicraft was once the advanced manufacturing of the day. These techniques were used to create the first garments and portable shelters. There is much speculation as to... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceArchitectureTextiles
ABSTRAK Jalan Veteran ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Kota Surabaya ke dalam situs cagar budaya sebagai bukti ciri khas niaga pada masa kolonial di Surabaya. Mempunyai langgam arsitektur kolonial Belanda pada keseluruhan bangunannya. Seiring... more
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      ArchitectureFacade Design
This paper deals with the color theory and the application of this theory in architectural design. Since the modernist architects and modern era in architecture, the colors of the buildings were not in the focus of their authors. On the... more
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      Computer ScienceArchitectural TheoryIndustrial ArchitectureArchitectural Design
Air India Building is an icon located at Nariman Point in the CBD zone. This structure was built in the late 1960’s for the Air India company and formed its headquarters until recently when the company shifted its main office to Delhi.... more
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      ArchitectureFacade DesignThermal comfort & Energy efficiency in hot climates
Trans 30: 90-97
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      ZurichArchitecture and politicsBureaucracy and PoliticsFacade Design
In hot dry climates excess solar gain may result in high cooling energy consumption and indoor discomfort; sun control and shading devices is an important aspect of many energy-efficient building design strategies. Advanced CAD systems... more
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      Energy Efficient Building Envelope SystemsClimate responsive ArchitectureDouble Skin FacadesHigh Performance Building Envelopes
مساله هویت اصولا یكی از پیچیده ترین و بحث برانگیزترین مباحث نظری و حرفه ای در شهرسازی است . در عرصه معماری بحث از هویت تقلید از آثار گذشته را به ذهن متبادر میكند ، در حالی که هویت با تقلید از گذشته متفاوت است . در واقع هویت آن حقیقت وجودی... more
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      Identity (Culture)Sustainable ArchitectureUrban IdentityFacade Design
Whoever wishes to see how clean and candid his mind is should look at his face and his house, look at them, I say, and you will see as much serenity and beauty as one can desire in a house and in a face.1 Aretino compares the two parts of... more
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      Republic of VeniceVenice16th century VenicePalace
Flat cable-net facades are form-active structures which provide maximum transparency by means of point fixing components, tensioned cables, and structural glass units. In contemporary structural design methods, computational non-linear... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (Engineering)Cable StructuresFacade DesignFull Scale Tests
La contemporaneità vede il disegno come strumento per pensare, rappresentare e costruire; l’articolo vuole indagare quel processo capace di creare un legame diretto tra il momento ideativo ed il momento produttivo del progetto,... more
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      BIM (Architecture)Facade DesignGDLGrasshopper 3d
In L. Semerani (ed.), "La casa. Forme e ragioni dell’abitare", Skira, Milano 2008
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      ArchitectureModern ArchitectureLe CorbusierFacade Design
This volume presents new methodologies for the design of dimension stone based on the concepts of structural design while preserving the excellence of stonemasonry practice in facade engineering. Straightforward formulae are provided for... more
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      Civil EngineeringStone toolsDouble Skin FacadesLimestone
Designing an energy-efficient building with the use of passive design measures is not always possible due to the location, surrounding buildings or site layout. This can result in larger façade areas facing East or West and causes issues... more
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      Energy efficiencyFacade Design
In This Modern era, exotic and futuristic buildings shape and buildings facade nowdays can be seen spread spatially at big towns in Indonesia, as an eropean, american and japanese architecture style. The originality of it’s facades are... more
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      Hybrid Space (Architecture)SuperimpositionDeconstruction and postmodernismFacade Design
Este articulo puede entenderse como continuación de otro anterior de titulo ARMAZONES. Si en aquel lanzaba alguna hipótesis sobre lo relacional, tratando de entender la organización volumétrica que parece dar sentido a múltiples proyectos... more
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      Contemporary ArchitectureFacade DesignArchitectural Composition
In today’s world, energy is one of the most important factors in each individual’s life, people cannot imagine their life without energy. Due to increasing human needs in different types of energy in everyday life, energy efficiency has... more
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      Natural ventilationFacade DesignEnergy EfficiencyDesign Strategies
This paper deals with the color theory and the application of this theory in architectural design. Since the modernist architects and modern era in architecture, the colors of the buildings were not in the focus of their authors. On the... more
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      Architectural TheoryIndustrial ArchitectureArchitectural DesignColor Theory
Building facade can tell a lot of things about a building. We are the reason how our buildings can be looked. By time to time looks of the building have changed a lot. In the era wise this is the post-modern timeline, and architecture... more
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      AestheticsModern ArchitectureClassical ArchitectureVisual Arts
Após breves considerações sobre a problemática da segurança estrutural e sobre os casos particulares representados pelas situações de acidente, são tratadas de forma muito desenvolvida as acções do vento e dos sismos, apresentados os... more
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      Facade Enginering; Anchorage systems for Structural elementsCurtain Wall And Structural GlazingPressure equalized rainscreen systems, Rain Infiltrations wind modelling and intrnal dynamic pressure coeffcientsSeismic analysis and design
Xth International Congress on Renewable Energy and the Environment Résumé : Le choix d'une enveloppe performante est une décision importante dans le processus de la conception architecturale vue la complexité de ses aspects... more
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      Energy Efficient Building Envelope SystemsFacade DesignFacadeCivil Ingeniering
The façade of San Esteban in Salamanca underwent several transformations from its original plan –as seen on the plan from the Chancillería of Valladolid- to the present, under the responsability of the masters Juan de Álava and Fray... more
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      RenacimientoSpanish Renaissance and Baroque ArtFacade DesignSalamanca
As a principle element of architecture, technology has allowed for the wall to become an increasingly dynamic component of the built environment. The traditional connotations and objectives related to the wall are being redefined: static... more
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      Double Skin FacadesFacade DesignKinetic Design Technology
The current paper presents a report on the application of a particular type of shading system designed by a multidisciplinary and multinational team composed of Architectural, Building and Civil Engineers, presented during the... more
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      ArchitectureClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationEnergy efficiency
Visual privacy is defined as the ability to conduct the everyday activities at home without being observed by outsiders. The importance of visual privacy differs from culture to culture, and in Islam it is a central concern in the... more
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    • Facade Design