FTTH networks
Recent papers in FTTH networks
Dans ce cours ont va mettre l’accent sur la normalisation du réseau optique passif(PON) par l’instance suprême des télécommunications, à savoir, l’union internationale des télécommunications (ITU‐T). Ce cours, est formé par quatre... more
This research discusses about the FTTH network planning in Solo area. Fiber to the Home (FTTH) is a format for optical signal transmission from the central provider (provider) to the user area by using an optical fiber as a transmissi... more
In this paper a fiber communication system is employed using Giga Ethernet Passive Optical Network (GE-PON) architecture. In this architecture an optical fiber is employed directly from a Central Office to the home. A 1:8 splitter is used... more
Having regard to the fact that existing access networks in Kosovo are mainly based on copper wires, the access networks will present significant limitations in future in providing broadband services such as IPTV, video on demand, video... more
Having regard to the fact that existing access networks in Kosovo are mainly based on copper wires, the access networks will present significant limitations in future in providing broadband services such as IPTV, video on demand, video... more
Having regard to the fact that existing access networks in Kosovo are mainly based on copper wires, the access networks will present significant limitations in future in providing broadband services such as IPTV, video on demand, video... more