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The advancement of wireless sensor networks yields a variety of wireless sensor network for wildlife tracking. One typical application for wireless sensor networks is in animal tracking and monitoring in wildlife environments. A... more
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      Eye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlMonitoring And EvaluationWireless Sensor Networks
Football penalty kicks are having increasing influence in today’s professional game. Despite this, little scientific evidence currently exists to ascertain the mechanisms behind performance failure in this task and/or the efficacy of... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySport PsychologySports & Exercise PychologyDecision Making
Visual perception is most often studied as a "passive" process in which an observer fixates steadily at point in space so that stimuli can be delivered to the system with spatial precision. Analysis of neuronal signals related to vision... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive ScienceNeurology
This study examined the range and reliability of individual differences in several oculomotor measures. One thousand participants were tested using standard smooth pursuit and pro- and antisaccade paradigms. In the smooth pursuit task,... more
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      Eye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlIndividual DifferencesSaccades
Anxiety has been shown to disrupt visual attention, visuomotor control and subsequent shot location in soccer penalty kicks. However, optimal visual attention has been trained in other far aiming skills, improving performance and... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySport PsychologySports & Exercise PychologyDecision Making
People with anxiety disorders show an attentional bias for threat (AB), and Attention Bias Modification (ABM) procedures have been found to reduce this bias. However, the underlying processes accounting for this effect remain poorly... more
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      Biological PsychologyAnxiety DisordersEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor Control
When facing penalty kicks in football (soccer), goalkeepers frequently incorporate strategies that are designed to distract the kicker. However, no direct empirical evidence exists to ascertain what effect such visual distractions have on... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySport PsychologySports & Exercise PychologyEye tracking
This thesis investigates the expenditure of cognitive effort in post-editing of machine translation. A mixed-method approach involving the use of eye movements, subjective ratings and think-aloud protocols was adopted for the... more
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      LanguagesPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
The consequences of very preterm birth are long-lasting and cognitive outcomes do not seem to have improved over the last decades. Adolescents born very preterm showed impairments in neurocognitive processes that are involved in cognitive... more
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      NeuropsychologyPediatricsEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlCognitive Control
The aim of this study was to test the predictions of attentional control theory using the quiet eye period as an objective measure of attentional control. Ten basketball players took free throws in two counterbalanced experimental... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySport PsychologySports & Exercise PychologyEye tracking
The current study sought to test the predictions of attentional control theory (ACT) in a sporting environment. Fourteen experienced footballers took penalty kicks under low- and high threat counterbalanced conditions while wearing a gaze... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySport PsychologySports & Exercise PychologyEye tracking
Brain-electric correlates of reading have traditionally been studied with word-by-word presentation, a condition that eliminates important aspects of the normal reading process and precludes direct comparisons between neural activity and... more
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During ReadingEEG and Eye Movements
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      NeuroscienceEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlGame theory -Analysis of Strategic and non-strategic behavior in Games using Eye-tracking-neural correlates of reasoning using fMRI scanning technique-Heuristic and analytic processes in reasoning and cognitive theories of reasoningSports Vision & Decision Making
— This article presents the results of an eye-tracking experiment concerning a part of " My Little Pony " cartoon. The aim of the research was to find out the ways of watching animated auditions for children by adults, and how those ways... more
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      CommunicationEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlMass Communication
Our visual system is fovea-heavy, which means that in-depth processing occurs only in the centre of the retina, forcing the eyes to make constant movements in order to bring visual elements into focus. Despite this, eye movements go... more
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      Selective AttentionEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlVisual attentionCognition
Manual Merck - Perturbações oculares
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlMedicineEye DiseaseEye Health
For a young reader. I wrote this when applying for some job. It was one of those ads where just to apply you had to do work for them. For all I know they accumulated everything submitted and published it.
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      Human PhysiologyEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlElementary Education
Neural correlates of word recognition are commonly studied with (rapid) serial visual presentation (RSVP), a condition that eliminates three fundamental properties of natural reading: parafoveal preprocessing, saccade execution, and the... more
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      Eye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlVisual attentionReading
Random variables and probabilistic decision making are important elements in most theories of reading eye movements, but they tend to receive little theoretical attention. This paper attempts to address this problem by introducing the... more
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      Eye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlEye Tracking (in reading)
Human locomotion through natural environments requires precise coordination between the biomechanics of the bipedal gait cycle and the eye movements that gather the information needed to guide foot placement. However, little is known... more
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      Eye trackingVision ScienceEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlBiomechanics
The visual performance of athletes should be considered high on the list of variables fundamental to elite sport performance. One particular aspect of visual performance that has gained dominance over the last 25 years is the quiet eye.... more
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlEye-tracking
Mechanisms of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) cancellation in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA-3) and episodic ataxia type 2 (EA-2). In: C.
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor Control
Purpose A primary task of the eye care professional is determining the refraction, or optical correction , of a patient. The duochrome red-green test is a standard tool for verification of the final refraction. Traditionally, it is... more
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      OptometryEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlOptometry educationOptometry and Vision Science
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      Sport PsychologyFootball (soccer)Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlFootball Sports
A primary task of the eye care professional is determining the refraction, or optical correction, of a patient. The duochrome red-green test is a standard tool for verification of the final refraction. Traditionally, it is recommended for... more
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      NeuroscienceOptometryVision ScienceEye Tracking and Oculomotor Control
In this paper gaze shifts are considered as a realization of a stochastic process with non-local transition probabilities in a saliency ÿeld that represents a landscape upon which a constrained random walk is performed. The search is... more
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      Stochastic ProcessComputer VisionImage ProcessingEye Tracking and Oculomotor Control
It has been suggested that when footballers take penalty kicks they generally focus on the goalkeeper, ignoring the target area. In experiment 1, we tested the implications of this strategy by constraining gaze centrally while asking... more
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      Cognitive PsychologySport PsychologyFootball (soccer)Sports & Exercise Pychology
There has been growing interest of late in the cognitive effort required by post-editing of machine translation. Compared to number of editing operations, cogni-tive (or mental) effort is frequently considered a more decisive indicator of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer Science
Degrading real-world scenes in the central or the peripheral visual field yields a characteristic pattern: Mean saccade amplitudes increase with central and decrease with peripheral degradation. Does this pattern reflect corresponding... more
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlVisual attentionEye Movements (Psychology)Perimetry and Visual Fields
Why does English have spaces between words but not Chinese or Japanese? What did we invent punctuations? I argue in this paper that spaces and punctuations were created -- at least in part -- to guide eye movements. I call them... more
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      HistoryEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlCross-Cultural Psychology
Objectives: To compare the wettability and wetting time between open and closed eyes of post menopausal women using Schirmer's test without anaesthesia (ST) and to assess the number of dry eyes in open (STO) and closed (STC) schirmer... more
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlAcademia Research
The pro and anti-saccade task (PAT) is a widely used tool in the study of overt and covert attention with promising potential role in neurocognitive and psychiatric assessment. However, specific PAT protocols can vary significantly... more
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      NeuroscienceExperimental PsychologyEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor Control
Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR) abnormalities in cerebellar ataxias are a matter of renewed interest. We have previously reported vestibular areflexia in a group of Yemenite-Jews with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 (SCA3) who had clear... more
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlVestibular System
Prior to an eye movement, attention is gradually shifted towards the point where the saccade will land. Our goal was to better understand the allocation of attention in an oculomotor capture paradigm for saccades that go straight to the... more
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      NeurosciencePsychophysicsStatisticsEye Tracking and Oculomotor Control
Very preterm birth is associated with attention deficits that interfere with academic performance. A better understanding of attention processes is necessary to support very preterm born children. This study examined voluntary and... more
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      Eye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlIntelligenceAttention
Brain-electric correlates of reading have traditionally been studied with word-by-word presentation, a condition that eliminates important aspects of the normal reading process and precludes direct comparisons between neural activity and... more
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      Eye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlReadingEEG
Occlusion is one of the main challenges in tracking multiple moving objects. In almost all real-world scenarios, a moving object or a stationary obstacle occludes targets partially or completely for a short or long time during their... more
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      Eye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlVisual attentionObject Tracking (Computer Vision)
PURPOSE: The purpose of the current research is to understand if the different eye movement abnormalities in patients with the same neurologic disease are related to varied disease processes or, alternately, do different patients adopt... more
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      NeuroscienceNeurologyEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlOculomotor control
PURPOSE: Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability characterized by difficulties with reading, spelling, and writing. Persons with dyslexia often have deficits in processing rapid temporal sensory information. There is also... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceEye Tracking and Oculomotor Control
Öz: Göz takip teknolojisi, spor ve egzersiz psikolojisi alanında özel ve uygulamalı birçok çalışma yapılabilmesine imkan tanımaktadır. Sürekli gelişmekte olan bu teknoloji, elit ve amatör sporcuların doğal çevrede gerçekleşen görme ve göz... more
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      Sport PsychologyEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlVisual perception
Objective: The King-Devick (K-D) test is a rapid visual screening tool that can assess underlying brain trauma such as concussion via impairments in saccadic rhythm. A new tablet version of the K-D test using randomised numbers is now... more
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlConcussions/ Brain Injury in AthletesReliabilityConcussion
Artykuł przedstawia refleksje na temat związku między modalnością percepcji wiersza a jego znaczeniem. Obecnie preferowany przez odbiorców wersyfikacji styl uczestnictwa w komunikacji literackiej jest bez wątpienia nie ustny, ale raczej... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlPoetics
There are thought to be two forms of inhibition of return (IOR) depending on whether the oculomotor system is activated or suppressed. When saccades are allowed, output-based IOR is generated, whereas input-based IOR arises when saccades... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceSelective Attention
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      Cognitive PsychologySport PsychologySports & Exercise PychologyEye tracking
The visual system serves two distinct functions. The information acquired by it is used to both create a percept of the external world and to guide motor actions. In recent years there has been considerable debate regarding whether the... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePerception
The astronomical term “main sequence” has been applied to the relationships between duration, peak velocity, and magnitude of human saccades over a thousandfold range of magnitude. Infrared photodiodes aimed at the iris-sclera border... more
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements (Psychology)
Visually guided tracking paradigms can provide insight into the adaptability of motor control strategies. We argue that the question of whether a sensorimotor process, or its absence, is beneficial or detrimental for performance is one... more
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      Decision MakingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlHeuristicsVisual perception
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      Cognitive PsychologySport PsychologyFootball (soccer)Sports & Exercise Pychology
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      Comparative AnatomyGeneticsCognitive Behavioral TherapyAnthropology
Purpose was to evaluate the subclinical influence of uncomplicated phacoemulsification surgery on foveal thickness in the early postoperative period. Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 50 eyes of 44 subjects who underwent... more
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlRetina (Ophthalmology)Laser Cataract SurgeryOptometry and Vision Science