Extreme Value Theory
Recent papers in Extreme Value Theory
ABSTRACT We study whether option-implied conditional expectation of market loss due to tail events, or tail loss measure, contains information about future returns, especially the negative ones. Our tail loss measure predicts future... more
Foreign portfolio investment is a major means by which emerging stock markets accumulate capital. However, the high mobility of foreign funds is a concern for local investors and policymakers in emerging countries because it may induce... more
Extrapolation techniques used for predicting long-term wind turbine loads have produced highly variable loading estimates dependent on the individual designer implementation. To reduce such variability, more precise definition and... more
In the past twenty years a new development in the extreme value theory has been done, especially for the "Peaks Over Threshold (POT) approach". This approach, based on the analysis of the data exceeding a sufficiently high threshold, aims... more
This study gives results of the first phase of the 12-18 year old Turkish students’ norm study of The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ), which deveoped by Pintrich, Smith, Garcia & McKeachie (1993). The scale was... more
Several approximate combination formulas are currently in use for estimating the extreme values of linear combination of load eects. In this paper the focus is on one particular example of such a combination formula, viz. the so-called... more
The main purpose of this work is to provide a broad assessment of the influence of the El Niño–southern oscillation (ENSO) on the frequency of extreme temperature events throughout the year in Argentina. The cold and warm events, defined... more
In this paper we report directivity enhancement by a short-focal-length plano-concave lens engineered by stacked subwavelength hole arrays (fishnet-like stack) with an effective negative index of refraction close to zero, n → 0, that... more
Yadav, Gilles Zumbach, and participants at the SIRIF volatility workshop (Glasgow) and the AFA meetings (New Orleans) for helpful comments. We also thank three anonymous referees and the editor for many helpful comments and suggestions... more
Image classification in the open-world must handle out-of-distribution (OOD) images. Systems should ideally reject OOD images, or they will map atop of known classes and reduce reliability. Using open-set classifiers that can reject OOD... more
Risk managers are increasingly required by international Regulatory Institutions to adopt accurate techniques for the measurement and control of portfolios financial risks. The task requires first the identification of the different risk... more
We examine the risk characteristics and capital adequacy of hedge funds through the Valueat-Risk approach. Using extensive data on nearly 1,500 hedge funds, we find only 3.7% live and 10.9% dead funds are undercapitalized as of March... more
In extreme excess modeling, one fits a generalized Pareto (GP) distribution to rainfall excesses above a properly selected threshold u. The latter is generally determined using various approaches, such as nonparametric methods that are... more
Extreme returns in stock returns need to be captured for a successful risk management function to estimate unexpected loss in portfolio. Traditional value-at-risk models based on parametric models are not able to capture the extremes in... more
Brownian motion is considered when the index y approaches the critical value 1/q. It is proved that, under a suitable (temporally inhomogeneous) normalization, it converges in law to the inverse of an extremal process which appears in the... more
Brownian motion is considered when the index y approaches the critical value 1/q. It is proved that, under a suitable (temporally inhomogeneous) normalization, it converges in law to the inverse of an extremal process which appears in the... more
A model for the depth-limited distribution of the highest wave in a sea state is presented. The distribution for the extreme wave height is based on a probability density function (pdf) for depth-limited wave height distribution for... more
This paper introduces a new class of Cox models for dependent bivariate data. The impact of the covariate on the dependence of the variables is captured through the modification of their copula. Various classes of well known copulas are... more
This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
The large claims reinsurance treaties ECOMOR and LCR are well known not to be very popular. They have been largely neglected by most reinsurers because of their technical complexity. In this paper, we derive new mathematical results... more
In summer 2007, in the city of Athens, Greece, extremely high air temperatures were recorded, inducing heat discomfort conditions in the urban environment. Four biometeorological indices were calculated in order to evaluate human thermal... more
We prove that, on a distinguished class of arithmetic hyperbolic 3manifolds, there is a sequence of L 2 -normalized high-energy Hecke-Maass eigenforms φ j which achieve values as large as λ
This small Excel and VBA spreadsheet demonstrates the impact of auto correlation on Expected Maximum Drawdown. Based on Marcos Lopez de Prado's paper How Long "Does It Take to Recover from a Drawdown?"
Autologous skin grafts are successfully used to close recalcitrant chronic wounds especially at the lower leg. If wound care is done in a dermato-plastic team approach using the bintegrated concept,Q difficulties associated with... more
In this research statistic analyses of Web traffic were carried out based on Empirical Distribution Function (EDF) test. Several probability distributions, such as Pareto (simple), extreme value, Weibull (three parameters), exponential,... more
-Depuis quelques années, la théorie des valeurs extrêmes a reçu beaucoup d'attention aussi bien sur le plan théorique que sur le plan pratique. Les domaines d'applications sont en effet très variés : hydrologie, météorologie, biologie,... more
Background: Utilization is used as the principal marker of theatre performance in the NHS. This study investigated its validity as: a managerial tool, an inter-Trust indicator of efficient theatre use and as a marker of service... more
ABSTRACT: The present paper examines how statistics of extremes can be used to enhance the assessment and performance prediction of monitored highway bridges. This is achieved by proposing an approach to obtain a monitoring-based... more
An uncertainty analysis of the unsteady flow component (UNET) of the one-dimensional model HEC-RAS within the generalised likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) is presented. For this, the model performance of runs with different sets... more
Surface hardened components are used in fatigue critical applications such as axles and gears. Inclusions are critical microstructural features where fatigue cracks have been observed to nucleate in these parts. In this investigation, the... more
Productive wetland systems at land–water interfaces that provide unique ecosystem services are challenging to study because of water dynamics, complex surface cover and constrained field access. We applied object-based image analysis and... more
We present a statistical study of the distribution of the objective value of solutions (outcomes) obtained by stochastic optimizers. Our results are based on three optimization procedures: random search and two evolution strategies.
The boxplot method (Exploratory Data Analysis, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1977) is a graphically-based method of identifying outliers which is appealing not only in its simplicity but also because it does not use the extreme potential... more
There is an increasing interest towards synthetic closures as an alternative to cork stoppers for sealing wine bottles. In this preliminary study, a set of testing conditions using the TA-HDI Texture Analyzer were implemented to measure... more
In mid 2004, after a lengthy period of industry consultation, the Basel Committee finally released its definitive rules on capital charges for Operational Risk under Basel II. In its proposals for allowing banks to calculate regulatory... more
The statistics of extremes have played an important role in engineering practice for water resources design and management. How recent developments in the statistical theory of extreme values can be applied to improve the rigor of... more
This research entails the implications of risk of unemployment and underemployment of insurance companies in Kitui county .We are trying to come up with ways and mechanisms to reduce these implications and determine the correlation... more
A widely-noted change in the North Atlantic circulation in the 1970s affected 2 the spatial distribution and seasonal pattern of rainfall over Ireland. To examine if 3 this was accompanied by a change on short duration precipitation... more
CAÑELLAS, B.; ORFILA, A.; MÉNDEZ, F.J.; MENÉNDEZ, M. and TINTORÉ, J., 2007. Application of a POT model to estimate the extreme significant wave height levels around the Extreme value wave climate analysis at a particular site requires... more
The carbon footprint (CF) of milk production was analysed at the farm gate for two contrasting production systems; an outdoor pasture grazing system in New Zealand (NZ) and a mainly indoor housing system with pronounced use of concentrate... more
. In this paper, an additional entropy penalty term is used to steer the direction of the hidden node's activation in the process of learning. A state with minimum entropy means that most nodes are... more
Using methods from extreme value theory, we examine the major pandemics in history, trying to understand their tail properties. Applying the shadow distribution approach developed by the authors for violent conflicts [5], we provide rough... more