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The aim of this research paper is to present a critical analysis of territorial organizational design (TOD), as partnership between the private and public sectors within a territory. To share resources and to manage restraints conjointly... more
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      GovernanceTerritorialityPublic GoodsExternal Economics
The use of cellular phones is now ubiquitous through most of the adult global population and is increasingly common among even young children in many countries (e.g. Finland, where the market for smart phones is nearly saturated). The... more
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      Business EthicsTelecommunications EngineeringEnvironmental EconomicsEthics
The human capital development of a country is measured using health and education. The need to provide healthy and competent manpower for nation development has been at the forefront of policy makers especially in developing countries.... more
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      Monetary EconomicsEconometricsMacroeconomicsPolitical Economy of Monetary Policy
Este libro analiza críticamente el fenómeno multifacético de la integración regional en África, a partir de una revisión documental y de las experiencias de los autores –en su calidad de académicos, investigadores y nativos del continente... more
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      African StudiesDevelopment EconomicsAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrica
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      MicroeconomicsTransportation StudiesLaw and EconomicsExternal Economics
La crisis del sector exportador, comercial y azucarero y su incidencia en la sociedad y en la economía insular.
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      Economic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtInternational Trade
Countries are showing interest in accumulating foreign reserves to ensure macroeconomic stability. There has been some debate whether to beef up the level of nations’ foreign reserves or make it lower, especially in developing countries... more
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    • External Economics
This study investigates the short and long-runimpact of human capital development on economic growth in Nigeria using time series data sourced from the central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin, 1981 to 2016. The study... more
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      Monetary EconomicsPolitical Economy of Monetary PolicyEconomics and management of energyExternal Economics
The economic situation of Romania has significantly improved since its full membership of the European Union; however its competitiveness remains at a low level compared to the EU average. Based on the international competitiveness lists,... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryBrand Management
Analyse d'un article intéressant sur les externalités dans le cadre d'un mini projet en microéconomie à l'Ecole Supérieure de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information de Tunis. Lien de l'article :... more
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      MicroeconomicsExternal Economics
Il contributo si pone l’obiettivo di costruire una rassegna essenziale e personale della letteratura sociologica sulle tematiche dello sviluppo locale. In tal senso il lavoro segue un percorso storico, partendo dall’analisi degli studi... more
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      Economic SociologyEconomic GeographyTacit KnowledgeCreative Cities