Extended Aeration System

37 papers
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An Extended Aeration System is a wastewater treatment process that utilizes prolonged aeration to promote the biological degradation of organic matter. This method enhances the removal of pollutants through the sustained activity of microorganisms, resulting in improved effluent quality and reduced sludge production.
This invention relates to the field of wastewater treatment, specifically an improved Extended Aeration (EA) process with the inclusion of a Primary Settling Tank (PST) to enhance treatment efficiency, reduce system footprint, and lower... more
Dissolved oxygen content is the most critical factor in intensive fish culture and it significantly affects the production of fish. Application of huge amount of fertilizers and fish feeds in heavily stocked fish ponds upsets the dynamics... more
RESUMEN: Muchas de las áreas turísticas se caracterizan, a menudo, por una demanda estacional de agua. La influencia de la estacionalidad en la gestión de los recursos hídricos es más intensiva en el contexto de la escasez. Es por ello... more
This study evaluated the performance of a rainwater utilization system. Excess rainwater is drained from rooftops into an underground container from which the water infiltrates from the base and sides into the surrounding soil of a vadose... more
Laboratory and field ponded infiltration tests in quasi-saturated soils (containing entrapped air) exhibit the same three-stage temporal variability for the flow rate and hydraulic conductivity. However, the values for the hydraulic... more
The showering aeration system (SAS) was designed and its performance was evaluated by conducting the aeration experiments in a tank of dimension 2 × 4 × 1.5 m. Initially, the aeration experiments were conducted to optimize the radius of... more
Surface aeration systems viz., paddle wheel and spiral aerators are the most commonly used aeration systems in intensive aquaculture practices. Use of aerators in intensive aquaculture is important for ensuring better survival, optimal... more
Aeration experiments were conducted on original and modified submersible aerator to evaluate its performance and to optimize the aeration efficiency. The angular position of the propeller (α) and submergence depth of the propeller (d)... more
The conventional extended aeration (EA) method has been considered as an effective method of secondary wastewater treatment in various installations around the world. The membrane bioreactor (MBR) method has been promoted by membrane... more
Aeration test was conducted in a brick masonry tank of dimension 5 m × 3 m × 1.5 m to evaluate the optimum geometric condition of Propeller-aspirator pump aerator, i.e., positional angle of propeller shaft () and dynamic condition, i.e.,... more
Aeration test was conducted in a brick masonry tank of dimension 5 m × 3 m × 1.5 m to evaluate the optimum geometric condition of Propeller-aspirator pump aerator, i.e., positional angle of propeller shaft () and dynamic condition, i.e.,... more
The objective of this paper is to present 3-D numerical and experimental study of the effect of blade angle on the cavitation phenomenon. The numerical computation in cavitating flow carried out using the Navier-Stokes code (CFD-ACE+... more
This paper presents an experimental and three-dimensional numerical study of unsteady, turbulent, void growth and cavitation simulation inside the passage of the axial flow pump. In this study a 3D Navier-Stokes code was used (CFDRC,... more
Exfiltration of waste water in sewer networks represents a potential danger for the soil and the aquifer. Various modelling approaches have been proposed to quantify sewerage exfiltration and its spatial and temporal variation. Common... more
The crucial phenomenon of air and water mixing together is called aeration. The venturi aeration is mainly responsible to transfer air directly through the atmosphere into the flowing water attribute to its simplicity and reliability. A... more
Aeration test was conducted in a brick masonry tank of dimension 5 m × 3 m × 1.5 m to evaluate the optimum geometric condition of Propeller-aspirator pump aerator, i.e., positional angle of propeller shaft () and dynamic condition, i.e.,... more
According to this study, an extended aeration system can be upgraded by adding surface turbine aerators to the tanks and building new primary sedimentation tanks. Moreover, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 5), chemical oxygen demand... more
The objective of this paper is to present 3-D numerical and experimental study of the effect of blade angle on the cavitation phenomenon. The numerical computation in cavitating flow carried out using the Navier-Stokes code (CFD-ACE+... more
This paper presents an experimental and three-dimensional numerical study of unsteady, turbulent, void growth and cavitation simulation inside the passage of the axial flow pump. In this study a 3D Navier-Stokes code was used (CFDRC,... more
Various types of microbubble generators for use in aquaculture facilities for aeration. The aeration system is essential for high-density shrimp cultivation. However, there is a blockage in the microbubble generator aeration system, and... more
The objective of this paper is to present 3-D numerical and experimental study of the effect of blade angle on the cavitation phenomenon. The numerical computation in cavitating flow carried out using the Navier-Stokes code (CFD-ACE+... more
This paper presents an experimental and three-dimensional numerical study of unsteady, turbulent, void growth and cavitation simulation inside the passage of the axial flow pump. In this study a 3D Navier-Stokes code was used (CFDRC,... more
The objective of this paper is to present 3-D numerical and experimental study of the effect of blade angle on the cavitation phenomenon. The numerical computation in cavitating flow carried out using the Navier-Stokes code (CFD-ACE+... more
This paper presents an experimental and three-dimensional numerical study of unsteady, turbulent, void growth and cavitation simulation inside the passage of the axial flow pump. In this study a 3D Navier-Stokes code was used (CFDRC,... more
Inadequate wastewater treatment facilities and a general lack of data on hygienic aspects of treated wastewater have hampered the successful implementation of effluent reuse schemes at the national level; in addition, illegal irrigation... more
According to this study, an extended aeration system can be upgraded by adding surface turbine aerators to the tanks and building new primary sedimentation tanks. Moreover, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD 5), chemical oxygen demand... more
The conventional extended aeration (EA) method has been considered as an effective method of secondary wastewater treatment in various installations around the world. The membrane bioreactor (MBR) method has been promoted by membrane... more
Urban wastewater systems (WWS) comprising of municipal sewage collection, treatment, and disposal play a vital role in alleviating urban water pollution and maintaining overall public health and sanitation. WWS forms one of the most... more
Aeration cost is the third largest cost in intensive aquaculture system after post larvae and feed cost representing about 15% of total production cost. Therefore, selection of aerators plays a major role in maximizing the profit in such... more
Inadequate wastewater treatment facilities and a general lack of data on hygienic aspects of treated wastewater have hampered the successful implementation of effluent reuse schemes at the national level; in addition, illegal irrigation... more
by imam taukhid and 
1 more
Various types of microbubble generators for use in aquaculture facilities for aeration. The aeration system is essential for high-density shrimp cultivation. However, there is a blockage in the microbubble generator aeration system, and... more
The crucial phenomenon of air and water mixing together is called aeration. The venturi aeration is mainly responsible to transfer air directly through the atmosphere into the flowing water attribute to its simplicity and reliability. A... more
Filamentous sludge bulking and foaming problems are common operational problems of activated sludge systems worldwide. The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) has recently conducted a study to identify the filamentous bacteria... more
The showering aeration system (SAS) was designed and its performance was evaluated by conducting the aeration experiments in a tank of dimension 2 × 4 × 1.5 m. Initially, the aeration experiments were conducted to optimize the radius of... more
The study was carried out for identifying microorganisms present in the extended aeration activated sludge process at Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), Thane. The stabilization of biological foams results from production of extra... more
This paper reviews the problem of foaming associated with the activated sludge process and its control using various physical, chemical and biological methods. Activated sludge process is widely used for treatment of every type of... more
The paper presents methods for measuring the dissolved oxygen concentration in water; the electrical method is presented by presenting an experimental installation designed and built in the laboratories of POLITEHNICA University in... more
The paper presents an original solution of a fine air bubble generator (FBG) that is used for water aeration. The calculation of the oriffices number and their diameter is indicated, orifices appearing in the perforated plate to be... more
Filamentous bulking can be controlled by specific and/or non-specific methods. Specific methods intend to recognize and resolve the major causes of filamentous bacterial proliferation and are preferred because they are selective for the... more
Aeration experiments were conducted in a masonry tank to study the effects of operating parameters on the standard aeration efficiency (SAE) of a propeller diffused aeration (PDA) system. The operating parameters included the rotational... more
Aeration helps improve water quality and make it favorable to fish. SPFTAS was designed based on the environment and characteristics of freshwater ponds. SPFTAS consist of floating platform, power source, sensors, signaling and aeration... more
Aeration experiments were conducted in a masonry tank to study the effects of operating parameters on the standard aeration efficiency (SAE) of a propeller diffused aeration (PDA) system. The operating parameters included the rotational... more
Low-cost aerators relying on the venturi principle to entrain air into flowing water have the notable advantage of contributing both to water mixing and oxygen transfer, making them attractive for wastewater treatment in low-resource... more
Background: The main objective of the study was the assessment of the prevalence and the identification of species of human gastrointestinal parasites as an indicator of the pollution of the seashore of Gaza City. Methods: The... more
This study is conducted to investigate the characteristics of outflow wastewater of the 1 m 3 on-site wastewater treatment unit on the basis of the testing and measurement data of the samples that were taken during the study monitored... more
This study is conducted to investigate the characteristics of outflow wastewater of the 1 m 3 on-site wastewater treatment unit on the basis of the testing and measurement data of the samples that were taken during the study monitored... more
Inadequate wastewater treatment facilities and a general lack of data on hygienic aspects of treated wastewater have hampered the successful implementation of effluent reuse schemes at the national level; in addition, illegal irrigation... more