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A B S T R A C T This study seeks to review the literature on the exporting challenges and problems of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in this era of globalization. Besides, we identify gaps in the literature and provide... more
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      GlobalizationInternational BusinessInternationalizationExport-Import
The Covid-19 pandemic has been (and still is) causing detriments on the world economy, all production sectors and individual economies. Firmly interconnected transnational economies have been thrown off balance by this global health... more
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      Transport LogisticsInternational TradeLogisticsExport-Import
Knowledge is the most important resource and learning is the most important process to advance the level of development and technology within particular regions or countries. There are, of course, several ways in which countries can... more
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      Economic GeographyEconomics of InnovationRegional developmentExport-Import
Ahora todo lo que conocemos sobre el pasado de la tierra, es gracias a los fósiles y microfósiles que se encuentran alrededor del mundo, por ejemplo un fósil nos ayuda en estos puntos.
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    • Export-Import
This appendix lists New Zealand plant species stocked and available in Australian nurseries, over time. Raised in a large New Zealand garden full of native trees, plant lover Stuart Read was perhaps hard-wired to notice kiwi plants in... more
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      Cultural StudiesHorticultureAustralian StudiesCultural Heritage
The aim of this study was to explore the integration between financial markets of India and Pakistan with the help of economic cooperation among them. Monthly data from the period of January 2002 to December 2012, was applied for this... more
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      PakistanFinancial Market IntegrationIndiaExport-Import
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      GovernmentOil and gasHuman Resources DevelopmentEnvironmental Health and Safety
Kompleksitas struktur perdagangan AS-Cina membuat kita tidak bisa langsung menyimpulkan bahwa perang dagang ini hanya akan mengalihkan keuntungan dari Cina ke AS dan hanya merugikan perusahaan-perusahaan Cina yang bergantung pada pasar... more
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      Developing CountriesChinaFree TradeExport-Import
The present article tries to measure the import intensity of Indian manufacturing sector and to highlight the vulnerability of our manufacturing output and exports. The article is divided into four sections. Section I provides information... more
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      Export-ImportBalance of PaymentsImport intensity
İnternet, uluslararası ticaretteki sınırların çoğunu ortadan kaldırmak için kullanılabilecek muazzam bir teknolojidir. İnternet teknolojisi sayesinde bir alıcının dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde bulunan bir ürünü edinebilmesi... more
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      BusinessMarketingInternational BusinessInternational Trade
La empresa NOA nació en Armenia, Colombia, en el año 1987 inicialmente bajo el nombre de Lalo Pan S.A.S. Se dedica a la producción y comercialización de productos de bollería. A lo largo de los años, NOA ha desarrollado un amplio... more
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      Export-ImportPlan de Negocios - Importación Exportación - ComercializaciónEXPORTACIÓN
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      Transnational HistorySecond World WarWorld War IINational Socialism
Do export sanctions cause export deflection? Data on Iranian non-oil exporters between January 2006 and June 2011 shows that two-thirds of these exports were deflected to non-sanctioning countries after sanctions were imposed in 2008, and... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
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      International BusinessData AnalysisExport-Import
The study aimed to explore the impact of investment decision making on financial performance of the textile industry from managers perceptions. The Indian textile industry is the second largest industry in the world, after China. After... more
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      Risk ManagementEmploymentVolatilityTextile Technology
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      SociologyNursingSocial SciencesInternational Business
The main purpose of this research is to investigate the interaction between organizational structure dimensions and intellectual capital components. In order to achieve this aim, a comprehensive literature survey was conducted and then a... more
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      Export-ImportIntellectual CapitalManufacturing FirmsAydın
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively explore marketing issues for foreign industrial companies of large, small and medium size entering emerging markets (EMs), particularly transition economies in Eastern Europe. The... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
Los puntos de control fronterizos son centros de condensación de cargas y personas en donde convergen numerosos sectores e intereses, nacionales e internacionales, y toda iniciativa que procure agilizar los flujos internacionales, debe... more
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      WTO Trade TopicsExport-ImportBorders and FrontiersWTO
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This book consist of all the export-statistical data of Bangladesh Apparel Industry for the Fiscal Year 2015-16.
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      International TradeBangladeshEconomyExport-Import
The “National Export Strategy (NES)” was first introduced by the Clinton Administration in 1993 and has continued through to the current administration of Obama to become a complete strategic system. To systematically evaluate the... more
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      Export-ImportUnited States
KRA-CLEARING AND FORWARD GUIDE BOOK 2019 BY AINEYA NAFF KENNEDY ABSTRACT The idea of writing this guide book is to help the Kenya shipping Companies, the Kenya Clearing and Forwarding agents and the KRA officials to have a quick chart... more
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    • Export-Import
Political events that occurred in Turkey between 2013-2017 showed a strong influence on the fluctuation of exchange rates and the loss of value of the Turkish Lira in general. During the same period, especially in 2016 and 2017, Turkish-... more
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      Business AdministrationProductionTurkeyGermany
Jabwood, a wood trading company with four branches in Lebanon owned by the Jabado family, is contemplating international expansion into new markets — specifically, Saudi Arabia and China — to compensate for a decline in revenues. This... more
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      International BusinessLebanonSaudi ArabiaChina
The present paper is attempt to identify the factors influencing vegetable exports from and imports to India. In order to identify the important factors influencing vegetable trade between China and India, the multiple regression analysis... more
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      HorticultureInternational TradeExport-Import
mango marketing
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      MarketingPurchasing and Supply ManagementExport-ImportForeign Trade
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      International DevelopmentInternational TradeDigital TechnologyTrade Facilitation
1.COVİD-19-un Azərbaycan iqtisadiyyatına təsiri
2.COVİD-19-un Azərbaycanın xarici ticarət dövriyyəsinə təsiri
Qazaxıstan Milli İxracat Strategiyası
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Kovid-19 süreci gerek dünya genelinde gerekse Türkiye'nin ekonomi üzerinde etkisi kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Ülkelerin uluslararası ticaret faaliyetlerinde daralma meydana gelmiştir. Salgın tüm dünyayı etkisine altına almış ve salgının bitmesi... more
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      Export-ImportForeign Trade
Demand for chemicals and homologous raw materials, which in Bangladesh is rising steadily for decades, has prominent growth prospect by 2030 propelled by the country's economic growth engine. Industrial sector's contribution into the... more
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      International TradeInternational FinanceExport-Import
The business plan includes details required to start up a new business.
The name of my company was Quantum Importers L.L.C.
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomyExport-ImportBusiness Planning
Until very recently all wholesale energy trades in the Romanian market were conducted on the centralized markets operated by OPCOM SA (“OPCOM”). This meant that bilateral agreements concluded outside the centralized Romanian market were... more
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      Export-ImportTransparencyJustificationApplication of EU Law at ECJ
Este estudio pretende adentrarse en el comercio internacional del sector cultural, centrándose, en este caso, en los productos audiovisuales y más en concreto en las series. Utilizaremos la serie El Ministerio del Tiempo como ejemplo... more
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Uma das questões centrais das relações comerciais de Angola com o exterior é conhecer-se a componente importada da produção nacional. Em quanto as importações (matérias-primas, subsidiárias e de bens de equipamento) devem ser acrescidas... more
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      International TradeExport-Import
Internship Report done in Bhuvaneshwari Lines and Logistics
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    • Export-Import
El objetivo general de esta Propuesta de Negocio es la formación de una empresa agroindustrial que se dedique a la producción de una modalidad “nueva” de uva de mesa con característica de exportación cuya demanda esté asegurada por que se... more
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      Business PlanExport-ImportGrapesPlan De Negocios
Cocoa Samoa Ltd (‘CSL’) is a Samoan registered company that utilizes climate-smart and sustainable practices to rescue the Samoan cocoa industry, exploit the looming shortage of cocoa globally, and produce cocoa and chocolate products for... more
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      Export-ImportCocoa and chocolateSamoan Culture
Readers of this thesis will be presented with an analysis of Twitter use for marketing purposes within the context of the real estate industry. Other theses have covered the use of Twitter and similar tools over a wide range of products... more
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      MarketingRelationship MarketingExport-ImportMEZCAL
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      Economic Policy EvaluationInternational TradeColombiaRural Development
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      MarketingExport-ImportMarketing Intelligence
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      Real EstateManufacturingBangladeshDISTRIBUTION
SUMARIO: I.- Introducción. II.- El Acuerdo de Facilitación del Comercio. Antecedentes históricos. Evolución. III.- Principales aspectos. IV.- El rol de las Aduanas en su desarrollo e implementación. V.- Beneficios. VI.- La Facilitación... more
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      International TradeInternational trade lawTrade FacilitationExport-Import
Our sincere thanks go to Course Instructor "Zakia Binte Jamal" showed immense interest and enthusiasm to help us analyze and bring out an outcome of this marketing plan. Without her help we could not do the project properly. We would also... more
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      International LawStrategic ManagementInternational MarketingExport-Import
The study was designed to focus on the effect of glass ceiling on women employees in hospital sector of Karaikudi district in Tamil Nadu. The conceptual framework was outlined was to identify how various factors of glass ceiling affects... more
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      ManagementIslamic StudiesExport-Import
This paper explains the process by which El Sewedy Company in Egypt decided to expand internationally by examining several modes of entry and choosing the best choice to expand in Russia and Kazakhstan. The results confirm that the... more
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      BusinessManagementRussian StudiesEconomics
Conceptually elimination or reduction of trade barriers through a Regional Trading Arrangement would increase export and import in the region. Trade diversion would take effect and make member countries buy each other goods and services... more
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      International TradeRegionalismASEANExport-Import
The purpose of this report was to examine Guinness, an existing business that is already international, and the implications of expansion into additional international markets; specifically the country of Nigeria (Guinness Nigeria,... more
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      BusinessMarketingEconomicsInternational Business