Exponential Growth
Recent papers in Exponential Growth
Commensurate with this exponential growth in the depth and breadth of derivative markets and the range of financial products traded therein, there needs to be developed a comprehensive mathematical framework to support the, hitherto,... more
Growth kinetics of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in batch cultures, containing prills of elementary sulfur as the sole energy source, were studied by measuring the incorporation of radioactive phosphorus in free and adsorbed bacteria. The... more
The available mathematical models describing tumor growth and the effect of anticancer treatments on tumors in animals are of limited use within the drug industry. A simple and effective model would allow applying quantitative thinking to... more
Recent progress in genomics and experimental biology has brought exponential growth of the biological information available for computational analysis in public genomics databases. However, applying the potentially enormous scientific... more
Growth curves were generated for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in brain±heart infusion broth incubated at 37 or158C in the presence of individual and combinations of competing micro£ora. Broths were inoculated with E. coli O157:H7 (log 10 3Á00... more
If one goes backward in time, the number of ancestors of an individual doubles at each generation. This exponential growth very quickly exceeds the population size, when this size is finite. As a consequence, the ancestors of a given... more
Objective: The objective of this paper is to analyse and quantify the effects exerted on summer mortality by extremes of heat, particularly among persons aged 65–74 and 75 years and over, groups in which mortality is higher. Methods: The... more
Abstract-Backtracking search is frequently applied to solve a constraint-based search prob!em, but it often suffers from exponential growth of computing time. We present an alternative to backtracking search: local search with conflict... more
The extension efficiency of PCR-driven DNA amplification was examined by step-controlled limiting dilution method using as internal controls 8E5 lymphocytes carrying a single copy of H~ genome. The results reveal that under standard... more
Globalization, free trade, and individualization have opened up a worldwide marketplace for trading goods. The fair trade movement and other political consumerist endeavours view consumers as important active holders of responsibility for... more
The generation of Lagrangian chaos has been studied experimentally in a twisted duct flow, a configuration representing a three-dimensional steady open flow in which various signatures of Lagrangian chaos are documented. The twisted duct... more
Abstract. Ontology at the beginning was (and it is still usually) conceived as a defini-tely philosophical discipline, far from the world of technology. Nevertheless, in the last years, the exponential growth of communication through the... more
The linear historic global crop yield trends found in this study, when extended, trace future rates of yield gain that are well below the recent growth in food demand. Fortunately for consumers, the population growth rates have also... more
Petri nets (PN) are useful for the modelling, analysis and control of hybrid dynamical systems (HDS) because PN combine in a comprehensive way discrete events and continuous behaviours. On one hand, PN are suitable for modelling the... more
An estimate of the lag phase duration is an important component for predicting the growth of a bacterium and for creating process models and risk assessments. Most current research and data for predictive modeling programs initiated... more
The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth of sequence information in the field of biological macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids and their interactions with other molecules. Computational analyses for... more
Episodes of population growth and decline leave characteristic signatures in the distribution of nucleotide (or restriction) site differences between pairs of individuals. These signatures appear in histograms showing the relative... more
Internet was designed for network services without any intention for secure communication. Exponential growth of internet and its users have developed an era of global competition and rivalry. Denial of service attack by multiple nodes is... more
Cell viability was improved by supplemental feeding of amino acids and vitamins in batch culture of hybridoma cells. Cells could be maintained over a 10 day period following exponential growth at a constant viable cell concentration of... more
A freshly-prepared yeast extract at 30 or 50 g/1 improved the growth of Bradyrhizobium japonicum SEMIA 587 in a 5-1 stirred fermenter. Monosodium glutamate or a commercial yeast extract at 2.0 g/1 almost doubled cell mass productivity and... more
The Solow growth model assumes that labor force grows exponentially. This is not a realistic assumption because, exponential growth implies that population increases to infinity as time tends to infinity. In this paper we propose... more
In this paper we compare two alternative theoretical approaches for simulating the growth of cell aggregates in vitro: individual cell (agent)-based models and continuum models. We show by a quantitative analysis of both a biophysical... more
AbstractÐIn the past decade, the exponential growth in commodity CPU's speed has far outpaced advances in memory latency. A second trend is that CPU performance advances are not only brought by increased clock rate, but also by increasing... more
Each technology transfer (TT) transaction takes place because of some motivation on the part of the respective participants. This paper attempts to create a generic taxonomy that lists such motivations and links them to the participants... more
This chapter has two goals. The first goal is to compare Machine Learning (ML) and Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD, also often called Data Mining, DM) insisting on how much they actually differ. In order to make my ideas somewhat easier... more
In the 2010s, artists abandoned the present in favour of the past, the future, and other, larger temporalities. Art is no longer contemporary, but extemporary.
The theory of autocatalytic binary ligation is reviewed within the context of a consistently applied Michaelis-Menten quasi-steady-state approximation to obtain explicit analytical results describing time-course data from experiments. A... more
Data Mining has become a buzzword in industry in recent years. It is something that everyone is talking about but few seem to understand. There are two reasons for this lack of understanding: First is the fact that Data Mining researchers... more
The identi¢ability properties of the Baranyi model for bacterial growth were investigated, both structurally and applied to real-life data. Using the Taylor-series approach, it was formally proven that the model is structurally... more
In this brief discussion, we try to make understand what exponential growth is and how it is related with SARS-CoV-2, with giving significant pathways of remedy for India and many regions which are in the same situation as India (We call... more
Exponential growth in storage requirements and an increasing number of heterogeneous devices and application policies are making enterprise storage management a nightmare for administrators. Back-of-the-envelope calculations, rules of... more
“A good word is like a good tree having its roots firm and its branches in the sky”
- Quran 14:24 (part)
- Quran 14:24 (part)
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the abridgment of the waste generated from domestic, commercial, and construction activities by natural persons that is collected and treated by municipalities. Exponential growth of population and... more
Since its introduction by the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki, the place held by ethics in biomedical research has been continuously increasing in importance. The past 30 years have also seen exponential growth in the... more
Exploring the convergence of blockchain, systems design, new organizational design, cryptoeconomics, exponential organizations and the nature of the firm.