Experimental Film and Television.

39 papers
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Experimental Film and Television is a genre that challenges conventional narrative and aesthetic norms through innovative techniques, non-linear storytelling, and unconventional visual styles. It often explores themes of perception, identity, and the medium itself, prioritizing artistic expression and viewer engagement over traditional commercial considerations.
If somebody living in Dublin and preparing a solo-performance for an academic audience in Cork retreats to a location in Berlin to rehearse for his upcoming show – isn’t that somewhat peculiar? One evening in the winter of 1801 I met an... more
In 1950 and 1952, the British Broadcast Corporation (BBC) and Radio Télévision Française (RTF) realized the first transnational television transmissions ever. The so called 'Calais Experiment' (1950) and the 'Paris Week' (1952) were... more
Éric Thouvenel/ Carole Contant: Não é uma questão muito original para começarmos, mas... Como aconteceu de você fazer filmes em primeiro lugar? Martin Arnold: Quando eu era jovem, no fim dos anos 70, eu ia frequentemente ao Filmmuseum de... more
« L'incendie va vers la mer », ces mots d'André Werpin dans le film, récemment élu maire en mars 1971, nous évoquent aujourd'hui les incendies de 2003, puis de cet été 2021, qui ont suivi le même chemin du vent, mais ce point commun... more
This paper looks at the early years of the Service de la Recherche - Radio-Télévision Française (including its prefiguration before 1960) in terms of its relationship to early television. While criticizing the forms of standardization... more
Film as document The moment when Siegfried Kracauer knew that he wanted to write of film as what he terms the ‘Discover of the Marvels of Everyday Life’ is relayed in his introduction to the Theory of Film from 1960.1 Kracauer recalls... more
Film as document The moment when Siegfried Kracauer knew that he wanted to write of film as what he terms the ‘Discover of the Marvels of Everyday Life’ is relayed in his introduction to the Theory of Film from 1960.1 Kracauer recalls... more
Journée d'études - 30 novembre 2022 - Maison de la recherche de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 5e ar. Diffusé d’août 1969 à octobre 1975, de façon irrégulière en termes de programmation, d’horaires et de chaîne (pas d’émissions en 1970 ou... more
This book maps the presence of moving images within the field of public art through encounters with passersby. It argues that far from mere distraction or spectacle, moving images can produce moments of enchantment that can renew,... more
This Makes Me Want to Predict the Past is a black-and-white film by Cana Bilir-Meier, with a voiceover that includes the titular phrase 'This makes me want to remember the future', along with many other variants of 'This makes me want... more
The way Kluge juggles between Marxism and postmodernism.
This interview arose out of a shared desire to document some of the unwritten, anecdotal history of film studies and the cultures of cinema more broadly. In a conversation with Karola Gramann and Heide Schlüpmann, film and media scholars... more
Ten papers or chapters on ORTF's Service de la Recherche. V3 Dix articles ou chapitres sur le Service de la Recherche. V3 Fims and TV-shows analysed among others : Psychodrame (Rossellini, 1956) ; Autoportrait Dubuffet (1964), Le... more
Filmes constituídos de fragmentos de obras já existentes, que po-dem incluir noticiários, filmes governamentais, industriais, médi-cos, educativos, hollywoodianos de baixo orçamento, pornográfi-cos, assim como trailers e anúncios... more
The challenge of the dominant discourses on &dquo;public&dquo; and &dquo;public sphere&dquo; as well as on &dquo;private&dquo; and &dquo;non-political&dquo; is a practical necessity of any radical political initiative. In recent decades,... more
Conférence-débat autour d'une sélection d'archives du Service de la Recherche, présentées et analysées par Guillaume Soulez. Avec Jocelyne Tournet, Marie-Claire Schaeffer, Jérôme Lefdup et Boris Razon.
In Germany, Kluge is regarded both as a major filmmaker and as a major social theorist in the tradition of the Frankfurt School. His films center upon the question of memory and history. For Kluge, the memory of any given situation is... more
Reply to questionnaire on avant garde film audience.  Spiral  no. 9 (Oct. 1986) 9-11.
The spirit of research seems to have almost deserted public television nowadays. In the 60ies and 70ies, Pierre Schaeffer and the Service de la Recherche of the ORTF tried to experiment new "dispositifs" to counter our audiovisual habits.... more
This chapter discusses five important books published in the field of Film Theory in 2015 and is divided into five sections: 1. Film Rhythm After Sound; 2. Closed Circuits; 3. The Feel-Bad Film; 4. Realism as Protest; 5. Farocki/Godard:... more
Presentation of Pierre Schaeffer and Service de la Recherche's visions of (free) speech and of "dispositif". Specific analysis of "Sylvie, comédienne" ("Vocations" series, 1969) and "Observateur/observé 3 - Autoportrait Pierre Schaeffer"... more
Este artigo analisa o filme Decasia: the state of decay, de Bill Morrison, com o propósito de perceber de que maneira o informe pode ser pensado como desarticulação do tempo a partir da apropriação de imagens deterioradas, fragmentadas.
Review of new Irish film, Shem the Penman Sings Again, an imagined archive of the actual and much fabled friendship between James Joyce and tenor John McCormack, inspired by aspects of Finnegans Wake.
The artist Stan Brakhage drew creatively from the habits, limitations, and thresholds of human visual perception. This article examines how Brakhage compelled viewers to attend to their visual perceptions in a unique way when engaging... more
Slobodan Šijan: kolonizacijom anahronih filmoloških tekstova iz tačke uzavrele rasprave o crnom talasu u jugoslovenskom filmu (list 3: "Istorija filma") bio je manifestni postupak ove samoosnovane filmske institucije .
Front cover illustration: Alexander Kluge. Photo: Regina Schmeken Back cover illustration: Artists under the Big Top: Perplexed () Cover design: Kok Korpershoek, Amsterdam Lay-out: japes, Amsterdam isbn      (paperback)... more
is one of the most important voices of the 20 th century. A political philosopher associated with the writings of the Frankfurt School, a filmmaker and a novelist, Kluge is a figure that has challenged Orthodox Marxist philosophy and the... more