Experimental Aerodynamics
Recent papers in Experimental Aerodynamics
For the course of aerodynamic it's planned to do some experimental experience with a small wind tunnel. In this case, the target is the profile of pressure around an infinite NACA 23012 foil that interact with a NACA 4412 foil on which... more
For the course of aerodynamic it's planned to do some experimental experience with a small wind tunnel. In this case, the target is the profile of pressure around an infinite cylinder. The paper is in italian, because its' my original... more
In this thesis, the theoretical and the experimental approaches were performed to study the transitional characteristics of aerodynamic coefficients and flow field of the NACA 633-018 airfoil at Re ranging from 1.32×10E4 ~ 1.09×10E5. For... more
Nowadays, there are various ways to study gas and fluid flows in wind tunnels and are still an important field of scientific research. The objectives of the research intended to present the basic principle of flow visualization techniques... more
This paper is an attempt to summarize the effect of wing tip devices employed by birds, as well as aeronautical engineers in the past to improve the performance characteristics of aircraft. The focus is on reduction of the induced drag or... more
Particle image velocimetry was used in a low-speed wind tunnel to investigate the vortex structures of a slender reverse delta wing at various angles of attack and roll. This work investigates the characteristics of the vortices generated... more
The increase of the worldwide greenhouse gas emissions is a growing danger. The global carbon emission from fossil fuels has raised through the 10,000 million metric tonnes by 2014 [36]. The aviation sector has its part in this global... more
An investigation of the flow field around a double-delta wing was carried out at the Aerodynamics Analysis and Design Laboratory’s (AADL) water tunnel facility. The model has a sharp leading edge and 76=40 configuration, which is... more
The unsteady flow field around oscillating OA-209 airfoil at a Reynolds number of 3.5×105 were investigated. Three different reduced frequencies were tested in order to see how it affects the hysteresis loop of an airfoil. At a reduced... more
This paper describes the experimental and computational work carried at the university facility. The experimental winglet model made of Medium Density Fiber (MDF) board while computational model was created using CATIA V6 software... more
A six component force balance was used to obtain the C L for a reverse delta wing and a delta wing for comparison purposes. A simulation of the streamlines, velocity vectors and surface pressure contours was carried out using CFD software... more
This paper describes the results of an experimental investigation of the wake region of a model wind turbine rotor with tip injection. The experiments are conducted by placing a specially designed three-bladed horizontal axis wind turbine... more
Effects of the sideslip angle on the wing-kinematics and the aerodynamic forces and moments generated by the locusts were investigated in a low-speed wind tunnel. Three locusts (Schistocerca americana) were tested at tunnel speeds of 0,... more
A systematic investigation into the design and simulation of flow parameters in a closed-loop wind tunnel was carried out using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The analytical model for estimating pressure losses were directed as input... more
Bluff bodies may assume arbitrary attitudes in a flow, causing aerodynamic loads that are sensitive to attitude. The Continuous Rotation technique obtains 6-component loads on bluff bodies with 1-degree azimuth resolution about selected... more
Particle Image Velocimetry was used in a low speed wind tunnel to investigate the vortex structures of a slender reverse delta wing at various angles of attack and roll. This work investigates the characteristics of the vortices generated... more
In this paper, variation of static torque and drag coefficient of an S-Shaped Savonius rotor have been studied for different number of rotor blades. This has been done by measuring the pressure distribution on the blade surfaces for... more
Flight pressure and heat flux data have been compared to angle-of-attack-and yaw-dependent computational-fluid-dynamics results for pressure distribution as well as laminar and turbulent heat-transfer results at three time points in the... more
Aerodynamic and inertial forces and corresponding kinematics of flapping wings of locusts, Schistocerca americana, were investigated in a low-speed wind tunnel. The experimental setup included live locusts mounted on microbalance... more
Aerodynamic and inertial forces and corresponding kinematics of flapping wings of locusts, Schistocerca Americana, were investigated in a low-speed wind tunnel. The experimental setup included live locusts mounted on microbalance... more
The calibration tests based on the ISSI BF 400 paint have been shown and the obstacles were addressed making these successful measurements. There are slight changes in the calibration curves according to different reference temperature... more
Maximum drag achievement is the main purpose in parachute design. Common assumptions in parachutes simulation are simplified inflated canopy geometry and impermeability of parachute canopy. In this research, these assumptions result in... more
Unilamellar liposomes with incorporated hapten–phospholipid conjugates were proposed as models of polyvalent antigens with migrating determinants for quantitative analysis of their interaction with antibodies. The monovalent pesticide... more
ABSTRACT A transonic natural-laminar-flow wing design procedure has been set up, integrating a parametric geometry model with several analysis tools. A direct design strategy has been applied and three levels of aerodynamic analysis have... more
In general, wind turbine blades operate in subsonic regions along with turbulent flow conditions. This paper deals with noise due to turbulent inflow around the blades based on Amiet's and Lowson's model formulation .This mechanism is... more
Experimental testes were carried out to investigate the flow near a flap side-edge with attached porous plate as a potential noise reduction device. The experiments were performed over a wing to simplify the installation. The objective... more
An extensive experimental investigation is conducted to study the effect of canard position... more
The HIFiRE-5 test article was an elliptic cone with a 2.5-mm nose radius and 2:1 aspect ratio and a 7-degree minor-axis half-angle. The vehicle was flown in April 2012. The upper stage of the sounding rocket failed to ignite, resulting in... more
The HIFiRE-5 test article was an elliptic cone with a 2.5-mm nose radius and 2:1 aspect ratio and a 7-degree minor-axis half-angle. The vehicle was flown in April 2012. The upper stage of the sounding rocket failed to ignite, resulting in... more
Experimental tests were performed to investigate the flow near a flap side-edge with attached porous plate as a potential noise reduction device. The experiments were performed using a single wing to simplify the installation. The... more
This paper describes the experimental and computational work carried at the university facility. The experimental winglet model made of Medium Density Fiber (MDF) board while computational model was created using CATIA V6 software... more
Particle Image Velocimetry was used in a low speed wind tunnel to investigate the vortex structures of a slender reverse delta wing at various angles of attack and roll. This work investigates the characteristics of the vortices generated... more
In nature, many fish aggregate into large groups or schools for protection against predators, for social interactions and to save energy during migrations. Regardless of their prime motivation, fish experience three-dimensional flow... more
Experimental tests were performed to investigate the flow near a flap side-edge with attached porous plate as a potential noise reduction device. The experiments were performed using a single wing to simplify the installation. The... more