Recent papers in Exoskeletons
Low back pain is a leading cause of disability, and there is a tremendous need for nonsurgical, nonpharmaceutical interventions to manage it. Versatile spinal exoskeletons have been proposed as a method of supporting or augmenting the... more
Stroke can be a source of significant upper extremity dysfunction and affect the quality of life (QoL) in survivors. In this context, novel rehabilitation approaches employing robotic rehabilitation devices combined with brain-machine... more
This correspondence presents a prototype of a powered hand exoskeleton that is designed to fit over the gloved hand of an astronaut and offset the stiffness of the pressurized space suit. This will keep the productive time spent in... more
Trunk exoskeletons are wearable devices that support humans during physically demanding tasks by reducing biomechanical loads on the back. While most trunk exoskeletons are rigid devices, more lightweight soft exoskeletons (exosuits) have... more
In this paper, we present the design, fabrication and evaluation of a soft wearable robotic glove, which can be used with functional Magnetic Resonance imaging (fMRI) during the hand rehabilitation and task specific training. The soft... more
Актуальность использования промышленных экзоскелетов для снижения количества профессиональных заболеваний опорно-двигательного аппарата верхней части тела 1 ФГУ «Федеральный исследовательский центр Институт прикладной математики им. М.В.... more
In this paper, we present the design of a soft wearable exoskeleton that comprises of a glove embedded with pneumatic actuators of variable stiffness for hand assistive and rehabilitation application. The device is lightweight and easily... more
In this paper, the development of a legged robot which have needed features for search and rescue operations to access to survivors is aimed. Different walking algorithms are designed for this purpose and tested their performance.... more
This paper discusses the emergency of retweets networks motivated by live TV transmissions. Based in Actor-Network Theory, the paper considers networks as result of assemblages and agencies that must be analysed in a temporal way, in... more
The illaenid trilobite Vysocania is widely represented in the Upper Ordovician of the Czech Republic, Portugal and Spain, and is one of the most characteristic taxa in the high-latitude peri-Gondwana palaeobiogeographical region to which... more
The exoskeleton-type system is a brand new type of man-machine intelligent system. It fully combines human intelligence and machine power so that machine intelligence and human operator's power are both enhanced. Therefore, it achieves a... more
Modern wearable robots are not yet intelligent enough to fully satisfy the demands of end users, as they lack the sensor fusion algorithms needed to provide optimal assistance and react quickly to perturbations or changes in user... more
In response to Bill Maher's 'New Rules' on his version of "masculinity". https://twitter.com/JacobinTrotsky/status/1507562612342546436 Other than the "hormonal male" or the resentful 'in-cel'. There's the cultural anarchist-renegade,... more
The design of a wearable robotic exoskeleton needs to consider the interaction, either physical or cognitive, between the human user and the robotic device. This paper presents a method to analyse the interaction between the human user... more
Se presenta la descripción del control en modo voltaje de seguimiento de trayectorias deseadas de flexión y extensión () para el mecanismo reproductor del movimiento planar de la rodilla descrito en [1]. En este esquema de control... more
Robotic exoskeleton is getting important to human in many aspects such as power assist, muscle training,regain motor function and rehabilitation. The research and development towards these functions are expected to be combined and... more
Sebbene apparentemente confinati nell'immaginario fantascientifico, gli esoscheletri, intesi come manufatti elettromeccanici integrabili con le funzioni umane ed indossabili dall'uomo, sono oggi una realtà tecnologica sulla quale... more
a We introduce a new type of hybrid material: nanostructured elastomer covered by a hard photoactive metal-oxide thin film resembling exoskeleton of insects. It has extreme water repellency and fast self-recovery after damage. A new... more
—In this paper 1 , the actuator-sizing problem has been addressed for exoskeleton to operate effectively and smoothly. The purpose of this exoskeleton is to assist paralyzed children to move their lower limb and perform a gait motion.... more
In this paper, we study the human locomotor adaptation to the action of a powered exoskeleton providing assistive torque at the user's hip during walking. To this end, we propose a controller that provides the user's hip with a fraction... more
A healthy city is one that is continually creating and improving those physical and social environments and expanding those community resources which enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and... more
Think of an upside down parabola. What you could name as 'the feet in the air' for the tips of the curve at the top; they represent those of the most satiated over-compensated decompression while those at the bottom of the U-curve are... more
This paper presents a novel electromyography (EMG)-driven hand exoskeleton for bilateral rehabilitation of grasping in stroke. The developed hand exoskeleton was designed with two distinctive features: (a) kinematics with intrinsic... more
Soft, lightweight, underactuated assistive gloves (exogloves) can be useful for enhancing the capabilities of a healthy individual or to assist the rehabilitation of patients who suffer from conditions that limit the mobility of their... more
Work without the encumbrance of the worker is paralleled by “food without food.” You can directly consume proteins and carbohydrates and other necessary ingredients for the body, no need for food. Soylent is one such powdered ‘food... more
Lower-limb wearable robots have been proposed as a means to augment or assist the wearer's natural performance, in particular, in the military and medical field. Previous research studies on human-robot interaction and biomechanics have... more
A wearable robot called the ‘Exoskeleton’ has been developed to assist in human activity in industrial and medical contexts. The Exoskeleton product interacts with the human body much more closely than do other products. Thus, it is... more
This paper presents a novel electromyography (EMG)-driven hand exoskeleton for bilateral rehabilitation of grasping in stroke. The developed hand exoskeleton was designed with two distinctive features: (a) kinematics with intrinsic... more
PL: Zbyt ciężki ekwipunek żołnierzy może powodować kontuzje, urazy i trwałe inwalidztwo oraz zmniejszać efektywność bojową oddziałów. Dlatego amerykańskie siły zbrojne próbują zmniejszyć obciążenie swoich oddziałów, między innymi... more
Many 4-DOF exoskeleton type robot devices have been widely developed for the gait rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. However, most systems run with purely position control not allowing voluntary active movements of the subject. The... more
An exoskeleton is a wearable electromechanical structure that is intended to resemble and allow movements in a manner similar to the human skeletal system. They can be used by both disabled and able people alike to increase physical... more
Robotic hand exoskeletons have become a popular and efficient technological solution for assisting people that suffer from neurological conditions and for enhancing the capabilities of healthy individuals. This class of devices ranges... more
Metabolic studies have shown that there is a metabolic cost associated with carrying load . Several leg exoskeletons have been developed by various groups in an attempt to augment the load carrying capability of the human. Previous... more
Metabolic studies have shown that there is a metabolic cost associated with carrying load . Several leg exoskeletons have been developed by various groups in an attempt to augment the load carrying capability of the human. Previous... more
Avoiding falls is a challenge for many persons in aging societies, and balance dysfunction is a major risk factor. Robotic solutions to assist human gait, however, focus on average kinematics, and less on instantaneous balance reactions.... more
We propose a novel control method for lower-limb assist that produces a virtual modification of the mechanical impedance of the human limbs. This effect is accomplished by making the exoskeleton display active impedance properties. Active... more