Exile and Restoration
Recent papers in Exile and Restoration
Vite di esuli. Percorsi artistici, politici e professionali tra Cinquecento e Novecento
A cura di Fabio D’Angelo Prefazione di Niccolò Guasti
Vite di esuli. Percorsi artistici, politici e professionali tra Cinquecento e Novecento
A cura di Fabio D’Angelo Prefazione di Niccolò Guasti
This thesis argues for the presence of retributive theodicy in the book of Lamentations. This is done through a comparison with three ancient Near Eastern laments. In chapter one, the precedent for such a study is established through the... more
After the Second World War 'homeland Estonians' and 'Estonians living abroad' co-existed on two sides of the Iron Curtain equally maintaining to be the rightful bearer of a 'true' Estonianess. Based on a sample of life story interviews... more
Esilio e ritorno L'inesausto sforzo di ricostruire la storia d'Israele può essere paragonato all'incessante movimento di un pendolo 1 che nel suo incedere si ferma a scandire le diverse ore della giornata. Proprio come il pendolo, gli... more
Nel corso dell'Ottocento il controllo poliziesco si profilò, per il continente europeo, prima come una delle componenti essenziali del sistema internazionale messo a punto da Metternich e poi come una funzione da rimodulare a fronte della... more
In a synchronic perspective, the passage Ez 36:31-32, concluding the core of salvation promises in 36:16-38, is of crucial importance within the oracles of salvations of the book, highlighting the enduring effect that the restoration of... more
A survey of English translations of Zechariah 14:21 will yield two diverse interpretive conclusions of the text. This difference is founded on how the Hebrew word כְּנַעֲנִי is to be understood within the context. Some opt for the... more
Texts, Contexts and Readings in Postexilic Literature: Explorations into Historiography and Identity Negotiation in Hebrew Bible and Related Texts (ed. Louis C. Jonker; Forschungen zum Alten Testament II, 53; Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2011)... more
The Messianic Era: Conditions: In theology the Messianic Age is a future time of universal peace and brotherhood on the earth, without crime, war and poverty. Many Abrahamic religions firmly believe that there will be such an age; some... more
Abstract This article takes as its starting point the proposition of the New Testament scholar N. T. Wright that literature of the Second Temple period and also the New Testament view the Babylonian exile as still enduring. In order to... more
A survey of English translations of Zechariah 14:21 will yield two diverse interpretive conclusions of the text. This difference is founded on how the Hebrew word כְּנַעֲנִי is to be understood within the context. Some opt for the... more
This collection of essays originated in the "Exile and Forced Migrations" section of the SBL Annual Meetings of 2016 and 2018. In their joint introduction to the volume (1-9), editors Pamela Barmash and Mark W. Hamilton credit Peter... more
"How God, Moses, and Comet Halley Freed Hebrew Slaves in Egypt" shows that Comet Halley and Thera Volcano played major roles in the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. In that report, Comet Halley is identified as the angel of God,... more
A survey of English translations of Zechariah 14:21 will yield two diverse interpretive conclusions of the text. This difference is founded on how the Hebrew word כְּנַעֲנִי is to be understood within the context. Some opt for the... more
The textual material of the book(s) of Ezra-Nehemiah has been approached from several viewpoints, from the historical to the redactional, and has been recently investigated through sociological and anthropological methods. The present... more
As the tablets from Al Yahudu and other sites in Babylon make clear, the Judeans apparently lived a normal life in exile in Babylon. 1 They had children, property, and the rights to bequeath their property to their children. They had male... more
An increasingly common assessment of the Second Temple period posits a widespread belief, even among Jews living in Judea, that Israel remained in a state of ongoing exile long after the sixth-century return from exile following the... more
Here is the poster for the upcoming Symposium Peregrinum 2022, I thank the hard work of the other co-organizers who were our society's founders Pat Johnston, Attilio Mastrocinque, and László Takács and also our host, Elena Santagati.... more
A synthetic analysis of the ways in which some post-exilic Old Testament books portray the ending of the Babylonian Captivity.
La région Savoie occupe une place stratégique instable sur l’échiquier européen. Berceau depuis l’an mil d’une dynastie « piémontisée », elle est délaissée par ses souverains dès 1563 lorsque Turin, devenu capitale, relègue Chambéry au... more
This paper proposes a Catholic case study in a field dominated by studies on Protestant migrants. One of the main differences between the confessions was the institutional provision for the liturgical and devotional lives of laity abroad.... more
Published in: Memory and the City in Ancient Israel Edited by Diana V. Edelman and Ehud Ben Zvi Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2014, pp. 309-320 This article is a companion piece to “Gates in the Ground and Castles in the Air” that... more
A survey of English translations of Zechariah 14:21 will yield two diverse interpretive conclusions of the text. This difference is founded on how the Hebrew word כְּנַעֲנִי is to be understood within the context. Some opt for the... more
This study examines exile in the Old Testament and whether it may be used as a metaphor for modern Christian life (and that of ancient Israel). It will be seen that biblical images of exile differ considerably between different texts and... more
L’existence humaine est marquée collectivement par une succession d’exils, dont la Bible notamment se fait la transmettrice, à travers les récits des tribulations du peuple d’Israël qu’elle relate. Dès les origines, l’Adam est expulsé du... more
A survey of English translations of Zechariah 14:21 will yield two diverse interpretive conclusions of the text. This difference is founded on how the Hebrew word כְּנַעֲנִי is to be understood within the context. Some opt for the... more
A survey of English translations of Zechariah 14:21 will yield two diverse interpretive conclusions of the text. This difference is founded on how the Hebrew word כְּנַעֲנִי is to be understood within the context. Some opt for the... more
Abstrak: Dalam novel Petals of Blood, A Grain of Wheat dan Weep Not, Child karya Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, tampak adanya keraguan terhadap nasionalisme yang diproblematisasi sebagai kerangka ideologis untuk membentuk masyarakat Kenya sebagai... more
Parole chiave: Esilio, Risorgimento, Mediterraneo, Rivoluzioni.
Several cases in the so-called Āl-Yaḫūdu texts present us with administrative peculiarity concerning the status of the Judean šušānûs vis-à-vis the Ērib-nāri satrap. The paper presents a solution to the textual problems in these texts and... more
A survey of English translations of Zechariah 14:21 will yield two diverse interpretive conclusions of the text. This difference is founded on how the Hebrew word כְּנַעֲנִי is to be understood within the context. Some opt for the... more
The theme of this year's Cambridge Comparative Social and Cultural History Seminar is 'exile'. We have a really exciting programme which encompasses the diversity of exile experiences. We want the conversation continue beyond the walls of... more
The margins of NA27 and NA28 note an allusion to Lam 2:15 in Matt 27:39, which describes the mocking of passersby during the crucifixion of Jesus. This paper assumes for the sake of argument that the allusion is valid and suggests a... more