Recent papers in Exhaustification
In this thesis, I focus on scalar implicatures, presuppositions and their connections. In chapter 2, I propose a scalar implicature-based account of neg-raising inferences, standardly analyzed as a presuppositional phenomenon (Gajewski... more
Bare conditionals show an unexpected quantificational variability contingent on whether they are embedded in an Upward Entailing context (universal import) or a Downward Entailing context (existential import). Contra Herburger (2015a,... more
[POLARITY SENSITIVE ITEMS, FREE CHOICE, ALTERNATIVES, EXHAUSTIFICATION] Logic in Grammar reflects the results of Chierchia's research on Negative Polarity Items (NPIs), n-words, Free Choice Items (FCIs), Scalar Implicatures (SIs) and... more
We propose a modification of the exhaustivity operator from Fox (2007) that on top of negating all the Innocently Excludable (IE) alternatives affirms all the `Innocently Includable' (II) ones. The main result of supplementing the notion... more
In this paper, I give an analysis of neg-raising inferences as scalar implicatures. The main motivation for this account as opposed to a presupposition-based approach comes from the differences between presuppositions and neg-raising... more
I provide arguments in favor of an implicature approach to Homogeneity (Magri 2014) where the basic meaning of "the kids laughed" is "some of the kids laughed", and its strengthened meaning is "all of the kids laughed". The arguments come... more
The aim of this paper is to present a new account for imperatives and their interaction with free choice item any and disjunctive or. Specifically, I argue that free choice inferences are a conversational implicature rather than an... more
Two different readings are possible in English when a conjunction of definite objects is negated. It is argued in the present paper that different sets of alternatives are active in the two cases, but that this is only possible with the... more
The goal of this talk is to provide a global account of universal Free Choice (FC) inferences (argued to be needed in Chemla 2009). We propose a stronger exhaustivity operator than proposed in Fox (2007), one that doesn’t only negate all... more
Warlpiri (Pama-Nyungan, Australia) has a single coordinator, manu. This coordinator occurs in constructions of the form P manu Q. In the following paper, I argue that manu has a non-strengthened disjunctive denotation (∨) which can... more
According to the 'grammatical account', scalar implicatures are triggered by a covert exhaustification operator present in logical form. This account covers considerable empirical ground, but there is a peculiar pattern that resists... more
In this talk I discuss the obstacles for the analysis of the Russian coordinator ni... ni ‘(n)either... (n)or’ as a disjunction within the scope of negation. Those include the existence of contexts where ni... ni is—at least... more
The presuppositions inherited from the consequent of a conditional or the (second) disjunct of a disjunction oscillate between a conditional and a non-conditional inference, depending on the context ; the so-called 'proviso problem'... more
Two different readings are possible in English when a conjunction of definite objects is negated. It is argued in the present paper that different sets of alternatives are active in the two cases, but that this is only possible with the... more
Some languages make use of special forms for coordination markers in negative environments, known as negative coordination (‘Nina will neither sing nor dance’). This dissertation explores negative coordination in English and in BCMS... more
Bare conditionals show an unexpected quantificational variability contingent on whether they are embedded in an Upward Entailing context (universal import) or a Downward Entailing context (existential import). Contra Herburger (2015a,... more