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The study findings will help improve the treatment of patients with chronic WAD.
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      Health BehaviorExercise therapyProspective studiesClinical Sciences
Therapeutic horse riding is often employed for disabled children. The aim of the present paper was to determine the influence of exercise in a mechanical saddle, imitating horse's walk, on the skin temperature responses in lower limbs... more
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      ThermographyCerebral PalsyAdolescentExercise therapy
Extensive computer use amongst office workers has lead to an increase in work-related neck pain. Aberrant activity within the three portions of the trapezius muscle and associated changes in scapular posture have been identified as... more
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      Treatment OutcomeManual TherapyExercise therapyNeck Pain
bone mineral density and lean mass. Only HRC training elicited adaptations in the cardiovascular system and 43 a decrease in fat mass. 44 45 46 47 48 49 65 with advancing age are examples of functional declines with aging, 66 which can... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyEnergyExercise therapyEnergy Metabolism
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      PainExercise therapyAgedRandomized Controlled Trial
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      YogaDancingExercise therapyMuscle strength
The beneficial effect of exercise training and exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on symptom-free exercise capacity,cardiovascular and skeletal muscle function, quality of life, general healthy lifestyle, and reduction of depressive... more
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      ObesityPhysical ActivityTreatment OutcomePublic Health
For neurorehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), the traditional emphasis on social adaptation is being expanded to include strategies that promote plasticity and regeneration in the central nervous system. Such... more
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      Exercise therapyNeuronal PlasticityNerve RegenerationSpinal Cord Injuries
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineExercise therapyLow back painBodywork
Introduction and hypothesis The purpose of this study is to determine whether a Pilates exercise program and a pelvic floor muscle-training (PFMT) program could provide similar improvements in pelvic muscle strength.
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      Exercise therapyMuscle strengthUrogynecologyAged
The European Society of Cardiology heart failure guidelines firmly recommend regular physical activity and structured exercise training (ET), but this recommendation is still poorly implemented in daily clinical practice outside... more
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      Social SciencesPhysical ActivityExercise therapyHeart Failure
Verschuren O, Ketelaar M, Takken T, Helders PJM, Gorter JW: Exercise programs for children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review of the literature. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2007;86:000 -000.
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      Cerebral PalsyAdolescentExercise therapyActivities of Daily Living
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringTreatment OutcomeExercise therapy
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      EngineeringSports MedicineEducationHealth Promotion
This prospective, randomized study investigated the effect of exercise on leptin, insulin, cortisol and lipid profiles in obese children. A total of 40 obese boys aged 10-12 years with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m 2 were randomly... more
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      ObesityExercise therapyLipidsProspective studies
Background: Over fifty percent of stroke patients experience chronic arm hand performance problems, compromising independence in daily life activities and quality of life. Task-oriented training may improve arm hand performance after... more
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      RoboticsBiomedical EngineeringQuality of lifeExercise therapy
readaptation-sport) and contains the complete bibliography, replacing the French Society of Cardiology text of 2002, version 2, establishing recommendations for cardiac rehabilitation in adults.
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      CardiologyMental HealthEvidence Based MedicineExercise therapy
Regular thermal therapy, using saunas or hot baths, has the potential to improve impaired insulin sensitivity and boost endothelial expression of the ''constitutive" isoform of nitric oxide synthase-effects, analogous to those of aerobic... more
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      Exercise therapyInsulin ResistanceComputer SimulationExercise
To compare the effects of group-based and individual-based motor skill training on motor performance in children with developmental coordination disorder. Design: Randomized controlled pilot intervention study. Subjects/patients:... more
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      Rehabilitation MedicineTreatment OutcomeExercise therapyChild
C onnective tissue requires motion to maintain its structural integrity. Motion, with its demands for tissue elongation, shortening, and support, creates the necessary stresses for normal fiber biology. Biologic tissues respond to these... more
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      Hand TherapyExercise therapyElasticityCryotherapy
Les é tudes ayant é valué l'activité physique des patients dialysé s ré vè lent une sé dentarité importante. Cette sé dentarité est associé e à une surmortalité. À l'inverse, les bé né fices en termes de morbi-mortalité de l'activité... more
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      Exercise therapyRenal DialysisMotor activitySurveys and Questionnaires
We review data from our institution demonstrating the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training on coronary risk factors, exercise capacity, behavioral characteristics, and quality of life in various subgroups of patients.... more
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      DepressionLife StyleRiskExercise therapy
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      ImmunologyRheumatoid ArthritisExercise therapyClinical Sciences
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      Clinical TrialExercise therapyPhysical TherapyHeadache
Eighty-two patients aged >70 years with heart failure were randomized to a gentle, seated exercise program or to usual care. Six-minute walk distance and quality of life did not change between groups, but daily activity as measured by... more
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      Program EvaluationExercise therapyHeart FailureWalking
Strength training is recommended for children with cerebral palsy. However, it is difficult for moderately impaired children with cerebral palsy, who require crutches for ambulation, to participate in this type of training. The purpose of... more
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      Treatment OutcomeCerebral PalsyVibrationExercise therapy
Low back pain affects the person's ability to keep balance, especially in challenging conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the immediate effects of Pilates exercises on postural sway and dynamic balance of young... more
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      PsychologyComplementary and Alternative MedicineAdolescentExercise therapy
Our aim is to investigate the effects of three therapeutic approaches in the chronic low back pain on pain, spinal mobility, disability, psychological state, and aerobic capacity. Sixty patients with chronic low back pain were randomized... more
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      Exercise therapyMedicinePhysical TherapyLow back pain
Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is difficult to manage for those who are intolerant or noncompliant with standard facial mask treatment options. Current treatment options do not address the underlying cause of OSA. Exercise as... more
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      Respiratory MedicineExercise therapyObstructive sleep apneaExercise
The aim of this study was to compare the effect of a period of therapeutic exercise and reflexology on pain intensity and range of motion in elderly women with knee osteoarthritis. Methods 45 elderly women with osteoarthritis of the knee... more
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      Exercise therapyRange of Motion
The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of increased aerobic capacity versus muscle strength rehabilitation of female hospital staff with long-lasting musculoskeletal back pain. Seventy-nine women agreed to participate in... more
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      Early InterventionExercise therapyHospitalsLow back pain
Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a heterogeneous group of diseases that share some symptoms such as muscular weakness and inflammation of skeletal muscle. Complete recovery of muscle function with pharmacological treatment... more
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      ImmunologyQuality of lifeAutoimmunityTreatment Outcome
To evaluate the effect of cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training on depression after major cardiac events, we studied 338 consecutive patients in whom a major cardiac event had occurred 4 to 6 weeks previously and who were... more
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      Mental HealthDepressionObesityQuality of life
This series of articles for rehabilitation in practice aims to cover a knowledge element of the rehabilitation medicine curriculum. Nevertheless they are intended to be of interest to a multidisciplinary audience. The competency addressed... more
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      FatigueExercise therapyStrokeWalking
Objective: To investigate the role of conventional gait training and partial weighte supported treadmill gait training (PWSTT) in improving the balance of patients with Parkinson disease (PD). Design: Prospective randomized controlled... more
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      Exercise therapyProspective studiesClinical SciencesAnalysis of Variance
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      Health PromotionEpidemiologyResearch DesignAging
Objective Evaluate the feasibility of implementing a combined in-hospital and home-based exercise program in older hemodialysis (HD) patients. Design A prospective longitudinal 12-week pilot study. Setting A university hospital HD unit... more
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      Quality of lifeExercise therapyFeasibility StudyPatient education
Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes are often costly and dependent on the infrastructure of specialised centres. We developed a modular, outpatient-based rehabilitation programme, which is inexpensive and can be implemented in a variety... more
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      Program EvaluationPrimary CareNonparametric StatisticsQuality of life
Purpose To establish physiotherapy management of cancer-related fatigue (CRF), in particular, to determine physiotherapy exercise management of CRF. Methods All physiotherapist members of the UK Association of Chartered Physiotherapists... more
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      Palliative CareEnergy ConservationFatigueExercise therapy
The aim of this study was to integrate a gaze training intervention (i.e., quiet eye training; QET) that has been shown to improve the throwing and catching skill of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), within an... more
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      PsychologySport PsychologyGroup PsychotherapyExercise therapy
Purpose:This study examined the effects of a five-week intervention combining vigorous interval training (VIT) with diet among twenty-four obese adolescents. Fourteen girls and ten boys (aged 14–15) schooled in a pediatric rehabilitation... more
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      DietAdolescentExercise therapyBody Composition
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of BodyBalance ® training on balance, functional task performance, fear of falling, and health-related quality of life in adults aged over 55 years. Participants and methods: A total of... more
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      Occupational TherapyFearQuality of lifeExercise therapy
Water-based exercise for patients with chronic arm lymphedema: A randomized controlled pilot trial.
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      Exercise therapyMedicinePhysical TherapyChronic Disease
Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation is recognized as a core component of the management of individuals with chronic respiratory disease. Since the 2006 American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory Society (ERS) Statement on... more
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      ObesitySkeletal muscle biologyOxidative StressExercise therapy
An important goal in rehabilitation engineering is to develop technology that allows individuals with severe motor impairment to practice arm movement without continuous supervision from a rehabilitation therapist. This paper describes... more
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      RoboticsBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanicsMotor Control
Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) is likely to be high in Aboriginal women in rural Australia due to risk factors including high body mass index, parity and diabetes. However, UI appears to be under-reported with limited information... more
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      Evidence Based MedicineExercise therapyPelvic Organ ProlapseUrodynamics
This article presents an overview of physical therapy management for patients with pathological musculoskeletal conditions of the shoulder. The importance of a thorough physical examination is stressed because proper treatment is based on... more
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      Exercise therapyPhysical TherapyTendinopathyClinical Sciences
Background: Syndromes characterized by chronic, medically unexplained fatigue, effort-and stress-intolerance, and widespread pain are highly prevalent in medicine. Results: In chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM), various... more
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      PsychologyQuality of lifeTreatmentChronic Fatigue Syndrome
The meaning of women's experience of living with long-term urinary incontinence is powerlessness Aim. The aim was to illuminate the meaning of women's experiences of living with urinary incontinence (UI). Background. Living with long-term... more
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      PsychologyNursingQuality of lifeSelf Care
Background: The popularity of running is still growing and, as participation increases, the incidence of running-related injuries will also rise. Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is the most common injury of the lateral side of the knee in... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSports MedicineRunningExercise therapy