The problem addressed in this paper is that of orthogonally packing a given set of rectangular-shaped boxes into the minimum number of rectangular bins. The problem is strongly NP-hard and extremely di cult to solve in practice. Lower... more
In this paper we present a survey of results concerning algorithms, complexity, and applications of the maximum clique problem. We discuss enumerative and exact algorithms, heuristics, and a variety of other proposed methods. An up to... more
In this paper, we deal with the sequencing and routing problem of order pickers in conventional multiparallel-aisle warehouse systems. For this NP-hard Steiner travelling salesman problem (TSP), exact algorithms only exist for warehouses... more
In the well-known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), a set of identical vehicles, based at a central depot, is to be optimally routed to supply customers with known demands subject to vehicle capacity constraints.
While the 1980s were focused on the solution of large sized``easy'' knapsack problems (KPs), this decade has brought several new algorithms, which are able to solve``hard'' large sized instances. We will give an overview of the recent... more
In the well-known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), a set of identical vehicles, based at a central depot, is to be optimally routed to supply customers with known demands subject to vehicle capacity constraints.
This paper presents an exact solution framework for solving some variants of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) that can be modeled as set partitioning (SP) problems with additional constraints. The method consists in combining different... more
This paper presents a new exact algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) based on the set partitioning formulation with additional cuts that correspond to capacity and clique inequalities. The exact algorithm uses a... more
A partially enumerative algorithm is presented for the maximum clique problem which is very simple to implement. Computational results for an efficient implementation on an IBM 3090 computer are provided for randomly generated graphs with... more
The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) is the problem in which a set of identical vehicles located at a central depot is to be optimally routed to supply customers with known demands subject to vehicle capacity constraints. In... more
The school bus routing problem discussed in this paper, is similar to the standard vehicle routing problem, but has several interesting additional features. In the standard VRP all stops to visit are given. In our school bus routing... more
We present a new exact tree-search procedure for solving two-dimensional knapsack problems in which a number of small rectangular pieces, each of a given size and value, are required to be cut from a large rectangular stock plate. The... more
The Hierarchical Chinese Postman Problem (HCPP) is a variant of the classical Chinese Postman Problem, in which the arcs are partitioned into clusters and a precedence relation is deÿned on clusters. Practical applications of the HCPP... more
Car pooling is a transportation service organized by a large company which encourages its employees to pick up colleagues while driving to/from work to minimize the number of private cars travelling to/from the company site. The car... more
Various deterministic scheduling problems with availability constraints motivated by preventive maintenance attract more and more researchers. Many results involving this constraint have been published in recent years. But there is no... more
In this paper, we propose approximate and exact algorithms for the double constrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem (DCTDC). The approximate algorithm is a two-stage procedure. The first stage attempts to produce a... more
Recently hybrid metaheuristics have been design to find solutions for combinatorial optimisation problems. We focus on hybrid procedures that combine local search based metaheuristics with exact algorithms of the operations research... more
Container movement by trucks with time constraints at origins and destinations is modeled as an asymmetric ''multi-Traveling Salesmen Problem with Time Windows'' (m-TSPTW) with social constraints. A two-phase exact algorithm based on... more
The rapid growth of transactional data brought, soon enough, into attention the need of its further exploitation. In this paper, we investigate the problem of securing sensitive knowledge from being exposed in patterns extracted during... more
In the context of multicriteria decision aid, we address the problem of regrouping alternatives into completely ordered categories based on valued preference degrees. We assume that the number of groups is fixed a priori. This will be... more
The industrial planning has experimented great advances since its beginning for a middle of 20 th century. It has been demonstrated its applications importance into the several industrial where its involved even though the difficult of... more
The problem addressed in this paper is that of orthogonally packing a given set of rectangular-shaped boxes into the minimum number of rectangular bins. The problem is strongly NP-hard and extremely di cult to solve in practice. Lower... more
The Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem is a variant of the classical Vehicle Routing Problem in which customers are served by a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles with various capacities, fixed and variable costs. Due to its... more
An exact algorithm is provided for finding the least median of squares (LMS) line for a bivariate regression with no intercept term. It is shown that the popular Program for RObust reGRES-Sion (PROGRESS) routine will not, in general, find... more
The Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem (GVRP) is the problem of designing optimal delivery or collection routes, subject to capacity restrictions, from a given depot to a number of prede®ned, mutually exclusive and exhaustive clusters.... more
In this paper, we describe a new integer programming formulation for the Traveling Salesman Problem with mixed Deliveries and Collections (TSPDC) based on a two-commodity network flow approach. We present new lower bounds that are derived... more
In the Ring Star Problem, the aim is to locate a simple cycle through a subset of vertices of a graph with the objective of minimizing the sum of two costs: a ring cost proportional to the length of the cycle and an assignment cost from... more
This research is motivated by issues faced by a large manufacturer of semiconductor devices. Semiconductor manufacturing companies allocate millions of dollars every year for new types of machine tools for their facilities. Typically... more
This paper describes recent research and theoretical results obtained for cement-based materials using computational materials science techniques. Computer-generated microstructure models are used to simulate the microstructure... more
In calculating the solvation energy of proteins, the hydration effects, drug binding, molecular docking, etc., it is important to have an efficient and exact algorithms for computing the solvent accessible surface area and the excluded... more
The Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem (GVRP) is the problem of designing optimal delivery or collection routes, subject to capacity restrictions, from a given depot to a number of prede®ned, mutually exclusive and exhaustive clusters.... more
Bispectral index (BIS) integrates various electroencephalographic (EEG) parameters into a single variable. However, the exact algorithm used to synthesize the parameters to BIS values is not known. The relationship between BIS and EEG... more
In this paper we present an exact algorithm for the Windy General Routing Problem. This problem generalizes many important Arc Routing Problems and also has some interesting real-life applications. The Branch & Cut method presented here... more
Given an undirected graph G = (V , E), the Vertex Coloring Problem (VCP) requires to assign a color to each vertex in such a way that colors on adjacent vertices are different and the number of colors used is minimized. In this paper, we... more
5 Comparison of various VRP relaxations 6 Branch-and-cut methods Separation algorithms Branching strategies 7 Branch-and-cut-and-price method R. Baldacci (DEIS) Exact Algorithms for the VRP May 12, 2008 2 / 66 Outline (2) Pricing and cut... more
We construct an exact algorithm for the Hamiltonian cycle problem in planar graphs with worst case time complexity O(c √ n ), where c is some fixed constant that does not depend on the instance. Furthermore, we show that under the... more
In this paper, we develop a new version of the algorithm proposed in Hi® (Computers and Operations Research 24/8 (1997) 727±736) for solving exactly some variants of (un)weighted constrained twodimensional cutting stock problems.... more
In this paper we consider the problem in which a fleet of M vehicles stationed at a central depot is to be optimally routed to supply customers with known demands subject to vehicle capacity constraints. This problem is referred as the... more
For more than 40 years Branch & Reduce exponential-time backtracking algorithms have been among the most common tools used for finding exact solutions of NP-hard problems. Despite that, the way to analyze such recursive algorithms is... more
In this paper, we optimally solve the disjunctively constrained knapsack problem (DCKP), which is a variant of the standard knapsack problem with special disjunctive constraints. First, we develop a generic exact approach which can be... more
A company frequently decides on location and design for new facilities in a sequential way. However, for a fixed number of new facilities (in this study we restrict ourselves to the case of two new facilities), the company might improve... more
Multicut is a fundamental network communication and connectivity problem. It is defined as: given an undirected graph and a collection of pairs of terminal vertices, find a minimum set of edges or vertices whose removal disconnects each... more
We present an exact algorithm, based on techniques from the field of Model Checking, for finding control policies for Boolean Networks (BN) with control nodes. Given a BN, a set of starting states, I, a set of goal states, F , and a... more
This paper introduces and evaluates a fast exact algorithm and a series of faster approximate algorithms for the computation of 3D geometric moments from an unstructured surface mesh of triangles. Being based on the object surface reduces... more
We consider the following problem of scheduling with conflicts (SWC): Find a minimum makespan schedule on identical machines where conflicting jobs cannot be scheduled concurrently. We study the problem when conflicts between jobs are... more
Garantir les performances d'un service à travers le réseau de plusieurs opérateurs est un problème complexe. Ce problème nécessite le calcul de chemins qui traversent plusieurs domaines et qui répondent aux différentes contraintes de... more
Let A and B be two sets of n objects in R d , and let Match be a (one-to-one) matching between A and B. Let min(Match), max(Match), and Σ(Match) denote the length of the shortest edge, the length of the longest edge, and the sum of the... more
A new transistor sizing algorithm, SEA (Simple Exact Algorithm), for optimizing low-power and high-speed arithmetic integrated circuits is proposed. In comparison with other transistor sizing algorithms, simplicity, accuracy, independency... more
This research is motivated by issues faced by a large manufacturer of semiconductor devices. Semiconductor manufacturing companies allocate millions of dollars every year for new types of machine tools for their facilities. Typically... more