Exact Algorithm

1,510 papers
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An exact algorithm is a computational method that guarantees finding the optimal solution to a problem within a finite amount of time, typically through systematic exploration of all possible solutions. It contrasts with heuristic or approximate algorithms, which may provide good solutions more quickly but without guarantees of optimality.
The Quadratic Assignment Problem is known as a combinatorial optimization problem, which is very hard to solve exactly. A survey of recent methods for solving this problem is given. Then an exact algorithm is presented along with... more
The new family of Field Programmable Gate Arrays, CLI6000 from Concurrent Logic Inc realizes the truly Cellular Logic. It has been mainly designed for the realization of data path architectures. However, introduced by it new universal... more
We propose a new nonparametric classification framework for numerical patterns, which can also be exploitable for exploratory data analysis. The key idea is approximating each class region by a family of convex geometric sets which can... more
In this research we study the multi-product economic lot scheduling problem (ELSP) with manufacturing and remanufacturing opportunities. Manufacturing and remanufacturing operations are performed on the same production line. Both... more
We provide parameterized algorithms for nonblocker, the parametric dual of the well known dominating set problem. We exemplify three methodologies for deriving parameterized algorithms that can be used in other circumstances as well,... more
We establish a refined search tree technique for the parameterized DOMINATING SET problem on planar graphs. Here, we are given an undirected graph and we ask for a set of at most k vertices such that every other vertex has at least one... more
In this paper we discuss the complexity and approximability of the minimum corridor connection problem where, given a rectilinear decomposition of a rectilinear polygon into "rooms", one has to find the minimum length tree along the edges... more
During the past few years, there has been a trend to enrich traditional revenue management models built upon the independent demand paradigm by accounting for customer choice behavior. This extension involves both modeling and... more
A variety of hybrids of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research techniques have given impressive results. Three recent approaches are (i) the use of relaxations in constraint systems, (ii) non-systematic... more
The k-means problem is one of the most popular models in cluster analysis that minimizes the sum of the squared distances from clustered objects to the sought cluster centers (centroids). The simplicity of its algorithmic implementation... more
We present exact algorithms for finding a solution to the twodimensionaltranslational containment problem: find translationsfor k polygons which place them inside a polygonalcontainer without overlapping. We also give an... more
We present a continuous, bilinear formulation for the fixed charge network flow problem. This formulation is used to derive an exact algorithm for the fixed charge network flow problem converging in a finite number of steps. Some... more
In this paper we apply a heuristic method based on artificial neural networks (NN) in order to trace out the efficient frontier associated to the portfolio selection problem. We consider a generalization of the standard Markowitz... more
We present an algorithm to implement "most balancing" packet scheduling policies in a discrete-time multi-server system of parallel queues with independent random queue-server connectivity. The MB policies are characterized by minimizing... more
The MAP problem for Bayesian networks is the problem of finding for a set of variables an instantiation of highest posterior probability given the available evidence. The problem is known to be computationally infeasible in general. In... more
We introduce a formal model of cost-sensitive fault remediation, derive an exact algorithm for solving the special case of deterministic observations, and demonstrate it on two example problems. This effort is part of two self-healing... more
The vehicle routing problem with backhauls (VRPB) as an extension of the classical vehicle routing problem (VRP) attempts to define a set of routes which services both linehaul customers whom product are to be delivered and backhaul... more
We consider the problem of weighted rectilinear approximation on the plane and offer both exact algorithms and heuristics with provable performance bounds. Let S = {(p i , w i)} be a set of n points pi in the plane, with associated... more
We consider the problem of weighted rectilinear approximation on the plane and offer both exact algorithms and heuristics with provable performance bounds. Let S = {(p i , w i)} be a set of n points pi in the plane, with associated... more
We exploit the "regularity" of Boolean functions with the purpose of decreasing the time for constructing minimal threelevel expressions, in the sum of pseudoproducts (SPP) form recently developed. The regularity of a Boolean function of... more
We introduce an exact algorithm for maximizing the number of satisfied constraints in an overconstrained CSP (Max-CSP). The algorithm, which can also solve weighted CSP, probabilistic CSP and other similar problems, is based on directed... more
A binary matrix A is said to have the "Consecutive Ones Property" (C1P) if its columns can be permuted so that in each row, the ones appear in one run (i.e., all ones are adjacent). The Consecutive Ones Submatrix (COS) problem is, given a... more
After this column I am resigning as SIGACT News Book Review Editor. I’ve been editing this column for 17 years which is longer than anyone should have a job of this type. I have enjoyed editing this column and reviewing books. I have... more
Cancer screening is a method of preventing cancer by early detecting and treating abnormalities. One of the most critical screening phase is invitation planning since screening resources are limited and there are many people to invite.... more
In hard real-time systems timeliness is as important as functional correctness. Such systems contain so called hard real-time tasks (HRT tasks) which must be finished by a given deadline. One of the methods of scheduling of HRT tasks is... more
The Minimum Vertex Cover (MVC) problem is a well known combinatorial optimization problem of great importance in theory and applications. In recent years, local search has been shown to be an effective and promising approach to solve hard... more
Agents learning to act autonomously in realworld domains must acquire a model of the dynamics of the domain in which they operate. Learning domain dynamics can be challenging, especially where an agent only has partial access to the world... more
The inference problem in propositional logic realizes a strong connection between Artificial Intelligence and Operational Research. It is now well-known that this problem can be formulated as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), whose... more
Heuristic search procedures that aspire to find global optimal solutions to hard combinatorial optimization problems usually require some type of diversification to overcome local optimality. One way to achieve diversification is to... more
In this article we approach the linear ordering problem with cumulative costs (LOPCC). Bertacco developed this problem [2] and propose two exact algorithms, due to the complexity of the problem Duarte propose a Tabu algorithm for LOPCC... more
1EMBRAPA Meio Ambiente, Caixa Postal 69, 13820-000, Jaguariúna, SP, Brasil [email protected] 2Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE, Caixa Postal 515, 12201-027, São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil [email protected]; ...
Proximity searching consists of retrieving from a database those elements that are similar to a query object. The usual model for proximity searching is a metric space where the distance, which models the proximity, is expensive to... more
La commutation tout-optique d'étiquettes (All-Optical Label Switching, AOLS) est une nouvelle technologie permettant le traitement des paquets sans conversion optique-électronique-optique. Dans ce rapport nous étudions le problème de... more
Several approaches have been developed for answering users' specific questions about AI behavior and for assessing their core functionality in terms of primitive executable actions. However, the problem of summarizing an AI agent's broad... more
Given a graph $G$, a $k$-sparse $j$-set is a set of $j$ vertices inducing a subgraph with maximum degree at most $k$. A $k$-dense $i$-set is a set of $i$ vertices that is $k$-sparse in the complement of $G$. As a generalization of Ramsey... more
A greedy Graph Coloring Algorithm allocates non-identical colors to the adjacent vertices of a graph such that the number of assigned colors is minimized. In Greedy Coloring of the graph, the ordering of vertices is an essential parameter... more
We study, in the context of the Unit-Demand Vehicle Routing Problem, the relationship between the linear programming relaxation of a single-commodity flow model and the linear programming relaxation of a pure time-dependent formulation... more
With the remarkable growth of portable application and the increasing frequency and integration density, power is being given comparable weight to speed and area in IC designs. In technology mapping, how decomposition is done can have a... more
Abstmct-Given a set of input points, the rectilinear Steiner tree problem is to find a minimal length tree consisting of vertical and horizontal line segments that connects the input points, where it is possible to add new points to... more
A new method is introduced for packing items in convex regions of the Euclidian ndimensional space. By means of this approach the packing problem becomes a global finitedimensional continuous optimization problem. The strategy is based on... more
It is well known that for preemptive scheduling on uniform machines there exist polynomial time exact algorithms, whereas for non-preemptive scheduling there are probably no such algorithms. However, it is not clear how many preemptions... more
In this paper we deal with the Minimum Span Frequency Assignment Problem (MSFAP), that is the problem of assigning a limited set of radio frequencies to the base stations of a radio network so as the bandwidth occupancy is minimized and... more
The balanced traveling salesman problem (BTSP) is a variant of the traveling salesman problem, in which one seeks a tour that minimizes the difference between the largest and smallest edge costs in the tour. The BTSP, which is obviously... more
In this paper we present a portable exact parallel algorithm for the maximum clique problem on general graphs. Computational results with random graphs and some test graphs from applications are presented. The algorithm is parallelized... more
Our work is intended to model and solve artificial planning problems with logic based planning, using the novel semantics called p-stable, which is an alternative of stable semantics. Also we present a method to encode a general planning... more
The use of ant colony optimization algorithms for solving the routing problem in a process of products delivery taking into account a city transport infrastructure has shown in this research. The vehicle routing problem belongs to NP-hard... more