Evolutionary Robotics

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Evolutionary Robotics is a subfield of robotics that applies principles of evolutionary biology to the design and development of robots. It involves using algorithms inspired by natural selection to evolve robot behaviors and structures, enabling autonomous adaptation and optimization in complex environments.
Cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) rely on multiple coevolving populations for the evolution of solutions composed of coadapted components. CCEAs enable, for instance, the evolution of cooperative multiagent systems composed of... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
While central to robotics, biology and cognitive science, the concept of autonomy remains still difficult to make operative in the realm of Alife simulation models of cognitive agents. Its deep significance as a transition concept between... more
to the gap between simulation and the real world. Also, it is necessary to model the environment every time a new task is given. Watson et al. 2,3 proposed "embodied evolution (EE)" for solving these issues, in which real robots evolve... more
Whereas naturally occurring swarms thrive when crowded, physical interactions in robotic swarms are either avoided or carefully controlled, thus limiting their operational density. Here we present a mechanical design rule that allows... more
The capacity of re-using previously acquired skills can greatly enhance robots' learning speed and behavioral complexity. 'Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning (IMRL)' is a framework that exploits this idea and proposes to build... more
This paper describes a new approach for promoting the evolution of relatively complex behaviours in evolutionary robotics, based on the use of noise in simulation. A`homing navigation' behaviour is evolved (in simulation) for the Khepera... more
In recent years simulation tools for agent-environment interactions have included increasingly complex and physically realistic conditions. These simulations pose challenges for researchers interested in evolutionary robotics because the... more
This paper describes a new approach for promoting the evolution of relatively complex behaviours in evolutionary robotics, based on the use of noise in simulation. A`homing navigation' behaviour is evolved (in simulation) for the Khepera... more
The search for the neural substrate of vertebrate action selection has focused on structures in the fore-and mid-brain, particularly on the basal ganglia. Yet, the behavioural repertoire of decerebrate and neonatal animals suggests the... more
Present paper analyzes and compares two innovation models in robot design. The first part describes the incremental development process of Teo: a robotic tool for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) treatment for children. The second part... more
Novelty search is an evolutionary approach which promotes phenotypic diversity in a population. Novelty search has been successfully applied to a wide range of domains and a number of variants have been proposed. Here we introduce... more
A review is given on the use of evolutionary techniques for the automatic design of adaptive robots. The focus is on methods which use neural networks and have been tested on actual physical robots. The chapter also examines the role of... more
Our previous study showed that embodied cultured neural networks and spiking neural networks with spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP) can learn a behavior as they avoid stimulation from outside. In a sense, the embodied neural... more
We study the dynamic categorization ability of an autonomous agent that distinguishes rectangular and triangular objects. The objects are distributed on a two-dimensional space and the agent is equipped with a recurrent neural network... more
A current issue in evolutionary robotics involves the coevolution of robot controllers and body morphologies built from modular parts. As part of ongoing research, a model for the evolution of the morphologies and neural network... more
Para muchos procesos del mundo real es posible diseñar un controlador difuso que provea buena regularidad usando sólo conocimiento experto. No obstante ello, para lograr un desempeño satisfactorio es necesario hacer uso de métodos más... more
This paper describes an evolutionary robotics approach to study spatial cognition. Through the analysis of evolving neuroagents, run on behavioral, computational and evolutionary/development level, we show how relevant is considering the... more
This paper is concerned with the learning of basic behaviors in autonomous robots. In this way, we present a method for the adaptation of basic reactive behaviors implemented as fuzzy controllers applying a genetic algorithm to the... more
This study introduces an innovative approach to evolving artificial neural networks (ANNs) by incorporating Hox gene-inspired mutations, aiming to enhance the adaptability and efficiency of ANNs in complex problem-solving scenarios.... more
This paper investigates respiratory odor navigation with minimal evolutionary robots. We introduce a novel agent tasked with locating a chemical source solely through the use of a respiratory sensor, a challenge inspired by the active... more
Robotics technology has made significant advancements in various fields in industry and society. It is clear how robotics has transformed manufacturing processes and increased productivity. Additionally, navigation robotics has also been... more
This paper deals with the reactive control of an autonomous robot which move safely in a crowded real world unknown environment and to reach specified target by avoiding static as well as dynamic obstacle. The inputs to the proposed... more
In this paper, the performance of the utility function method for behavioral organization is investigated in the framework of a simple guard robot. In order to achieve the best possible results, it was found that high-order polynomials... more
The possibility to use competitive evolutionary algorithms to generate long-term progress is normally prevented by the convergence on limit cycle dynamics in which the evolving agents keep progressing against their current competitors by... more
The possibility of using competitive evolutionary algorithms to generate long-term progress is normally prevented by the convergence on limit cycle dynamics in which the evolving agents keep progressing against their current competitors... more
Embodied Evolution (EE)" is a methodology in evolutionary robotics, in which, without simulations on a host computer, real robots evolve based on the interactions with actual environment. However, we had to accept robot behavior with low... more
This paper describes the analysis of a crawl gait multi-objective optimization system that combines bio-inspired Central Patterns Generators (CPGs) and a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. In order to optimize the crawl gait, a... more
I would like to thank my advisers, Professor Susana Vieira and Professor Sancho Oliveira, for all the guidance and supervision given. A special thanks to Professor Anders Christensen that also advise and ensure the quality of this... more
In this paper, a new coevolutive method, called Uniform Coevolution, is introduced to learn weights of a neural network controller in autonomous robots. An evolutionary strategy is used to learn high-performance reactive behavior for... more
In this article, a co‐evolutive method is used to evolve neural controllers for general obstacle‐avoidance of a Braitenberg vehicle. During a first evolutionary process, Evolution Strategies were applied to generate neural controllers;... more
In recent years, information theory has come into the focus of researchers interested in the sensorimotor dynamics of both robots and living beings. One root for these approaches is the idea that living beings are information processing... more
I describe the simplest living organism, the cell, as a symbol-matter system-an observable case of how a natural representation using a wordprocessing format constrains the real-time behavior of a material organism. My purpose is not to... more
Natural lifeforms specialise to their environmental niches across many levels; from low-level features such as DNA and proteins, through to higher-level artefacts including eyes, limbs, and overarching body plans. We propose Multi-Level... more
This paper describes two implementations of a potential field sharing multi-robot system which we term as pessimistic and optimistic. Unlike other multirobot systems in which coordination is designed explicitly, it is an emergent property... more
Robotic swarms and mobile sensor networks are used for environmental monitoring in various domains and areas of operation. Especially in otherwise inaccessible environments, decentralized robotic swarms can be advantageous due to their... more
Inspired by natural swarms, numerous control schemes enabling robotic swarms, mobile sensor networks and other multi-agent systems to exhibit various self-organized behaviors have been suggested. In this work, we present a Wave Oriented... more
Nature showcases swarms of animals performing various complex tasks efficiently where capabilities of individuals alone in the swarm are often quite limited. Swarm intelligence is observed when agents in the swarm follow simple rules... more
Multibody dynamic analysis (MDA) has become part of the standard toolkit used to reconstruct the biomechanics of extinct animals. However, its use is currently almost exclusively limited to steady state activities such as walking and... more
At the University of Bielefeld a new bio-inspired, hexapod robot system called HECTOR has been developed and is currently set up. To benefit from bioinspired control approaches it is fundamental to identify the most important body aspects... more
Service robots will play an increasing and more important role in the society in the next years. One of the main challenges is to endow robots with enough autonomy to operate on real environments. To reach that goal, the design of... more
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The standard approach in evolutionary robotics is to evolve neural networks for control by encoding the parameters of the network in the genome. By contrast, we have evolved a neural controller based on biological principles from... more
Evolution gave rise to human and animal intelligence here on Earth. We argue that the path to developing artificial human-like-intelligence will pass through mimicking the evolutionary process in a nature-like simulation. In Nature, there... more