Evidence-based research

36 papers
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Evidence-based research is a systematic approach that integrates the best available evidence, typically from scientific studies, with clinical expertise and patient values to inform decision-making in practice. It emphasizes the use of empirical data to guide interventions and policies, ensuring that practices are grounded in reliable and valid findings.
Despite an increasing awareness of the time lag between producing research evidence that may have a beneficial effect on individuals and society, dissemination and knowledge translation remain challenging. Glasgow et al. (2012: 1274) note... more
When speaking about key elements in the debate about arts-based research, what comes to mind is that arts-based research has political implications that envision a diversity in methodology and that tackle the systematic oppression which... more
Much has been reported about information-seeking behaviour in health contexts, specifically related to chronic diseases, however, little is known about the methods and purpose of information seeking regarding hepatitis B and C patients,... more
This is a desk review-based paper intended to incite debate within education and related fields, regarding the stance that girls and women who participate in TVET are likely to increase their chances of contributing to peace and... more
Background: Patient decision aids (DAs) are support tools designed to provide patients with relevant information to help them make informed decisions about their healthcare. While DAs can be effective in improving patient knowledge and... more
We would like to acknowledge that the cost data was partly collected with grant funding from the BIG Lottery Wales innovation fund.
Understanding human resource development strategies in good governance service practices are essential. For this reason, we have reviewed several study pieces of evidence to add to the enrichment of our study. The reading sources we are... more
Search phase is considered as one of the most important steps in conducting secondary studies such as systematic literature reviews and mapping studies. In recent times, automatic search in digital libraries and academic search engines... more
Many have argued that the development of evidence-based policing (EBP) depends on those in law enforcement agencies receiving appropriate training in research methodologies and data analysis. Despite this, there are few detailed accounts... more
Understanding human resource development strategies in good governance service practices are essential. For this reason, we have reviewed several study pieces of evidence to add to the enrichment of our study. The reading sources we are... more
Broadly, this paper is concerned with understanding what participants think about the existence and origins of COVID-19. It also sought their views regarding the barrier measures aimed at stopping the spread of the virus; how the virus... more
Patient decision aids (DAs) are support tools designed to provide patients with relevant information to help them make informed decisions about their healthcare. While DAs can be effective in improving patient knowledge and decision... more
Many have argued that the development of evidence-based policing (EBP) depends on those in law enforcement agencies receiving appropriate training in research methodologies and data analysis. Despite this, there are few detailed accounts... more
I, OABONA ENOCK NTHEBOLANG, hereby declare that this thesis: Management of Evidence-Based Policymaking as a Pillar of the Botswana National Human Resource Development Strategy 2009-2022 is a true reflection of my own work, and it has not... more
Bullying is an internationally recognized problem and school-based bullying is particularly pervasive. KiVa is a robustly evidenced school-based antibullying programme developed and evaluated at Turku University, Finland, and subsequently... more
In the current media landscape, digital devices seem to undermine traditional learning and reading practices. Overwhelmed by cognitive overload and a flood of information stimuli, constantly busy scrolling through touch screens, today's... more
This study shows longitudinal predictors of involvement in different bullying roles, including mental health, individual, family, peer and school predictors. The analyses were based on a longitudinal prospective study with 916 students... more
This study shows longitudinal predictors of involvement in different bullying roles, including mental health, individual, family, peer and school predictors. The analyses were based on a longitudinal prospective study with 916 students... more
Following some background studies on the nature of school bullying, its prevalence, and the negative consequences it can have, this article reviews the history of anti-bullying interventions over the last 30 years. It considers several... more
The development and use of ICTs and the internet has changed the way things are done in the world forever. The way of acquiring knowledge, through e-learning, is one of the significant changes. This study investigates the current status... more
Despite increasing knowledge of potential benefits of research utilization in improving quality of healthcare management decision (HMDs) outcomes and practice, the use of research evidence by healthcare authorities continues to be a... more
Criminal justice, a social science discipline intersecting law, psychiatry, psychology, sociology, and social work, continues to work towards developing effective solutions to crime control and reduction.  Increasing numbers of... more
Bullying episodes among children are common in preschool settings. Bullying has adverse and enduring effects on children's socio-emotional development. Bullying prevention is crucial to children's adjustment in school environment,... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evidence-based research strategy (EBRS) used to evaluate eight projects that applied the neighborhood approach for disaster risk reduction (NA-DRR) in informal urban settlements in... more
The goal of this evaluation is to improve the understanding of the Urban Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programming carried out in Latin America and The Caribbean, and supported by the United States Agency for International Development's... more
The collation of results has been a much-exploited weakness in Nigeria's election process, since the country's return to democratic civilian rule in May 1999. Collation is the process by which the Independent National Electoral Commission... more
The Golden Rule of Forecasting is a general rule that applies to all forecasting problems. The Rule was developed using logic and was tested against evidence from previously published comparison studies. The evidence suggests that a... more
Objective – The primary objective was to examine online journal database usage statistics for a provincial ministry of health in the context of evidence based decision-making. In addition, the study highlights implementation of the... more
The validity of the manmade global warming alarm requires the support of scientific forecasts of (1) a substantive long-term rise in global mean temperatures in the absence of regulations, (2) serious net harmful effects due to global... more
Across Europe, there is an increasing demand for good evidence that can inform policies aimed at reducing violence against and among children and adolescents. However, there is still a paucity of high-quality research on effective... more
Across Europe, there is an increasing demand for good evidence that can inform policies aimed at reducing violence against and among children and adolescents. However, there is still a paucity of high-quality research on the effective... more
The risk of etopicpregnancy to a woman using an IUCD is lower than woman using no form of birth control. However, of pregnancies that do occur during IUCD use, a higher than the expected 3-4% are ectopic. Fairlure rate of the copper IUCD... more
The Family Competence Program, the Spanish Adaptation of the Strengthening Families Program 6-11 has been implemented in contexts of drug treatment programs and in contexts of social services. Here the longitudinal analysis will refer to... more
Calls to list polar bears as a threatened species under the United States Endangered Species Act are based on forecasts of substantial long-term declines in their population. Nine government reports were written to help US Fish and... more
Objective: The objective of this study is to outline explicit criteria for assessing the contribution of qualitative empirical studies in health and medicine, leading to a hierarchy of evidence specific to qualitative methods.