Too long a sacrifice Can make a stone of the heart. O when may it suffice? That is Heaven's part, our part. -William Butler Yeats ("Easter," 1916) Given when you live under suppression, you have no control of that which belongs to you but... more
I denne artikkelen presenteres resultater fra en landsrepresentativ undersøkelse om befolkningens holdninger til utslipp av miljøgifter i naturen (herunder bly) og opphevelse av blyhaglforbudet. Vi fant ingen signifikant effekt av kjønn,... more
Political Hotbeds and Politicizing Organizations of Mexican Legislators: 1997-2021 Resumen En este trabajo analizamos a diputados federales mexicanos de 1997 a 2021 que iniciaron su carrera política en partidos políticos y en... more
Ung dom, In ter nett og sam funns en ga sje ment 1 Stå le An gen Rye og Johan Fredrik Rye Nye for mer for di gi tal kom mu ni ka sjon ser ut til å end re pre mis se ne for po li tisk deltagelse og sam funns en ga sje ment blant ung dom. I... more
This article deals with violence exercised by girls (hereinafter referred to as "girl violence"). A combined perspective is how âageâ and âgenderâ as cultural constructions can throw light both on the media debate... more
This study focuses on the issue of the Spanish communist exile in state socialist Czechoslovakia. It analyzes everyday resistance of a heterodox Spanish emigrant, Pilar Gómez, carried out through her collaboration with the Czechoslovak... more
This study focuses on the issue of the Spanish Communist exile in state socialist Czechoslovakia. It analyses the everyday resistance of the heterodox Spanish political emigrant José Valledor, which was carried out in the form of... more
En este artículo nos preguntamos por las particularidades éticas y metodológicas en el trabajo de campo con varones cisgénero agresores por violencia hacia sus parejas mujeres. Nos proponemos reconstruir los principales dilemas éticos y... more
NORCE har på oppdrag fra Utenriksdepartementet gjennomført en spørreundersøkelse om anbefalinger fra ungdomspanelet til nordområdemeldingen. Spørreundersøkelsen ble sendt til ungdommene på mobil med link til spørreskjema. I undersøkelsen... more
A comparative ICF-CY-based analysis and cultural piloting of the assessment of preschool children's participation (APCP).
Nye tall om ungdom «Du skal se en vak ker dag hun gut ten når». Kjønns for skjel ler i nor ske ung dom mers tre nings va ner og idrettsdeltakelse 1
Kommunelegekontoret 6030 Langevåg Seksjon for allmennmedisin Universitetet i Bergen 5009 Bergen Egenvurdert global helseopplevelse har vist seg å vaere en selvstendig prediktor for senere morbiditet og mortalitet i voksenalderen. Vi har... more
The "solidarity economy" is generally thought of as comprising four distinct classes of activity: community services consultancy, micro-finance, Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS), community services and Community Supported Agriculture... more
Denne tillater tredjepart å kopiere, distribuere og spre verket i hvilket som helst medium eller format, og å remixe, endre, og bygge videre på materialet til et hvilket som helst formål, inkludert kommersielle, under betingelse av at... more
HPG Kurdish: Hêzên Parastina Gel [Defence Force of the People], current name of the armed forces of the PKK KCK Kurdish: Koma Civakên Kurdistan [varying translations have been used. I have chosen to use: Union of Communities of Kurdistan]... more
HPG Kurdish: Hêzên Parastina Gel [Defence Force of the People], current name of the armed forces of the PKK KCK Kurdish: Koma Civakên Kurdistan [varying translations have been used. I have chosen to use: Union of Communities of Kurdistan]... more
This article investigates the Ottoman Greek Orthodox internal exiles, focusing on the deportees' experiences and the intricacies of their agency during the Great War (1914-18). It does so by examining deportees' understudied... more
Forskning viser at det er større sannsynlighet for å bli overvektig hvis man bor på bygda enn hvis man bor i byen. For å redusere denne ulikheten må vi avdekke hvordan stedsspesifikke kulturelle og sosiale miljøer har innvirkning på... more
Full bibliographic details must be given when referring to, or quoting from full items including the author's name, the title of the work, publication details where relevant (place, publisher, date), pagination, and for theses or... more
Los estudios de Historia Social sobre el franquismo han prestado una gran atención al movimiento obrero antifranquista por su papel esencial como agente democratizador. Pero las relaciones de poder no solo se juegan en el espacio público.... more
This book is a theoretical guide to understanding a lesser engaged concept ‘everyday resistance’, particularly in terms of how the everydayness of resistance by different marginalised identities questions multiple structures of power.... more
A comparative ICF-CY-based analysis and cultural piloting of the assessment of preschool children's participation (APCP).
This article explores how ‘everyday’ lawyers undertaking routine criminal defence cases navigate an authoritarian legal system. Based on original fieldwork in the ‘disciplined democracy’ of Myanmar, the article examines how hegemonic... more
Resumen La precarización y el estigma vividos en los asentamientos informales de la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey, merman los derechos de personas que resisten cotidianamente para hacerse un lugar en la sociedad. En este artículo, se... more
As space in the West Bank is increasingly threatened, Palestinians are turning to agro-activism to reclaim it. Alongside the established olive activism, there has been a flourishing of generative projects by which my interlocutors attempt... more
The aim of this chapter is to determine and examine what constituted everyday resistance for those Palestinians who lived in Israel,1 and who experienced life under Israeli military rule, from 1948 to 1966. The establishment of the State... more
This document is the author's post-print version, incorporating any revisions agreed during the peer-review process. Some differences between the published version and this version may remain and you are advised to consult the published... more
This book chapter discusses how regulations on compulsory service in pre-industrial Iceland affected landless workers, focusing particularly on how servants navigated the regulatory framework and societal/cultural norms in order to... more
This thesis is dedicated to my mentor and friend, Dr. Gary Steward, Jr., who has believed in me from the beginning and never once gave up on me. I would not be where I am today without your faith and inspiration. You kept pushing me... more
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las dificultades económicas de los habitantes de la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey (ZMM) derivadas de la pandemia por COVID-19, especialmente la dificultad para realizar pagos. A través de un... more
Hensikten med dette temanummeret har vaert a samle forskning som pa ulike mater gir innblikk i ungdoms hverdagsliv og livsprosjekter, og i hvordan begge deler forholder seg til sentrale trekk ved dagens samfunn. Med andre ord; ferske... more
Nordiske studier har vist at minoritetsforeldre oftere enn majoritetsforeldre legger begrensninger på ungdom, og saerlig jenter. Slike restriktive foreldrepraksiser utfordrer kjønnslikestilling og økende selvbestemmelse som premisser for... more
Denne artikkelen undersøker hva som kjennetegner norske ungdommer som bruker fritidsklubber. Er det noen trekk ved ungdommers sosiale bakgrunn, helsesituasjon, sosiale relasjoner, fritidsmønster eller eventuell problematferd som øker... more
Many Palestinians will quickly recognize prototypical examples of sumud [steadfastness], such as when a lone family clings to their house and land despite encroaching Israeli settlements. Yet sumud is a broad, multifaceted and complex... more
Since 2009, the Chinese state-owned corporation SINLANX has been managing the Anjava Sugar Plantation, previously managed by French, Malagasy, and Mauritian companies, in northern Madagascar. Built upon the infrastructure constructed by... more
This article explores how 'everyday' lawyers undertaking routine criminal defence cases navigate an authoritarian legal system. Based on original fieldwork in the 'disciplined democracy' of Myanmar, the article examines how hegemonic... more
This article explores how ‘everyday’ lawyers undertaking routine criminal defence cases navigate an authoritarian legal system. Based on original fieldwork in the ‘disciplined democracy’ of Myanmar, the article examines how hegemonic... more