Event detection in Text Streams

19 papers
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Event detection in text streams refers to the process of identifying and extracting significant occurrences or changes in real-time textual data, such as news articles or social media posts, using computational techniques. This field combines natural language processing, machine learning, and information retrieval to analyze and interpret dynamic information flows.
Explainability in the field of event detection is a new emerging research area. For practitioners and users alike, explainability is essential to ensuring that models are widely adopted and trusted. Several research efforts have focused... more
Cybersecurity event detection is a crucial problem for mitigating effects on various aspects of society. Social media has become a notable source of indicators for detection of diverse events. Though previous social media based strategies... more
Over the last decade, the infrastructure supporting the smart city has lived together with and was surpassed by the rise of social media. The tremendous growth of both mobile devices and social media users has unearthed a new kind of... more
Information about events happening in the real world are generated online on social media in real-time. There is substantial research done to detect these events using information posted on websites like Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram.... more
Information about events happening in the real world are generated online on social media in real-time. There is substantial research done to detect these events using information posted on websites like Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram.... more
Web mining is the application of data mining techniques to discover patterns from the Web. Topic tracking is one of the technologies that has been developed and can be used in the text mining process. The main purpose of topic tracking is... more
Analysis of public behavior plays an important role in crisis management, disaster response, and evacuation planning. Unfortunately, collecting relevant data can be costly and finding meaningful information for analysis is challenging. A... more
Social media data (SMD) is driven by statistical and analytical technologies to obtain information for various decisions. SMD is vast and evolutionary in nature which makes traditional data warehouses ill suited. The research aims to... more
From last few decades there is wide spread usage of social network platforms such as twitter or other micro blogging systems which contains huge amount of timely generated data. Tweeter is fastest means of information sharing where user... more
Social media websites can be used as a data source for mining public opinion on a variety of subjects including climate change. Twitter, in particular, allows for the evaluation of public opinion across both time and space because... more
Standalone systems cannot handle the giant traffic loads generated by Twitter due to memory constraints. A parallel computational environment provided by Apache Hadoop can distribute and process the data over different destination... more
Twitter's increasing popularity as a source of up to date news and information about current events has spawned a body of research on event detection techniques for social media data streams. Although all proposed approaches provide some... more
Nowadays, there are plenty of sources generating massive amounts of text data streams in a continuous way. For example, the increasing popularity and the active use of social networks result in voluminous and fastflowing text data streams... more
Content shared in microblogs during disasters is expressed in various formats and languages. This diversity makes the information retrieval process more complex and computationally infeasible in real time. To address this, we propose a... more
Detection of events using voluntarily generated content in microblogs has been the objective of numerous recent studies. One essential challenge tackled in these studies is estimating the locations of events. In this paper, we review the... more
While the salience of social media platforms on modern interactive communication between diverse social actors has been demonstrated, less academic attention has been paid to comparisons between framed topics and user interactions across... more
This article explores the ICT infrastructure enabling social media usage for disaster management. In the era of pervasive social media, the study seeks to probe the usage of social media tools and functionalities in times of disasters.... more
Social networking sites such as Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, etc. contain a huge amount of user-contributed data for a variety of real-world events. These events can be some natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, forest fires, etc.... more
Social networking sites such as Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, etc. contain a huge amount of user-contributed data for a variety of real-world events. These events can be some natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, forest fires, etc.... more
Event Detection has been one of the research areas in Text Mining that has attracted attention during this decade due to the widespread availability of social media data specifically twitter data. Twitter has become a major source for... more
Twitter provides the freshest source of data about what is happening in the lives people across the world. The publicly available streams of status updates available on Twitter have been used to track earthquakes, forest fires and most... more
We introduce our methodology for collecting tweets and identifying event-related actionable information using key terms and inflections. The vast amount of user-generated content makes it challenging to detect relevant information.... more
People use Online Social Networks (OSNs) to express their opinions and feelings about many topics. Depending on the nature of an event and its dissemination rate in OSNs, and considering specific regions, the users' behavior can... more
People use Online Social Networks (OSNs) to express their opinions and feelings about many topics. Depending on the nature of an event and its dissemination rate in OSNs, and considering specific regions, the users' behavior can... more
Social media data (SMD) is driven by statistical and analytical technologies to obtain information for various decisions. SMD is vast and evolutionary in nature which makes traditional data warehouses ill suited. The research aims to... more
Public infrastructure systems provide many of the services that are critical to the health, functioning, and security of society. Many of these infrastructures, however, lack continuous physical sensor monitoring to be able to detect... more
The Social Internet of Things (SIoT) paradigm incorporates social networking concepts with the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to support novel services. The massive amount of data (big data) produced by SIoT necessitates efficient... more
Sentiment Analysis for polarity classification on microblogs is generally based on the assumption that texts are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d). Although these methods are aimed at handling the complex characteristics of... more
Many modern methodologies are used in recent years' by various researchers and contributed to develop real-time event detection frameworks during crisis events. Initially, the literature was focused on the state of art methods related to... more
Social Internet of things (SIoT) has obtained significant attention to address the computational intelligence for handling emergencies which can be sensed through the Internet of smart social things. In recent years, humans act as a... more
Social media platforms have become the most popular means for users to share what is happening around them. The abundance and growing usage of social media has resulted in a large repository of users' social posts, which provides a... more
There has been significant recent interest in the application of social media analytics for spatiotemporal event mining. However, no structured survey exists to capture developments in this space. This paper seeks to fill this void by... more
Social TV was named one of the ten most important emerging technologies in 2010 by the MIT Technology Review. Manufacturers of set-top boxes and televisions have recently started to integrate access to social networks into their products.... more
Twitter's increasing popularity as a source of up-to-date news and information about current events has spawned a body of research on event detection techniques for social media data streams. Although all proposed approaches provide some... more
Automatic Extraction of Event information from social text stream (emails, social network sites, blogs etc) is a vital requirement for many applications like Event Planning and Management systems and security applications. The key... more
A powerful tool for planning and announcement of Events is Email. Automatic detection of the Occurrence (Title) and its contextual information (Location, Temporal information, Participants) associated with the email is surely desirable to... more
The continuous growth of social networks and the active use of social media services result in massive amounts of user-generated data. Our goal is to leverage social media users as "social sensors" in order to increase the situational... more
Twitter's increasing popularity as a source of up to date news and information about current events has spawned a body of research on event detection techniques for social media data streams. Although all proposed approaches provide some... more
Nowadays, there are plenty of sources generating massive amounts of text data streams in a continuous way. For example, the increasing popularity and the active use of social networks result in voluminous and fast-flowing text data... more
We consider the problem of analyzing word trajectories in both time and frequency domains, with the specific goal of identifying important and less-reported, periodic and aperiodic words. A set of words with identical trends can be... more
Email is a widely used source for Event announcement and planning. Automatic detection of the Occurrence (Title) and its contextual information (Location, Temporal information, Participants) associated with the email shall significantly... more
A powerful tool for planning and announcement of Events is Email. Automatic detection of the Occurrence (Title) and its contextual information (Location, Temporal information, Participants) associated with the email is surely desirable to... more
In this paper, we describe an accurate and effective event detection method to detect events from Twitter stream. It detects events using visual information as well as textual information to improve the performance of the mining. It... more
by Qi He
We consider the problem of analyzing word trajectories in both time and frequency domains, with the specific goal of identifying important and less-reported, periodic and aperiodic words. A set of words with identical trends can be... more
ABSTRACT Microblogging, like Twitter1, has become a popular platform of human expressions, through which users can easily produce content on breaking news, public events, or products. The massive amount of microblogging data is a useful... more
Abstract In this paper, an algorithm called Time Driven Documents-partition (TDD) is proposed to construct an event hierarchy in a text corpus based on a given query. Specifically, assume that a query contains only one feature-Election.
Abstract New Event Detection is a challenging task that still offers scope for great improvement after years of effort. In this paper we show how performance on New Event Detection (NED) can be improved by the use of text classification... more
A powerful tool for planning and announcement of Events is Email. Automatic detection of the Occurrence (Title) and its contextual information (Location, Temporal information, Participants) associated with the email is surely desirable to... more