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The most recent transformation of world order is often depicted as a shift from a Westphalian to a post-Westphalian era in which international organizations are becoming increasingly independent sites of authority. This... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsLegitimacy and AuthorityInternational Law
'Critical security studies' has come to occupy a prominent place within the lexicon of International Relations and security studies over the past two decades. While disagreement exists about the boundaries of this sub-discipline or indeed... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean Union external relationsPublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
This article provides a new approach, revolving around contested property relations, for theorizing the constitution, operation and transformation of geopolitical systems, exemplified with reference to early modern international... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceBalance of PowerPublic Administration and Policy
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      Political ScienceEuropeanPublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
This article examines contemporary Japan's identity construction through the self/other lens, focusing on USSR/Russia as Japan's `other'. It identifies two main constitutive dimensions, political and socio-cultural, along... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsSelf and IdentityPolitical Science
The balance of power is one of the most influential theoretical ideas in international relations, but it has not yet been tested systematically in international systems other than modern Europe and its global successor. This article is... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceEuropean Union external relationsSystem Theory
The rise of the large emerging economies of Brazil, India and China can easily be counted among the most important contemporary structural changes in the global political economy. This article attempts to determine whether these countries... more
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsPolitical ScienceEmerging Economies
Practice theory provides important insights into the workings of the Security Council. The contribution is currently limited, however, by the conjecture that practice theory operates on 'a different analytical plane' to norm/normative... more
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      SociologyPractice theoryPolitical ScienceUnited Nations
The transformation of the Eurocentric epistemological base of International Relations, without inadvertently generating a 'derivative discourse' of Western International Relations, requires an intellectual flight over rigid boundaries of... more
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      International RelationsOntologyEpistemologyHistorical Sociology
The production of transnational knowledge that is widely recognized as legitimate is a major source of influence for international organizations. To reinforce their expert status, international organizations increasingly produce global... more
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      EconomicsInternational RelationsLegitimacy and AuthorityInternational Relations Theory
Primarily known as a pioneer of International Relations (IR) theory, Hans Morgenthau also wrote on a series of other political themes. Especially prominent in his later career is a concern with the right and duty of a theorist to exercise... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
We revisit and empirically evaluate crucial yet under-examined arguments articulated in “God Gave Physics the Easy Problems” (2000), the authors of which emphasized that, in International Relations (IR) predictions, predominant nomothetic... more
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      Future StudiesResearch MethodologyPolitical SciencePrediction
The prime claim of the theory of securitization is that the articulation of security produces a specific threatening state of affairs. Within this theory, power is derived from the use of ‘appropriate’ words in conformity with established... more
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      Political ScienceSpeech actsPublic Administration and PolicyPolitical Agency
In this article I examine some significant problems found in current discussions of the `agent-structure' problem in international relations, suggesting that they result in serious gaps and silences. However, I also argue that... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceEmpirical ResearchPublic Administration and Policy
The evolution of migration policymaking across the Global South is of growing interest to International Relations. Yet, the impact of colonial and imperial legacies on states’ migration management regimes outside Europe and North America... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaRefugee StudiesPostcolonial Studies
Analyses of religion and international politics routinely concern the persistence of religion as a critical element in world affairs. However, they tend to neglect the constitutive interconnections between religion and political life.... more
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      ReligionSociologyInternational Relations TheoryPolitical Science
Under what conditions can UN military peacekeeping operations (PKOs) succeed in contexts of civil war? This is an important question given the prevalence and cost of civil wars and the high, yet not always fulfilled, expectations of very... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
The rise of the large emerging economies of Brazil, India and China can easily be counted among the most important contemporary structural changes in the global political economy. This article attempts to determine whether these countries... more
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      EconomicsEmerging EconomiesBrazilChina
Theories on the role of norms in international relations generally neglect the possibility that after their adoption a new battle over their precise meaning ensues, especially when a norm remains vague and illusive. Norm implementation is... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational Regimes
Theories on the role of norms in international relations generally neglect the possibility that after their adoption a new battle over their precise meaning ensues, especially when a norm remains vague and illusive. Norm implementation is... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational Regimes
This article invokes a combination of analytical and normative arguments that highlight the leading role of practices in explaining the expansion of security communities. The analytical argument is that collective meanings, on which... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
The prime claim of the theory of securitization is that the articulation of security produces a specific threatening state of affairs. Within this theory, power is derived from the use of 'appropriate' words in conformity with... more
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      Political ScienceSpeech actsPublic Administration and PolicyPolitical Agency
for helpful comments on earlier drafts. An earlier version of this article was presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association and to the Minnesota International Relations Colloquium, and the authors... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPolitical ScienceEuropean Union external relations
Discussions of causal inquiry in International Relations are increasingly framed in terms of a contrast between rival philosophical positions, each with a putative methodological corollary — empiricism is associated with a search for... more
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      SociologyEpistemologyEmpiricismInternational Relations Theory
Those interested in the construction of security in contemporary international politics have increasingly turned to the conceptual framework of `securitization'. This article argues that while an important and innovative contribution,... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsInternational SecurityPolitical Science
Karl Polanyi's analysis in The Great Transformation has played a prominent role in shaping our understanding of the nature and outcome of both globalization and the movements that have emerged to resist it. However, this article argues... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
This article challenges a received wisdom in the liberal peace thesis, namely that the roots of the conjunction of liberalism and peace can be traced back to the idea of an essentially pacific commercial civil society in the 18th-century... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
Will rising world powers tilt global norms in less progressive directions? While there has been much theoretical speculation on this question, few scholars have explored it empirically. This article uses existing empirical evidence to... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
The transformation of the Eurocentric epistemological base of International Relations, without inadvertently generating a ‘derivative discourse’ of Western International Relations, requires an intellectual flight over rigid boundaries of... more
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      International RelationsOntologyEpistemologyHistorical Sociology
How is disobedience required under international criminal law? How do war crimes trials demand and seek to cultivate disobedience as a response to atrocity? It is widely recognized that international law may require disobedience as a... more
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      LawInternational LawPolitical ScienceCritical Legal Theory
In recent years, a revisionist history of international relations theory has generated a complex and nuanced picture of classical realism. In doing so, it has also contributed, more often than not, to a normative rehabilitation of... more
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      SociologyInternational Relations TheoryPolitical ScienceHistory of Social Sciences
'Food sovereignty' emerged from grassroots peasant mobilisations, and has been spread globally by a democratically organised social movement, la Vía Campesina. This process has seen food sovereignty influence global political discourse,... more
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      Human RightsPeasant StudiesPolitical ScienceDemocracy
What is a region and how can we best understand a state’s eligibility for membership in a regional political community? Scholars have sought to answer these questions in terms of geographic proximity and social-psychological identity, but... more
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      European integrationPolitical ScienceEuropean UnionRegionalism
As presently constituted, the analysis of `ideas' is deficient in two key respects. First, despite presenting itself as an alternative to the dominant rationalist perspective on international relations and foreign policy, the turn to... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsPolitical ScienceForeign Policy
This article resuscitates the idea of structural power in world politics by linking it to modern complex network science, presents a theoretical framework for understanding how global structures develop and change, and empirically... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
Under what conditions can UN military peacekeeping operations (PKOs) succeed in contexts of civil war? This is an important question given the prevalence and cost of civil wars and the high, yet not always fulfilled, expectations of very... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
This Introduction contextualises this special anniversary issue of the journal. The Editors of a previous 2013 special issue of the EJIR (The End of International Relations Theory?) asked if the paradigmatic “theoretical cacophony” in IR... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
Recognition, or the lack of it, is a central concern in International Relations. However, how states cope with international misrecognition has so far not been thoroughly explored in International Relations scholarship. To address this,... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryIsrael StudiesPoststructuralism
How does power work in practice? Much of the ‘stuff’ that state agents and other international actors do, on an everyday basis, remains impenetrable to existing International Relations theory. This is unfortunate, as the everyday... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryForeign Policy AnalysisNATO
This Introduction contextualises this special anniversary issue of the journal. The Editors of a previous 2013 special issue of the EJIR (The End of International Relations Theory?) asked if the paradigmatic “theoretical cacophony” in IR... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
Over the past decade, diaspora mobilization has become of increasing interest to International Relations scholars who study terrorism, civil wars and transnational social movements and networks. Nevertheless, an important area remains... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
The balance of power is one of the most influential theoretical ideas in international relations, but it has not yet been tested systematically in international systems other than modern Europe and its global successor. This article is... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceEuropean Union external relationsSystem Theory
Global health emergencies – like COVID-19 – pose major and recurring threats in the 21st century. Now societies can be better protected against such harrowing outbreaks by analysing the detailed genetic sequence data of new pathogens.... more
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      Political ScienceDisease OutbreaksPublic Administration and PolicyScience & Technology Diplomacy
The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP url' above for details on accessing... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations
We revisit and empirically evaluate crucial yet under-examined arguments articulated in “God Gave Physics the Easy Problems” (2000), the authors of which emphasized that, in International Relations (IR) predictions, predominant nomothetic... more
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      Future StudiesResearch MethodologyPolitical SciencePrediction
This Introduction contextualises this special anniversary issue of the journal. The Editors of a previous 2013 special issue of the EJIR (The End of International Relations Theory?) asked if the paradigmatic “theoretical cacophony” in IR... more
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      Political SciencePublic Administration and PolicyEuropean relations