European identities
Recent papers in European identities
Review of "Memorylands. Heritage and Identity in Europe Today" by S. Macdonald. In Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, n. 22 (3), 2014, pp. 512-513
La historia del éxito en el proceso de integración de la Unión Europea no se ha visto correspondida en un sector clave para la creación de una esfera pública europea como el de la información audiovisual, donde se ha producido un... more
More than five years have passed since former British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a much acknowledged and controversial speech on 23 January 2013, in respect to the British relationship with the European Union (EU). Europe and... more
The outcome of the Brexit referendum is the apex of a long history of Euro-British relationships characterised by two opposing but coexisting stereotypes. On the one hand, England appears as the freedom-seeking nation resisting... more
"Réactualisée par le récent débat sur l'adhésion de la Turquie à l'Union européenne et par la crise ukrainienne, la question des confins de l'Europe apparaît de manière contrastée dans le cas d'une ville comme Odessa. Dès son origine,... more
The review of 'Christendom Destroyed' by Mark Greengrass in The Economist contains some serious errors and misconceptions. This does not inspire confidence in the review writer’s ability to offer an informed assessment of the book.
The question of modern European religious identity surpasses its spiritual and ecclesiastical boundaries and firmly dwells within the political sphere. This is precisely why this is a topic of great interest for the scientific discipline... more
Colombo, Cristina F. 2019. “Landscapes of Memories: Wide narrations on Contentious Heritages.” In Heritage and Society, edited by Robert Kusek and Jajek Purchla. Krakow: International Cultural Centre. ISBN 978-83-63463-86-1 Landscapes... more
Contrary to the widespread assumption that Belgium is a bilingual (French/Dutch) country, German is also an official language in Belgium. The German-speaking part of Belgium achieved its cultural autonomy in 1970, which made the... more
Integrating theories about discourse (Discourse Studies; DS) with social science theories allows to grasp the dynamic and fluid co-construction of European identities, both top-down and bottom-up. Such interdisciplinary approaches... more
Geografski atlasi i udžbenici Balkan smeštaju između Istoka i Zapada, a u bedekerima i putopisima je predstavljen kao spona između suprotstavljenih kulturnih svetova. Njegova istorija je od devetnaestog veka ispunjena političkim... more
A selection of columns by the Dutch-Iranian author Kader Abdolah about Europe, immigration, Islam and multiculturalism.
The first English book on contemporary Italian writer Claudio Magris, this study examines the connections between space and individual, national and European identity in his works. Magris invites us to cross the borders that enclose... more
El presente trabajo analiza aspectos de dos series televisivas de Ciencia Ficción con elementos Fantásticos y ambientaciones históricas: El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015-2017) y Dark (Netflix, 2017 y 2019). Ambas trascienden del... more
Hneď na úvod by som chcel upozorniť na fakt, že tento príspevok nemá za cieľ rozriešiť otázku, aká by mala byť európska identita, presnejšie identita Európskej únie (EÚ), ale analyzovať ju takú, ako ju definovali jej členovia. Následne... more
‘When you are in the family ... you have more rights than when you are asking to join and knocking on the door’, said French President Jacques Chirac in February 2003. It was before the biggest enlargement of the European Community in... more
Two political geographers examine significant ways in which northern-tier states of the EU-10 entrants in 2004 have challenged conceptions of European integration. The paper first focuses on the institution of exclusionary citizenship... more
ABSTRACT: This article tackles the issue of social citizenship in Europe, beyond its legal and political defini- tion, as the result of social mechanisms and practices, and it assumes the cosmopolitan perspective as a conceptual tool for... more
Öz: Avrupa'da gerçekleşen genel göç trendleri çerçevesinde okunabilecek olan Avusturya'ya Türk göçünün, 1964 yılında misafir işçi programları kapsamında başladığı gözlemlenmektedir. Günümüzde Avrupa ülkeleri içerisinde en yoğun Türk... more
The Albanian and Georgian debates about Europeanness are valuable case studies of a general phenomenon of the time and place. Yet we may wonder at the perseverance of Albanians and Georgians in their pro-Europe stance, despite the... more
This paper seeks to reveal patterns of the discursive and interpretative culture of EERA in an attempt to contribute directly to the discussion about the social and cultural integrity of the association. It looks beyond the network and... more
Abstract: Trying to reconstruct and understand different perspectives on Europe and European identities, initially we made a distinction between the ‘internal’ and the ‘external’. In the course of the research process, however, this... more
Este artigo pretende estabelecer a correlação entre o Euro e a construção de uma identidade europeia como um processo de mão dupla, em que ambos os lado se influenciam mutuamente, bem como analisar a função da moeda comum como um símbolo... more
Este artigo pretende estabelecer a correlação entre o Euro e a construção de uma identidade europeia como um processo de mão dupla, em que ambos os lados se influenciam mutuamente, bem como analisar a função da moeda comum como um símbolo... more
Colombo, Cristina F. 2017. “National Borders as Contact Zones: Questioning a European Cohesion.” TRACES 04 (September 2017): 06-15. ISSN 2531-4858 TRACES fanzine #04 | Snapshots is a sixteen-pages thematic signatures, custom designed... more
Testo in italiano GLI INDESIDERATI. I SENTIERI DI WALTER BENJAMIN IN UN FILM DI FABRIZIO FERRARO Gli indesiderati d’Europa, incentrato sulla 'retirada republicana' e l’esodo di Walter Benjamin, è l’ultimo film di Fabrizio Ferraro, uno... more
in _Eutopías: A Journal on Interculturality, Communication, and European Studies_ 13, (2017). Special issue "Cosmopolitanism and Cross-Cultural Negotiation", edited by Didier Coste: 113-131.
Continuing our approach to ways the Turco-European rapprochement will permit both parts see each other trustfully and rightly, we will concentrate our analysis on the correct perception and diffusion of European History in both Europe and... more
Book Review: The ERASMUS Phenomenon: Symbol of a New European Generation?Benjamin FEYEN & Ewa KRZAKLEWSKAPeter Lang, 2013, ISBN 978-3-631-62719-8£31.40 (hbk), 245 pp. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 23:1, 147-149, First... more
Este artigo faz uma investigação sobre a relação entre identidade europeia e integração regional. Tendo-se admitido a existência de uma identidade europeia fundada nas dimensões cívico-institucional, histórico-cultural e nacional, este... more
No referendo de 23 de junho de 2016, 52% da população do Reino Unido optaram pela saída da União Europeia. Em maio do mesmo ano, o país apresentou o maior percentual de identificação nacionalista entre os membros do bloco comunitário.... more
Este artigo faz uma investigação sobre a relação entre identidade europeia e integração regional. Tendo-se admitido a existência de uma identidade europeia fundada nas dimensões cívico-institucional, histórico-cultural e nacional, este... more
CHAIR OF EUROPEAN STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF WROCLAW and POLISH SOCITY OF EUROPEAN STUDIES are pleased to invite you to 3rd CONGRESS FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES, which will take place on 14-16 September 2020. The leading topic od the Congress will... more