European archaeology and geology
Recent papers in European archaeology and geology
This study proposes that archaeology should adopt an integrated approach combining archaeology and folklore. As a case study, the legend of “The Devil‘s Footprints on pendle and the stones dropped by him on Apronful Hill” is considered in... more
A rare Chalcolithic rolled-gold bead-like ornament dated to c. 2400–2200 cal. BC was found in association with sherds of early Beaker ware in an Early Bronze Age Collared Urn burial dated to c. 1545–1450 cal. BC. The grave was located at... more
ge weiterführende Erklärungen nachliefern, die den Pfahl als derart prägnante Erscheinungsform näher ins Visier nehmen. Nun also: "Den Pfahl" Gibt es niCht! Vorangestellt sei, dass es eigentlich gar nicht "den Pfahl" gibt. Denn was oft... more
This study provides the earliest unambiguous evidence for the extraction of lead in Northern Europe. Previous studies of early metal extraction have focused on copper ores in Ireland, with an increasing number of mines identified in... more
New electron micro-probe analysis of residues found on the median 'stitched-seams' of Scandinavian flint daggers dating to the late Neolithic are presented and linked to previous work on the mode of production of this artefact type.... more