European Studies. Contemporary International Relations.
Recent papers in European Studies. Contemporary International Relations.
ABSTRACT This paper aims to define the meaning of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of the European framework and examine three different European countries. The main elements which encompass the meaning of CSR focus on... more
Introduction: Why History Matters 1. Hunters and Farmers c. 2.5 million-3000 BC - The Hominid Revolution - The Hunting Revolution - The Agricultural Revolution - The Origins of War and Religion - The Rise of the Specialists 2. The First... more
Questions for Thought and Discussion What is the purpose of the European Union (EU)? Why did countries decide to work together in this way? Does it matter if the EU does not have a political end-point, e.g. a federation? Could the... more
El presente proyecto se encuadra dentro de la rama histórica de la disciplina de las relaciones internacionales. Pretende describir y analizar las dos etapas fundamentales que se dieron en las relaciones exteriores entre Europa y Anatolia... more
The outcome of the Brexit referendum is the apex of a long history of Euro-British relationships characterised by two opposing but coexisting stereotypes. On the one hand, England appears as the freedom-seeking nation resisting... more
Un siglo después del Tratado de Londres de 6 de diciembre de 1921, que puso fin a la Guerra de Independencia de Irlanda, y posibilitó la creación de un Estado Libre en 26 de sus 32 condados, este volumen reúne trabajos de investigación... more
Over the past decade, public and policy concern has increasingly been expressed about the phenomenon of 'child sex tourism', which is widely understood as an aberrant form of movement that can be cleanly... more
Are the growing oppositions to neoliberal market globalism (especially in the aftermath of global economic meltdown) able to develop meaningful alternative ideologies? Is there any substantial alternative to the world capitalist system on... more
In this history of Spain since 1975, with the collapse of dictatorship and transition to democracy, Aitana Guia demonstrates that a key factor left out of studies on the periodnamely immigration and specifically Muslim immigrationhas... more
Soon into his term as President, Nicolas Sarkozy commissioned Jacques Attali, former adviser to François Mitterrand, to investigate ways to 'free up' economic growth. Decision 260 of the report published in February 2008 recommended doing... more
With specific attention to irregular migrant workers-that is to say, those without legal permits to stay in the countries in which they work-this volume focuses on domestic work, presenting studies from ten European countries, including... more
The volumes discussed in this review take up inquiries into young people's education, work, and mobility. They are both welcome engagements that create analytical arcs that connect examinations of discursive practices and lived... more
Globalisation has put national labour movements under severe pressure due to the increasing transnationalisation of production and informalisation of the economy.
The 2016 decision by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union was a seminal one for both parties. In this special issue, we consider the extent to which the inter-penetration of the national and the European arenas produced... more
This article aims to explore the landscape appropriation process in the affirmation of the Portuguese region of Leiria. National and foreign leaders cultivated the landscape as a metaphor of the nation. Like other European countries, in... more
The European Commission (EC) would like to improve the competitiveness of the European Defence Industry. The large number of (national) standards, more than 10.
Th is paper deals with the European Neighbourhood Policy in the case of three South Caucasian countries -Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. By comparing the offi cial documents issued by the European Commission with the independent data... more
The current financial and economic crisis is of unprecedented proportions and intensity. Given the piecemeal approach of the EU institutions to economic policy, their reaction to the mounting crisis has been slow and hesitant.The much... more
adventurous examples of heroic but homely, self-sacrificing German women maintaining harmony and leading their children down the paths of culture, religion and national pride. The final chapter examines literature based on Queen Luise of... more
The name ‘Night Letters’ derived from threatening letters by the members of Muslim Youth, later known as Hizb-e Islami (the Islamic Party) to the members of Communist party in Afghanistan. Sands an...
The refugee’s flows have alighted the European political debate boosting nationalistic forces in almost all countries. The aim of this paper is to show that the actual number of asylum seekers does not really allow to talk about a... more
This article seeks to compare and analyse the historical and contemporary arguments concerning the existence of the brand the ‘Great Game’ in Central Asia with that of a ‘new’ Great Game in the South Caucasus, while assessing the validity... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
All EU Member States strive to use EU leverage in order to have their national and/or regional interests implemented in the international arena, but it is particularly important to small Member States, which observe the potential to... more
This article discusses the status of the Romani in Swedish and Finnish societies. The article scrutinises the history and current state of Romani policies in Sweden and Finland, critically evaluating the state of the art of Romani... more
The article draws on speech act theory to argue that Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) wields a discursive repertoire that consists of four main narratives: a democratization, a (post-)Islamist, an Ottomanist... more
ABSTRACT This paper presents media and political frames on the debt crisis in Greece as revealed during the first two years (2010–2012) of the bailout program. Our goal is to discern the dividing line between dominant and critical frames... more
The purpose of this paper is to trace continuity in the attachment of the nouvelle droite to a homogeneous notion of pan-European identity since its birth in 1968. Like the nouvelle droite, early post-war neo-fascism and significant... more
Hungary once represented a schoolbook case of transition to democracy. Now it offers insights into both contemporary Europe and theories of populism and nationalism. Resisting the traditional linear perspective to transition and a... more