European Modernism
Recent papers in European Modernism
Despite a European training and an early career working with Peter Behrens, a migration from Vienna to the Australian state of Queensland positioned the architect Karl Langer (1903-1969) at the very edge of both European and Australian... more
Five years since Michelangelo Antonioni’s death, the groundbreaking Italian director’s films occupy an increasingly important but odd position. Exemplifying serious ‘art cinema’ at the peak of its European expression – or, as recent... more
The first institutional history of European avant-garde cinema in the 1920s. Through the lens of the Stuttgart "Film and Foto" exhibition, the film portion curated by Hans Richter, this essay intertwines the history of European... more
Une histoire globale des avant-gardes picturales se doit d’expliquer pourquoi celles-ci apparurent en certains endroits et pas en d’autres, comment elles circulaient entre les pays et les capitales, ce qui les portait et si elles... more
Die Studie unternimmt den Versuch einer Gesamtdarstellung von Denken und Dichten des vielgestaltigen Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). Anhand der Leitbegriffe des Bewußtseins und der Erzählungen wird der gegenwärtig wohl bekannteste... more
В статията се разглежда есето „Тайната. Окултни съждения на един непосветен в окултизма“ (1922) – слабо позната и неизследвана до този момент публикация на Гео Милев, която се появява за пръв път в редактирания от Николай Райнов вестник... more
The activity of the “Eight” Group and its members in 1919, during the Hungarian Soviet Republic.
A Nyolcak művészcsoport és tagjainak tevékenysége 1919-ben, a Tanácsköztársaság idején
A Nyolcak művészcsoport és tagjainak tevékenysége 1919-ben, a Tanácsköztársaság idején
O presente número procura oferecer assim tanto ferramentas como reflexões específicas que permitam uma nova aferição da relação entre vida e obra no caso de Fernando Pessoa, contrariando a mitologia ainda preponderante do autor sem... more
This new series of monographs reflects the range of recent research in modernist studies, contributing to the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural expansion of the field.
« Η αργοπορημένη έλευση και αποδοχή του Μοντερνισμού στην Ελλάδα πιθανώς να οφείλεται και στο γεγονός ότι εις το μεταξύ είχε αρχίσει να διαφαίνεται ξεκάθαρα το βασικό δίλημμα στην καρδιά του κινήματος: εννοώ πως οι δύο βασικές φιλοδοξίες... more
Meine Abschlussarbeit ist zum größten Teil eine kulturelle Analyse der verschiedenen Kunststile der avantgardistischen bildenden Kunst. Es wird beschrieben, wie diese zu einer ganz neuen Stilrichtung während der Nazizeit wurden, der... more
"This essay is based on my analysis of three famous novels written in Malayalam - The Legends of Khasak and The Saga of Dharmapuri by O.V Vijayan, and On the Banks of the Mayyazhi by M. Mukundan. The dreams of a ‘community/society’... more
Pessoa concebeu e projectou a edição e a publicação daquele que seria o livro de poemas do seu mestre Alberto Caeiro, projecto este que nunca concluiu. A partir da análise dos planos de edição e de publicação dos poemas de Caeiro,... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The collection of essays 'The Avant-garde and the Margin: New Territories of the Modernist Avant-garde' refigures the critical and historical picture of the modernist avant-garde by introducing a variety of less-commonly discussed... more
This article concerns the complex nature of post-war European film modernism’s historicity. According to András Bálint Kovács, this cinema rose in an arc starting from the mid-1950s, peaking in the 1960s, and slowly petering out by 1980.... more N.º 2 Caderno do Orpheu Editor Pedro Sepúlveda Lisboa, outubro de 2015 Criado em 2011, o Projeto Estranhar Pessoa destina-se a uma revisão exaustiva da discussão em torno da obra de Fernando Pessoa e... more
This article maps some of Scandinavian modernism' complexity in order to challenge the still relatively common equation of modernism with narrow formalist aesthetic experi mentation. With respect to both periodization and geography,... more
An introduction to the Art of Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz (1918-1999). This is a draft of a proposed revised and expanded POD hardcover edition.
West 86th V 27 N 1 second decade of the twenty-first century, van de Velde presents a model of adaptability in uncertain times. Moreover, he was an international figure who rose to prominence in the media environment of international... more
includes information about the inhabitants of speci c countries, for example, the people of an unidenti ed country referred to as Lukeguo are described as 'savage and cunning [.. .] up to now we have been unable to trade with them'... more
Entretien avec Albert Camus Colloque organisé par l;Union Culturelle Gréco-Française e Grèce, a l'occasion de la visite d'Albert Camus en Grèce portant sur l'Avenir de la Civilisation Européenne Invités a participer a la discussion qui a... more
Este ensaio pretende confrontar a influência de John Milton com a de William Shakespeare na obra de Fernando Pessoa. Tanto um como outro foram autores que Pessoa privilegiou enquanto leitor, desde a juventude até à idade adulta, e que... more
RAKUŠANOVÁ, Marie. Mocná čára. Gombrichovy Icones Symbolicae v rozšířeném interpretačním poli, in: Richard Biegel – Lubomír Konečný – Michaela Ottová – Roman Prahl, Ikonografie: Témata, motivy, interpretace. Kniha k poctě Jana Royta.... more
Apesar de a obra de Fernando Pessoa estar contida principalmente nos quase 30000 papéis que compõem o arquivo hoje à guarda da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, é possível demonstrar como este arquivo é composto por materiais de cariz... more
Precederam a publicação de Orpheu vários projetos pessoanos de lançamento de revistas literárias. Menos conhecido é, no entanto, o plano de lançamento, com contornos internacionais, da obra de Alberto Caeiro, dada a conhecer parcialmente... more
O espólio de Fernando Pessoa alberga inúmeros papéis que não chegaram a ser integrados em livros, mas que na maioria dos casos foram concebidos com esse propósito. É o que acontece no caso do Livro do Desassossego, onde uma aparente... more
A VI. és VII. fejezet a könyvből. Az utolsó békeév (1913) és az I. világháború kezdetének időszaka (1914-1916): a Nyolcak végnapjai, a párizsi magyar kubista-kör formálódása; miként változtatta meg a magyar modernizmus lehetőségeit az a... more
Between 1918 and 1933, the masses became a decisive preoccupation of European culture, fueling modernist movements in art, literature, architecture, theater, and cinema, as well as the rise of communism, fascism, and experiments in... more
This paper examines the poetics of Bojić's play Autumn of the King, posing the question of genre of the "historical drama" in a theoretical context and looking at the function of the historical realia of the play in aesthetic terms, as a... more
Debora Vogel (1900-1942) wrote in Yiddish unlike anyone else. Yiddish, her fourth language after Polish, Hebrew, and German, became the central vehicle for her modernist experiments in poetry and prose. This ground-breaking collection... more
Wenn innerhalb der Literaturwissenschaft von männlicher Schwangerschaft oder männlicher Reproduktion die Rede ist, so wird damit meist auf die Schwangerschaft als Metapher und Kunstschöpfungsanalogie angespielt. Geburt markiert dann den... more
Le Mépris (1963, France-Italy dir. Jean-Luc Godard) is a highly self-conscious, ‘modernist’ example of European Art Cinema. This essay discusses how the narrative embodies the quest of subjectivity in the "Modern Man" through Renaissance,... more
The most striking constant in the political orientation of European modernism in the first decades of the rwentieth century was its antagonism for parliament, the instirutior.r that embodied the democratic ideals of nineteenth-century... more
'Stream on Marx and the Frankfurt School: New Perspectives and their Contemporary Relevance',