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All jurisdictions supply corporations with legal tools to prevent or punish asset diversion by those, whether managers or dominant shareholders, who are in control. As previous research has shown, these rules, doctrines and remedies are... more
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      Comparative LawCorporate LawEuropean Company Law
Libertatea de stabilire a societatilor [comerciale] este un subiect actual si in continua transformare. Actualitatea provine din necesitatea de a gasi o solutie pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor si, din perspectiva societatilor (a dreptului... more
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      Company LawEuropean Company Law
This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagement
This work addresses the impact of language diversity and nation-specific doctrinal structures on harmonized company law in the EU. With this aim, two emblematic case studies will be analysed. The first case study is related to the... more
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      European LawComparative Private LawLaw and cultureCompany Law
This paper explores how stakeholder ideas can be applied to a discussion of the corporate governance of banks and suggests that a much broader range of stakeholders need to be considered when thinking about bank governance.
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      BusinessEuropean Company Law
This paper focuses on the execution of shares in Ghana by recounting the process involved. The paper goes further to consider as a matter of importance the legal effect of an execution of shares amidst a supposed restriction on the... more
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      Constitutional LawSecurities LawComparative Constitutional LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
This paper critically examines the concept of free movement of services in the internal market of the EU. It highlights the various services and the interpretation of this freedom of services by the Court of justice of the European Union... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawInternational LawInternational Business Law
An entry which analyses history, contents, developments and perspectives of the process of harmonization of the Company Law of the Member States performed by the European Community (through directives, regulations and case law) within the... more
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      European Company LawDiritto Societario Europeo
Georgios Zouridakis, 'Conference Report: ‘Cross-Border Mergers Directive: EU Perspectives and National Experiences’' (2018) 15 European Company Law, Issue 3, pp. 101–106
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsFinancial, Economic And Company LawMergers and acquisitionss (law)Mergers and Acquisitions
A diciotto anni di distanza la Corte di Giustizia conclude il percorso intrapreso con la ben nota sentenza Centros, con la quale aveva dato avvio al processo d’ampliamento della liberta` di stabilimento (ed alla concorrenza tra... more
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      Private International LawConflicts of LawEuropean Union LawCompany Law
While the exact impact of run-away climate change, continued biodiversity destruction and unchecked social impacts of the current financial challenges we see is unknown, we know one thing for certain: Business as usual is not an... more
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      Company LawEU company lawEuropean Company LawDirectors Duties
Η παρούσα μονογραφία παρουσιάζει και αναλύει τα νομοθετικά και ερμηνευτικά ζητήματα του ν. 4601/2019 για τους εταιρικούς μετασχηματισμούς (μετατροπή, συγχώνευση και διάσπαση επιχείρησης). Ειδικότερα, αντιμετωπίζει τα κυρίαρχα προβλήματα... more
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      Civil LawEuropean LawTax LawInternational Tax Law
The European Commission issued two proposals for Directives as regards the use of digital tools and processes in company law and cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions of companies amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132. This article... more
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      Company LawConversionEuropean Company LawMerger
Rev. prat. Soc. / Uitgeverij Bruylant -© Groep Larcier UCLouvain Extranet / Rev. prat. Soc. / Uitgeverij Bruylant -© Groep Larcier UCLouvain Extranet / Rev. prat. Soc. / Uitgeverij Bruylant -© Groep Larcier UCLouvain Extranet / Rev. prat.... more
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      Corporate LawEU LawCompany LawEU company law
An essay about the right of establishment and freedom of movement of companies under European law with specific reference to the Italian legal system
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      European Company LawFreedom of movementRigth of establishment
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. -2. Lo spin-off universitario societario: fattispecie e tipologie. -2.1. Gli elementi di specialità. -3. Ambito di utilizzo del modello organizzativo "spin-off s.r.l.". -4. Spin-off universitario e disciplina della... more
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      European Company LawCompany and Commercial Law
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      Comparative LawDiritto CivileEuropean Company LawDIRITTO SOCIETARIO
Le transfert transfrontalier du siège social des sociétés commerciales et ses implications dans la pratique notariale Sophie Maquet Notaire associé à Bruxelles Présidente de la Commission de nomination de langue française pour le notariat... more
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      Corporate LawCompany LawEU company lawEuropean Company Law
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      Critical TheoryBusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
This book corresponds to the dissertation presented in the University of Coimbra, Faculty of Law in October 2006 and publicly discussed in May 2007. It analyses the liability of controlling stockholders vis-à-vis the corporation and other... more
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      Private International LawCorporate GovernanceConflicts of LawCompany Law
This article tackles some questions of International Company Law under the Portuguese legal system, especially concerning European procedural law, conflict of laws and international commercial arbitration. In what concerns European... more
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      International ArbitrationPrivate International LawInternational Commercial ArbitrationConflicts of Law
Abstract Field Project - master COR-GOV a.a. 2019/2020 (2° ed.) Candidato: dott. Iemmolo Angelo Giulio Relatore responsabile: Prof. Cetra Antonio TITOLO La tutela dei diritti partecipativi nelle fasi di mutamento degli assetti di... more
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      Corporate LawCorporate GovernanceGovernanceCompany Law
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      Economic HistoryLawComparative LawCivil Law
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      LawCorporate GovernanceBusiness LawEuropean Union Law
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      Company LawEuropean Company Law
This paper compares and contrasts the corporate governance Models of Germany, the UK, France and Italy, and weighs their individual strengths and weaknesses.
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementMarketing
This year, the Dutch courts ruled two times in the AkzoNobel case. Two times, the courts denied the requests of activist shareholders of AkzoNobel to convene an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to dismiss AkzoNobel’s chairman of the... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCompany LawCorporate LawsEU company law
Autocar limited is a registered company manufacturing car spares in the United Kingdom. The company also has three wholly owned subsidary companies in New Zealand. Murtex Limited, Jaxspeed Limited and Cloverleaf Limited. Murtex Limited... more
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      LawComparative LawContract LawCorporate Governance
During the last decade, the regulation of corporate social and environmental disclosure and reporting has gradually but steadily emerged. What explains its emergence at different levels of regulation and through varying modes of... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance issues)European Company Law
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      BusinessEuropean Company Law
Сьогодні процедура примусового викупу акцій мажоритарними акціонерами у міноритаріїв у багатьох країнах світу є ефективним засобом захисту прав великих інвесторів і популярним тактичним прийомом, що дозволяє ефективно регулювати процес... more
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      Civil LawCorporations (Law)Company LawEU company law
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      Company LawEuropean Company Law
concorso di tre condizioni che devono sussistere congiuntamente: a) la violazione dell'obbligo di adempiere (un'obbligazione di mezzi, e non di risultato) con diligenza professionale, ex art. 1176 2 c.c., agli obblighi imposti dalla legge... more
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      European Company LawBankruptcy and Insolvency LawCompany and Commercial Law
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      European StudiesEuropean LawEuropean UnionEuropean Company Law
The article presents the legal framework for the protection of members and creditors of a company in the context of a cross-border conversion, merger or division pursuant Directive 2019/2121/EU. Reference is made to CJEU case law, which... more
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsCompany LawEuropean Company LawCross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
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      Commercial LawCompany LawEuropean Company Law
In the context of the corporate group a virtually insurmountable obstacle for litigants, is circumventing the Salomon v. Salomon principle. The rule emanating from the renowned case of Salomon v Salomon Co Ltd1 is merely a byproduct of... more
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      BusinessJurisprudenceComparative LawCivil Law
Si tratta dell'analisi della Proposta per una nuova direttiva in materia di società unipersonali a responsabilità limitata, presentata dalla Commissione UE il 9 aprile 2014 ed emendata dal Consiglio dell'UE in sede di orientamento... more
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      Business LawEuropean private lawCompany LawEuropean Company Law
I have been thinking hard on the concept of corporate personality of the company. And also how well recognized the company law is in Tanzania at large, and multifaceted subject which stretched quickly in dimensions in this modern time.... more
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      Criminal ProcedureCriminal Law Criminal Procedure LawCompany LawEU company law
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      European Company LawBankruptcy and Insolvency LawCompany and Commercial Law
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      Corporate LawMergers & AcquisitionsBusiness LawCompany Law
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) targets enabling the machine operators to undertake the maintenance activities and therefore to increase the efficiency of the equipments. It struggles with six great losses decreasing the efficiency of... more
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      Lean ManufacturingBoat BuildingEuropean Company LawKaizen, Six sigma, 5s
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      Company LawEuropean Company Law
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    • European Company Law
A quasi trent’anni dall’emanazione del Regolamento comunitario 2137/1985 che ne segna la data di nascita, e a venticinque dalla effettiva possibilità di costituzione, il gruppo europeo di interesse economico (GEIE) è ancora percepito,... more
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      European LawItalian LawCompany LawEuropean Company Law
LARCIER prudence s'échinent depuis de nombreuses années à dégager des critères permettant de distinguer les opérations relevant de la gestion normale du patrimoine privé de celles qui proviennent d'une spéculation excédant les limites... more
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      Company LawEuropean Company Law
relativa alle società a responsabilità limitata con un unico socio (c.d. Proposta SUP) Testo originale della Commissione (COM) (9/4/2014) -2014/0120 (COD) Testo dell'Orientamento Generale del Consiglio (O.G.) (29/5/2015) Emendamenti... more
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      European LawCompany LawEU company lawEuropean Company Law
Resumen: La Directiva 2019/2121 ofrece una regulación conjunta de las transformaciones societarias, las fusiones y las escisiones intracomunitarias. Aquí se analiza cómo la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Luxemburgo ha jugado un papel... more
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      European Union LawCompany LawEuropean Company LawInternational Company Law
This paper analysed the rationale for the use of alternatives to the modern corporate form. It equally analysed the main features of most of the alternatives as well as their positive and negative aspects from compliance and legal... more
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      International BusinessCommercial LawCompany LawEU company law
ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ Διεθνές Συνέδριο Εταιρικού Δικαίου στο Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου “Η Οδηγία για τις Διασυνοριακές Συγχωνεύσεις Εταιριών: Ενωσιακές Προοπτικές και Εθνικές Εμπειρίες”\“Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national... more
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      Employment LawEuropean LawCorporate LawMergers & Acquisitions