European Commission
Recent papers in European Commission
... The research is based on an analysis of a European Commission dataset from a benchmarking survey of 77 incubators as well as 52 interviews in 25 large technology-driven corporations in Europe and the United States. ... The size of the... more
This article, which introduces a Special Issue of the JCES on the challenges of EU enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans, critically examines the geopolitical turn of the EU’s institutional thinking on enlargement since 2017.... more
In this article for Just Security, the authors explain how the EU institutions (European Commission and External Action Service) and the US are pressing forward with a package assembled by Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, which... more
TreKker is an intervention model designed for students which aims to develop the individual as an integrated whole. This model was created to be used as a framework for individual skills development in an academic environment. As a result... more
Extensive areas of methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) have been mapped in the Irish Sea. In the Irish Sector, 23 seabed mounds associated with the Codling Fault Zone were identified by multi-beam echo sounder mapping. Inspection... more
The trans-European transport networks programme is one of the most ambitious initiatives of the European Union. The networks are to link landlocked and peripheral areas with the central areas of the Community. The identification of those... more
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Abdruck oder vergleichbare Verwendung von Arbeiten der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik ist auch in Auszügen nur mit vorheriger schriftlicher Genehmigung gestattet. SWP-Studien unterliegen einem... more
This paper presents the research conducted as part of the work requirements for the Human Integration into the Lifecycle of Aviation Systems (HILAS) project, sponsored by the European Commission. Specifically, it describes the proposed... more
This paper explores a number of key issues that have been identified as being important in the identification and evaluation of best practice within the context of e-learning and virtual campuses. The 'Promoting Best Practice in Virtual... more
Over the last decades Nanotechnology has promised to advance science and technology in many areas. Within medicine, Nanomedicine promises to deliver new methods for diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. As the amount of available information... more
The short brief analyses the new dynamics in the new EU legislature on EU enlargement to the Western Balkans, its impact on the EU’s perspective to North Macedonia, and the role of the Assembly of North Macedonia in pushing for the... more
In this review paper an overview of the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycles in agricultural systems is presented. The information summarized provides general information on the important processes involved as they relate to losses from... more
The fact that people are increasingly locked into their smartphones, tablets and other technological tools which put work, games and music at their fingertips has an impact not only on everyday life but also on competition issues. Indeed,... more
National cultures often reflect a preference for one of the ideal-types hierarchical, network or market governance. A comparison of four similar policy cases in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and the European Commission reveals that... more
The determination of extractable trace metals in sediments using sequential extraction procedures has been performed in many laboratories within the last ten years in order to study environmental pathways (e.g. mobility of metals,... more
This article describes the user-centred development of play scenarios for robot assisted play, as part of the multidisciplinary IROMEC11The work described in this article is conducted within the EU project IROMEC (Interactive Robotic... more
The fading credibility of Turkey's European Union (EU) membership perspective has undermined the conditionality strategy of the EU. However, outside of the formal setting of the accession talks, twinning projects are considered as a tool... more
In recent weeks the US has stepped up its campaign against the Nord Stream 2 project. Washington is putting pressure on Berlin to withdraw its support for the project, and is threatening to use increasingly powerful measures, including... more
sector to invest in the development and licensing of PGx diagnostic tests for improving the safety and efficacy of outof-patent drugs. It therefore seems that one key aspect where policy can affect the clinical uptake of PGx is via... more
For Europe, a new regime in chemicals regulation is about to start. After the proposal of the European Commission concerning the registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals (REACh) passed its readings in
A systematic revision of the notion of facilitating practices is put forward in this paper, with the purpose of relaxing the long-debated tension between economic and legal perspectives on oligopoly. Whereas the law knows of just one... more
Until the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) was born (January 1, 1995) the rules of the trading system pertained to trade in goods, not services. Where as tariffs are the principal barriers to trade in goods, domestic laws and... more
During the 1990s, passive treatment technology was introduced to the United Kingdom (UK). Early hesitancy on the part of regulators and practitioners was rapidly overcome, at least for net-alkaline mine waters, so that passive treatment... more
The European Commission was funding within its fifth Framework Programme the project POSICOSS, which coped with the demand to design fibre composite fuselage structures for postbuckling under ultimate load. The main objective of the work... more
Lake Varese is a relatively small lake, belonging to the drainage basin of lake Maggiore (northern Italy). It has had a long his- tory (since 1960s) of water quality deterioration as the result of cultural eutrophication. In 1967 a... more
Nowadays, Road Safety Inspections (RSI) are recognized as an effective tool for identifying safety deficiencies of road infrastructures. They represent a low cost process for the evaluation of the network safety performance. Its... more
An exposure assessment and risk characterization was conducted to better understand the potential human health significance of trace levels of perfluorooctanoate (PFO) detected in certain consumer articles. PFO is the anion of... more
While bandwidth for Internet access in urban areas is steadily increasing in recent years, some rural areas are still suffering from digital divide. This paper presents a broadband Internet access solution developed by the ADHOCSYS... more
Abstract: Last year the European Commission published its Action Plan on European contract law. That plan forms an important step towards a European Civil Code. In its Plan, the Commission tries to depoliticise the codification process... more
The European Commission has supported the G6MA-CT-2000-01012 project on "Metrology of Qualitative Chemical Analysis" (MEQUALAN), which was developed during 2000-2002. The final result is a document produced by a group of scientists with... more
Public participation is a key ingredient of good governance and there are many advantages of involving stakeholders in the decision-making process. The European Commission identified the lack of stakeholder involvement as one of the major... more
Currently, the biogas sector in Western Europe is faced by rapid technical and non-technical developments and innovations, and biogas markets are growing at a considerable pace. In contrast, the biogas market in Southern and Eastern... more
Currently industrial control technology experiences a strong trend towards distributed systems. This leads to the distribution of formerly physically centralised hardware and software into smaller units, which are distributed within the... more
Enterprise restructuring can no longer be understood as a temporal crisis. Current developments show that for many organizations and even regions or sectors restructuring became a recurrent and continuous process. But often restructuring... more