Euro-Zone Crisis
Recent papers in Euro-Zone Crisis
(all teaching material is in Danish)
An easyJet inflight magazine article offers a great example of how ideology – in the Marxist sense of the word, i.e. a mystification of reality which ensures the continuous dominance of the ruling class – works, and why in this day and... more
The euro has been in crisis for weeks. Amid market rumors and political trade‐offs, it can be hard to find precise legal bearings. In such situations, the best way to understand the extent and limits of the legal rules is to go back to... more
In this short paper, both Germany and Greece are examined to establish which country would be the better choice for a prospective U.S. multinational company wishing to expand its operations in Europe.
For 5.000 years, since the first states were created in what is now southern Iraq, governments have been using violence to create political unity and then using politics (and, when necessary, more violence) to create economic and cultural... more
A la venta en Amazon: Referencia: Berumen,... more
La crisi finanziaria scoppiata nell’autunno 2008 ha sancito il successo di coloro che ne sono stati gli artefici. In Italia e Grecia sono andati al potere tecnocrati e banchieri, gli stessi che, fino al giorno prima, hanno lavorato per le... more
Die Veränderungen des Kapitalismus haben sich aus seinen organischen Krisen und ihrem staatlichen Management ergeben. Aus der Großen Depression entstand der zwischenimperialistische Organisierte Kapitalismus, aus der Weltwirtschaftskrise... more
The "Greek crisis" was officially inaugurated on May 2010 with the loan the Greek government took from the IMF-European Union-European Central Bank troika, the largest a country had ever taken (€110 bn). Since then, the social... more
This white paper examines the current state of debate about – and evidence for – the links between cash, crime, and terrorism. Drawing from IMTFI’s accumulated expertise on monetary technologies, from cash to digital, it examines a range... more
Europe’s woes are the result failed economic policies. But in a wider sense, they are the result of a failed paradigm: the idea that the economy is best left to supposedly self-regulating markets, with the government intervening as little... more
Lehrbeauftragte an der Fakultät für Sozialund Kulturwissenschaften der Hochschule Fulda und Vorstandsmitglied im Villigster Forschungsforum zu Nationalsozialismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus e.V. Andreas Meyerhöfer, B.A., Student der... more
Seitdem Syriza in Griechenland an der Macht ist, sind die politische Strategie und der ökonomische Plan der neuen Regierung Gegenstand zahlreicher Debatten. Finanzminister Varoufakis verfasste unlängst einen kleinen Band, der einige... more
Goldman Sachs claims that its $2 billion Sukuk programme follows a Murabaha structure, Mohammed Khnifer claims otherwise – that it is nothing more than a Reverse Tawarruq. What follows is an in-depth review of GS sukuk Offering Circular.... more
The euro crisis has not killed enlargement but it is relegating the region to the outermost circle in a multi-speed Europe – the periphery of the periphery. With Balkan economies beset by low or negative growth rates and rising... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione; 2. Le Sentenze Maastricht e Lisbona; 3.
Celui du monde en tant que biosphère est déjà dépassé ; celui du monde minéral des ‘quatre pics et un déclin’ sera rejoint en 2030 ; celui du prolétariat sera atteint, nous l’espérons, bien avant. Notre modèle, qui, avec l’ensemble du... more
Die Krise der EU spitzt sich Ende 2012 wieder zu, und es ist kein Ende abzusehen. Es gibt viele gute Vorschläge von links, wie die Krise nachhaltig und gerecht gelöst werden könnte. Es mangelt also nicht an Ideen und Projekten. Warum wird... more
Μετά από μια σύντομη σκιαγράφηση των επιπτώσεων της παγκοσμιοποίησης στις κοινωνικές δομές των πόλεων, το κείμενο αυτό αναφέρεται στις ειδικότερες επιπτώσεις που υφίστανται ή διαφαίνονται στην Αθήνα ως αποτέλεσμα της κρίσης του δημοσίου... more
Der Beitrag untersucht die Rolle des EuGH als Konfliktbearbeitungsinstanz in der Eurokrise. Ausgangspunkt ist die Beobachtung, dass die Eurokrise die Qualität und Reichweite der Konflikte, mit denen der EuGH konfrontiert ist, erheblich... more
On the basis of a brief reconstruction of the causes and impacts of the Euro crisis, this paper explores, counterfactually and hypothetically, whether the new Euro regime, insisting on fiscal austerity and supply-side reforms, could have... more
While it is early to mourn the euro, it would be unwise to ignore the magnitude and significance of the changes now taking place in the Eurozone. No doubt, the economic and financial problems in the Eurozone are serious and plentiful. The... more
The European economy has finally started growing again, but the news to date is hardly cause for celebration. The European standard of living as measured by gross domestic product per capita remains statistically lower than in the United... more
The work of Jürgen Habermas became famous for his studies on topics such as public sphere, discourse ethics and communicative action. However, given the current crisis of capitalism, it may be productive to revisit a moment of his... more
The Draft Treaty on the Democratization of the Governance of the Euro Area (dubbed “T-Dem”) is an academic project aimed at reducing the democratic deficit in the euro area by creating a Parliamentary Assembly of the Euro Area, outside of... more
As with every EU Member State, the Euro crisis had an impact in Bulgaria, albeit limited. Bulgaria’s initial reactions to the Euro crisis started in late 2009 with the newly-formed (at the time) Government. The European emergency measures... more
In this paper we explore the different political responses to the eurocrisis among European publics since the financial crisis in Europe started in 2008 by concentrating on the two most important organizational vehicles in a democratic... more
This article evaluates the dynamics behind the contagion of 2007 US Subprime crisis to the European Monetary Union from a Post-Keynesian view. In doing that, it focuses on the peculiarities of the union regarding its structural difference... more
This research project examines the relationship between leadership and the ongoing euro zone crisis by examining what effect those in command have when they make their decisions. Outlining the current progress of the crisis and how... more