Eurasian Nomads
Recent papers in Eurasian Nomads
Archaeological Jew’s Harps from Ancient Nomadic Cultures of Eastern Eurasia Until now only musical instrument from Xiongnu archaeological monuments was a Jew’s harp unearthed by Prof. D.Tseveendorj in 1989 in Morin Tolgoi burial ground,... more
This article is based on a contrastive analysis of three decrees dealing with the administration of nomadic pastoralists in twelfth-century Iran, two issued by the Saljūq sultan Sanjar and one by a dynasty of slave emirs (the Atabegs of... more
Introduction et traduction en français de l’Histoire des Mongols de Jean de Plancarpin, accompagnée d’une traduction de documents ayant trait au voyage dans l’empire mongol de Jean de Plancarpin (lettres et privilèges missionnaires... more
"Words and Phrases, Unchanged for Centuries. Containing a rich glossary and in excess of 300 words and phrases, the texts demonstrate the strength of the Macedonian language through preservation. Following is a comparison of... more
The ‘Türk Altay Theory / Türk-Altay Kuramı’ is a true story of the early existence of the Türks in North Asia. Sayan-Altay’s successive indigenous cultures from 6000 BC to 6th-8th century AD, were connected each other by using... more
A retrospective interview with István Vásáry in the journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Для понимания современных процессов в зоне Евразийского степного пояса полезно рассмотреть взаимное влияние архитектурных традиций народов на этой территории. Известно, что государства в окрестностях Китая подчас образовывались на базе... more
Egy sajátságos fokos Nagyhalászról. / Scythian Age hatchet - sagaris - from Nagyhalász (Hungary) AD HOC 2018 Rövid ismertetés a nagyhalászi griff6sasfejben végződő karú vas díszfokosról. / The short introduction of the Scythian Age... more
Институт физико-химических и биологических проблем почвоведения РАН МАТЕРИАЛЫ ВСЕРОССИЙСКОЙ МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНОЙ НАУЧНОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ С МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫМ УЧАСТИЕМ «ПАЛЕОПОЧВЫ, ПАЛЕОЭКОЛОГИЯ, ПАЛЕОЭКОНОМИКА» (Пущино, 22-24 мая 2017 г.) Пущино 2017... more
The second thematic panel presented a wide range of the latest advances in the study of the migrations and identity in Eurasia from the ancient times to the middle ages, with a focus on scholarly traditions, literary evidence and... more
Автореферат диссертации
С 6 по 10 июня 2016 г. прошел III-й Международный Мадьярский симпозиум по археологии. Мероприятие является продолжением симпозиумов, состоявшихся в 2011 г. в г. Комсомольск (Украина) и в 2013 г. в г. Челябинск (Россия) (Боталов С.Г.,... more
Import of weapons came to the steppes in various ways. One of them was to pass on as diplomatic gifts that testified about the concluded covenants and emphasized the status and prestige of the donors and the donees. Such a ceremonial... more
Kuman/Kıpçakların tarihteki önemleri göz önünde bulundurulduğunda birçok özellik dikkat çekmektedir. Her şeyden önce kaynaklar bu Türk boyu kadar geniş bir sahada hâkimiyet kuran başka bir Türk boyu olmadığını belirtmektedir. Sahip... more
The article considers the possible correlation between post-Zarubintsy sites of the Rakhny type (1st – 2nd cc. AD) with the Sarmatian antiquities of the Southern Bug – Dniester interstream area (Porogi, Grushka, Pisarevka, Severinovka,... more
19. yüzyılda ve 20. Yüzyılın başında Ehli Hak toplulukları inceleyen Rus oryantalistlerin dikkatini çeken Ali İlâhiler’in bir çok dini pratiği Ehl-i Haklar’la aynı olmasına rağmen, temel bazı farklılıkları da göze... more
A korai magyar történelem, közkeletűbb nevén a magyar őstörténet az írott adatokat tekintve forrásszegény kutatási terület. Így a régészet, mint rohamosan gyarapodó forrásanyagú tudományág kiemelkedő jelentőséggel bír(hat) e téren. Ez... more
The Cumans came to Europe as a result of a number of migrations of peoples, which began with the arrival of the Kuns (Qūn) from China, expelled from their lands by the people of Kay (Qāy). This forced them to the territory of Šārī (Sīrī)... more
The article presents the silver gilt phalerae found in the course of earthworks in the area of Kuban stanitza Uspenskaya in 1866 and now kept in the State Museum of Georgia. The central part of two large phalerae is decorated with... more
†wandžština jazghulámština róšánština chúfština badžúština bartangština rášárvština saríqólština iškášimština †zébáčtina sangléčtina †sarghulámština mundžánština jidgháština jaghnóbština * †zarafšánština * †darwázština
This is a much longer version of the review I wrote for Central Eurasian Reader. I post it online for two reasons: first, because I think this is an important book that deserves to be known beyond the small circle of those who read... more
The article offers an ethnographic account of contemporary housing practices among nomadic reindeer herders in the Russian North. We draw on the results of an extensive fieldwork in several locations to describe how the making of mobile... more
Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Коллекция железных орудий труда из погребений жужанского времени комплекса Чобурак-I (Северный Алтай) // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайского края. Барнаул: Изд-во... more
This paper provides characteristics of defensive armor and offensive weapons from the graves of the kurgan cemetery of the 13th–14th centuries known as Sidorenkova Shchel (near Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Region) as well as analysis of the... more
When Muhammad b. Tekesh became Khwarazmshah in 1200, he needed some years to consolidate his position. In the process, a tactics of winning over local power-holders is particularly striking. The paper gives some examples and a brief... more
Pazyryk Tattoos as an Artistic Testimony of Ancient Wars and Marriages. Azbelev, Pavel Petrovich (The State Hermitage Museum, Educational Department) Abstract. The Pazyryk culture of the Altai mountains (second half of the 1st... more
A brief introduction on the history of Russian expedition on Scythian gold-from 18th century to present.
The history of Eurasia has ignited historian's void for many years.The history of a huge continent is a pretext to consider the interactions between individual empires that have functioned in its various parts for centuries.The empires of... more
Jerzmanowice-Stara Wieś. The newly discovered medieval fortress from the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. The article is devoted to a fortress from the Late Medieval period discovered by the author of the presented here text in the course of... more
Review of Beatrice Tessier's publication of John Castle's diary in English translation