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At the end of a long history of increasingly close relationships with her neighbor, the Etruscan city of Caere became a sort of "satellite state" of Rome and was eventually transformed into a praefectura in 273 B.C.E. Historians have... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyAcculturation and 'Romanisation'CaereRoman Archaeology
Dal ryez aI ry89 nel podere Forzello di San Basilio la Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto e l'allora Istiruto, ora Dipartimento, di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna hanno effettuato in collaborazione ffe campagne di scavo durate... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyWooden ArchitectureArchaic Trade Amphoras
The bronze crescent moon with Etruscan dedication to the lunar deity Tiur is a remarkable epigraphic document associated with Città della Pieve by virtue of its long collecting history, which sees it at the center of attention of... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAncient Mediterranean ReligionsHistory of ArcheologyEtruscan Archaeology
The Etruscan Underworld god is represented in some painted tombs with a wolf skin on his head. Why was the wolf chosen to represent a god? This is the question I will try to answer, starting from a biological approach, by examining the... more
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      Comparative ReligionEtruscan ArchaeologyIron AgeReligious Studies
Tra i personaggi che animarono la vita intellettuale di Roma nella prima metà del secolo XIX, Donna Teresa Caetani, nata de' Rossi, rappresenta sicuramente un caso d'interesse sia per quanto riguarda le vicende dell'alta nobiltà romana,... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyCaetani Family HistoryEtruscologiaStoria Dell'Archeologia
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeology
Populonia is the only Etruscan town on the sea. It occupies the hills of Poggio del Telegrafo and Poggio del Castello, overlooking the Gulf of Baratti. The city benefits from a territory rich of natural resources and with great potential.... more
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      ArchaeologyEtruscan ArchaeologyArcheologiaEtruscology
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAncient Near EastEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscology
Complete view and Download at _______________________________________________________________________________________ The great Poem of Babylonian Creation, the myth of Enmeduranki, the book of secrets of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMetaphysics of TimeQumranic StudiesEnoch literature
The paper discusses the cult of the Hirpi Sorani, comparing it with other wolf cults of central Italy (Roman Lupercalia, Etruscan reliefs possibly depicting the cult of Calu), analyzing the common elements of these cults, and suggesting... more
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      Roman ReligionGreco-Roman MythologyEtruscan ArchaeologyLupercalia
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      International TradeEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeology
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMediterranean StudiesAncient Near EastEtruscan Archaeology
The Etruscan language can be interpreted as Indo-European
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      Indo-european language reconstructionEtymologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European Studies
Els etruscs a Menorca, 3 i a Mallorca
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      Menorca / MinorcaBaleares /Balearic IslandsEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan studies
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryAncient DNA (Archaeology)Ancient Greek History
Il contributo presenta le osservazioni conclusive in merito alle attività di produzione del ferro a Populonia, fra il periodo etrusco tardo e la romanizzazione. Il periodo di più intensa produzione, stando ai dati restituiti dalle... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLandscape Archaeology
This short article deals with the history and objects of the small collection created by the late Abbate Sante Felici at the Abbazia di Farneta near Cortona.
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    • Etruscan Archaeology
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureGreek ArchaeologyEtruscan Archaeology
La ricerca archeologica condotta nella media e bassa Valle dell'Albegna negli ultimi decenni ha consolidato e per certi versi complicato una prospettiva tracciata, per la prima volta con respiro comprensoriale, dalle surveys del Progetto... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan studies
L’etimologia del toponimo di Eboli è una questione che affonda le sue radici nella notte dei tempi, e – in maniera plurima – storici locali (e non) hanno affrontato questa problematica di complessa interpretazione. Qual è, ordunque, il... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryGreek LanguageAncient Greek History
Nell'amabito detrle pnoblernatilche relative alla siderurgia preindustriale nella Toscana costiera, ancora poco note sono le teanologie della prodLuzione deli ferro impregate in età preromana.
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyHistory of MetallurgyArchaeometallurgy, Mineralogy, Archaeometry
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)Etruscan ArchaeologyIron Age (Archaeology)
Testo di riflessione sull'indagine circa la lingua e le origini del popolo etrusco
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      EtruscanAncient DNA (Archaeology)Ancient DNA ResearchEtruscan Archaeology
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      Collecting and CollectionsAntiquarianismEtruscan Archaeology
TMA 11, mei 1993, 6de jaargang nr. I.
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyEtruscan studies
The objective of this research is to detect and extract traces of past human activities on the Etruscan site of San Giovenale (Blera) in Northern Lazio, Italy. Investigations have been conducted by integrating high-resolution satellite... more
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      LiDAR for topographic mappingEtruscan ArchaeologyLiDAR for Landscape ArchaeologyAntiquities Looting
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyIron AgeItalian Iron Age Archaeology
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruscologyHistory of Antiquarianism
The necessity for prostheses was as apparent in antiquity as it is today. There are two primary considerations for these devices; form and function. Form is both the aesthetics of the appliance in its own right and also how accurately the... more
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      ReligionNear Eastern ArchaeologyMusicLiterature
Dans son livre de 1998, Devins, Dieux et démons. Regards sur la religion de l'Étrurie antique, Jean-René Jannot, s'appuyant sur les travaux de M. Torelli, faisait figurer à juste titre le sanctuaire de Gravisca dans une rubrique sur les «... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyGravisca
Drawings of human skeleton ED-1 from Baratti San Cerboni, Italy from photographs by Dott. Pier Paolo Mariani.
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    • Etruscan Archaeology
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      GeographyArchitectural TheoryModern ArchitectureEtruscan Archaeology
Domestic livestock were a crucial part of Mediterranean communities throughout later prehistory. In the first millennium BC, livestock mangement changed, and was changed by, the rise of cities in Italy. Italian prehistory has a rich... more
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      ZooarchaeologyEtruscan ArchaeologyIron Age
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryLandscape Archaeology
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    • Etruscan Archaeology
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      EtruscanReligious HistoryEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscology
Benché la Tomba François al suo interno sia piena di affreschi con raffigurazioni splendide di uomini e di gesta, difficilmente chi osserva non sarà attratto dal più esteso e dettagliato fregio animalistico dell'arte antica. Ritengo che... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman RepublicEtruscanRoman Army
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyAthenian black-figured vasesCeramica Attica a Figure NereCeramica Attica
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      Classical ArchaeologyIconographyEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary Art
This paper presents some of the preliminary findings of a research project to catalogue the collection of bucchero in the British Museum. It provides an outline of the bucchero in the collection, the formation of the collection and... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyBritish MuseumBucchero
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      Gender StudiesWomen's HistorySocial HistoryEtruscan Archaeology
etrusca e il collezionismo in Europa dal XVI al XIX secolo " Etruscans in Brazil: a summary of the Brazilian collections of Etruscans goods-The constitution of the collections of Etruscan artistic artefacts in Brazilian museums through a... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeology
A etruscan's necropolis with a particularly  "dolmenic" aspect, in the Tolfa's Hills,Latium,Italy
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruschiCivitavecchia
In a recent publication ("Passage to the Underworld. Continuity or Change in Etruscan Funerary Ideology and Practices (6th–2nd Centuries BC?", in J.R. Brandt, M. Prusac & H. Roland (eds): Death and Changing Rituals. Function and Meaning... more
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    • Etruscan Archaeology
Introduction to Classical Archaeology I. (in Slovak) - Etruscan and Roman art and archeology
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      Roman HistoryRomanian StudiesArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyEtruscan Archaeology
Nelle sue memorie tifernati il sacerdote Alessandro Certini (1665-1742) dà notizia del ritrovamento di vari reperti archeologici interessanti per la ricostruzione, almeno di alcuni tratti, della storia antica dell'Alta Valle del Tevere.... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan studiesEpigraphy
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      Sports HistoryEtruscan ArchaeologySportSports
Polat Kaya: The title above may be a startling one for some people who are not used to hear such bold descriptions of supposedly "Christian" monuments. The fact is that it is true! In this article I want to reveal a new insight regarding... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryPaganismPantheism
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruria and Ancient ItalyAnatomical votives