Ethnic and Racial Studies
Recent papers in Ethnic and Racial Studies
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
A sequel to the groundbreaking volume Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions, the present volume examines in depth interactions between Western racial constructions of East Asians and local constructions of... more
Designed to encourage critical thinking about history, the Major Problems in American History series introduces students to both primary sources and analytical essays on important topics in US history. This collection is designed for... more
A chronology of all measures introduced by the National Socialist municipal administration and other perpetrator agencies against the Berlin Jews. The day by day chronicle, based on many hitherto unknown sources, provides the reader with... more
O objetivo do presente trabalho fora compreender de que modo se deu a tematização do racismo e das questões raciais no momento que inaugura as possibilidades de interlocução entre sociedade civil e instituições formais do Estado... more
Anglo-Indians, a designation acquired in the 1911 Indian Census, had previously been known as Eurasians, East Indians, Indo-Britons and half-castes. ‘Anglo-Indian’ had previously denoted, and among some scholars continues to denote,... more
El objetivo principal de este documento es doble: en primer lugar, hacer un análisis de la situación de pobreza que enfrenta la población afrodescendiente en Cali, la ciudad con mayor concentración de la población afrodescendiente en... more
The country reports have been used as background information for the new FRA report on on "the impact of the Racial Equality Directive".
Mostly due to the lack of suitable data, cross-national research on the integration of migrant pupils is still scarce. We aim to fill this gap by addressing the question of the extent to which native and first-and second-generation... more
The book deals with the personal experiences of Reece Jones. It talks about the refugees fleeing their home countries in order to save their lives, and dying in the process.
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
Color de piel y clase social" and "Skin Color and Social Class" are respectively the Spanish and English versions of the article "Preconceito racial de marca e preconceito racial de origem-sugestão para um quadro de referência para a... more
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Black Panther (2018) offers scholars a unique opportunity to measure the potential positive influence of the film on American youth, particularly youth of color. Past research demonstrated that, for African Americans, greater ethnic... more
Held annually, the Teaching Black History Conference aims to improve Black history curriculum decision-making and instructional practice. Individual sessions are led by classroom teachers as well as university professors. This year’s... more
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” —William Butler Yeats (1889) Welcome to our course, “Race and Ethnicity”! These are not, needless to say, normal circumstances. This is the first time in four decades... more
The concept of super-diversity has been widely evokedsometimes in highly misleading ways. Based on a survey of 325 publications across multiple disciplines, this special issue endword piece presents a typology of ways of understanding... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
This revisionary view of identity politics, and the politics of inclusion, was published in the Los Angeles Times. It focuses on a surprising star of the Republican Party--abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Inclusion without racialism may... more
Two weeks ago, the world witnessed a murder of an innocent Black man, George Floyd, what many, including Jesse Jackson, called a “public lynching” in broad daylight, at the hands of a white policeman. It was a brutal killing by the manner... more
The terms 'return migration' or 're-emigration' deal with the return of the diaspora to the country of origin and are therefore full of nationalistic perspective. These terms can be useful in the case of a diasporic return to the country... more
Introductory essay to special issue of Occasion: "Race, Space, Scale" (coauthored with Rashad Shabazz)
Semester Research Analytical Paper, University of Southern Maine
Abstract: What accounts for low-intensity intergroup violence? In this paper, we explore the micro-level determinants of low-intensity sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, which has marked the post-1998 peace agreement period. We use... more
There is a rich body of literature on the experience of Japanese immigrants in the United States, and there are also numerous accounts of the cultural dislocation felt by American expats in Japan. But what happens when Japanese Americans,... more