Ethnic Conflict
Recent papers in Ethnic Conflict
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
This article argues that the post-Dayton political organisation of Bosnia represents an exemplary illustration of the difficulties associated with the empirical application of the pluralist model of “consociational democracy”. The... more
This dissertation seeks to map, compare, and interrogate the concept of desecuritization, as it has been developed in normative-political and empirical literatures, both within and beyond the Copenhagen School. Departing from the ordering... more
This article addresses the reasons why ethnic diversity has never posed a challenge to the stability of Transnistria (also called the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic), an unrecognized state that broke away from Moldova during the collapse... more
A catástrofe jugoslava não resultou em primeiro lugar de antigas hostilidades étnicas ou religiosas, nem do colapso do comunismo no final da guerra fria, nem mesmo dos fracassos dos países ocidentais. Esses fatores pioraram inegavelmente... more
Abstract: What accounts for low-intensity intergroup violence? In this paper, we explore the micro-level determinants of low-intensity sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, which has marked the post-1998 peace agreement period. We use... more
In-group and superordinate identities are key predictors for intergroup forgiveness, albeit with opposite effects. To investigate the identity-forgiveness relationship, we included perceived compatibility between in-group and... more
The purpose of this study is to present exhaustive, the autonomy of Trentino-Alto Adige South Tyrol and provide an overview that weaves legal issues with political ones, in the light of historical events, and, as available, reproducing... more
Politicians and decision-makers, however, do often take ethnocentrism, nationalism, xenophobia for granted and, in general, do not bother to consider what are the essence and the ultimate causes thereof. In turn, political action without... more
Do social cohesion activities change the attitudes of the participants? This paper uses intergroup contact theory to explore attitude change resulting from contact with out-group(s) in social cohesion activities. Results from a... more
A prevalent theme in the public forum on the recent wave of black church arson in the United States is that the events are part of an overarching conspiracy on the part of hate groups to start a race war. In attempting to discount this... more
Georgien skall vara en självständig, enhetlig och odelbar stat […]. Den georgiska statens politiska struktur skall inta formen av en demokratisk republik.
Округ Алтай находится в северной части Синьцзян-Уйгурского автономного района Китайской Народной Республики. Рус- ские старообрядцы из Российской империи и Советского Союза жили в этом округе в деревнях вокруг озера Канас с середины XIX... more
The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more
Discorsi e testimonianze di pensiero libero, piccoli saggi, articoli, lettere. Contro censure e condizionamenti. Libri politici per cercare un'altra politica e ritrovare un pensiero forte. Libri del passato pensati per il futuro.... more
This book explores the causes and dynamics of ethnic conflict and civil war, distinguishing between onset-based and process-based theories. He introduces a scheme of periodization which links the phase of low-scale inter-ethnic violence... more
Racial hoaxes are becoming a popular discursive strategy to disguise racism, as well as a powerful means for triggering waves of fake news and outraged comments both on mainstream and social media. Built on grounds of plausibility and... more
According to the " Waffle " model of the Belgian Linguistic Conflict (Klein et al., 2012), this conflict centres around two main dimensions: One concerns the use of language across the territory and the second concerns the distribution of... more
Nigeria has a population of (one hundred and eighty million) 180,000,000 million inhabitants with over 250 different ethnic groups and over 400 spoken different languages and dialects. The multicultural nature of the Nigerian society with... more
15 декабря суд в Ставропольском крае вынес приговор по так называемому «ингушскому делу». Ингушских активистов и организаторов мирных протестов 2018–2019 годов Ахмеда Барахоева, Мусу Мальсагова и Малсага Ужахова приговорили к девяти годам... more
Voortvloeiend uit het veronderstelde belang van etniciteit in de Keniaanse politiek heb ik in dit werkstuk geprobeerd te onderzoeken hoe die verwevenheid in recente literatuur wordt beschreven.
Purpose -This editorial aims to introduce the special issue on employment discrimination against immigrants. Design/methodology/approach -The first part is a commentary on key issues in the study of employment discrimination against... more
Access Archaeology offers a different publishing model for specialist academic material that might traditionally prove commercially unviable, perhaps due to its sheer extent or volume of colour content, or simply due to its relatively... more
Kinship in Thucydides is a new contribution to the study of Thucydides and the social history of the ancient Greek world. Drawing on modern anthropological enquiries on kinship and sociology of ethnicity and emotions, and scholarly work... more
The Cline Center Historical Phoenix Event Data covers the period 1945-2018 and includes several million events extracted from 17.5 million news stories. This data was produced using the state-of-the-art PETRARCH-2 software to analyze... more
Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by... more
Assessment of AFBiH capabilities, performance, handicaps and weaknesses, including politicization in the ranks and potential fracture along ethnic lines under pressure.
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to suggest to the conflict study scholars a new instrument -the "conflict volcano" that could be an effective and appropriate tool for conflict analysis. Design/methodology/approach -The "conflict... more
This study aims to analyze the ethnic dilemma in the Pamir region, or Badakh Mountains of the Badakhshan region, that became the reason for the call of independence of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region from Tajikistan. This paper also... more
This article examines whether there is a steady pattern of celebrity engagement with humanitarian issues through a study of the involvement of U2 and Angelina Jolie in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The activism of these two celebrities was... more
Race and Racism in Modern East Asia juxtaposes Western racial constructions of East Asians with constructions of race and their outcomes in modern East Asia. It is the first endeavor to explicitly and coherently link constructions of race... more
This paper challenges the widely-accepted view that politics in Trinidad and Tobago is driven by ethnic rivalry between the country’s Africans and Indians, or ‘ethnic politics’. The paper demonstrates how this interpretation distorts the... more
Examines the evolution of separatist terrorism in Brittany and Corsica and evaluates the French government's response