In this study, we investigate morality in relation to the public good in post-socialist Europe. Public good morality is defi ned as the (non)acceptance of behaviour that contravenes the law and harms society and the greater good of the... more
The Astroethics of Responsibility proposed here is founded on a substructure of quandary-responsibility ethics, supported by a theological notion of the common good plus a naturalistic justification for response and care. Within the... more
Homo consumens, homo eligens, homo creator…-rzecz o obliczach konsumenta w ponowoczesnym społeczeństwie (recenzja z: K. Romaniszyn (red.) Nowa droga do zniewolenia? O życiu w społeczeństwie konsumpcyjnym
Homo consumens, homo eligens, homo creator…-rzecz o obliczach konsumenta w ponowoczesnym społeczeństwie (recenzja z: K. Romaniszyn (red.) Nowa droga do zniewolenia? O życiu w społeczeństwie konsumpcyjnym
The present article is published in Urbanities-Journal of Urban Ethnography, 13(2), November 2023. Open-access, available at: The original chapter was... more
Anaesthesiologists are well trained and equipped to practise a high standard of care and contribute significantly to positive perioperative outcomes. Professionalism is characterised first by expertise in the clinical skills,... more
Заклик М. Вебера до поєднання етики відповідальності та етики переконання зберігає своє кардинальне значення. Найоптимальнішим є підхід, згідно з яким у державно-політичній сфері слід орієнтуватися на максими етики переконання, однак лише... more
La responsabilité collective dans la presse « Éthique de conviction » et/ou « éthique de responsabilité » Tenants et aboutissants du concept de responsabilité collective dans le discours de trois quotidiens nationaux français "Ethics of... more
In recent years, the Czech Republic has seen the largest changes in media ownership since the early 1990s. Most striking was the purchase of one of the largest publishing houses Mafra by the tycoon Andrej Babiš in June 2013, followed by... more
Published in 1726, the novel Gulliver’s Travels emblematizes life’s venture marked by an endless series of trials where exposing the faults, frailties and fragility of human life, Swift’s social project seeks to offer a response to the... more
The article takes a stance in the Weber reception which tries to see him mainly as a forerunnerof an empirical social science and a causal conception of power as in the Dahlian tradition.It will argue and confirm Raymond Aron’s take that,... more
Responsibility is often defined in terms of accountability for actions based on ethical and legal norms. However, the concept is multidimensional and is relevant to many disparate disciplines. The concepts of responsibility and... more
Most scientists agree that, at least for the time being, unquantified uncertainties are inevitably connected to predictions of climate models. Uncertainties, however, do not justify political inaction. This paper addresses the question of... more
The purpose of this work is to contribute to the educational process of children and young people from emotional intelligence and the consensus of universal ethical principles. A transdisciplinary approach is used that brings together... more
Intergenerational justice not only requires the adoption of best practices and policies, but also the prevention and repression of deleterious and morally blameworthy human behaviour which have severe impacts on the long-term health,... more
The rise of new powers and attendant shifts in the global balance of power have led to calls for UN Security Council reform. Established powers have often responded by linking increased influence in the international system with the... more
In face of the epochal and lasting changes with regard to earth’s ecosystem, among other things, both the modern understanding of an open future and the intergenerational fabric of society is put into question—and with it our... more
This agenda setting text explores a broad range of value perspectives and their impact on and contribution to social work thinking on ethics. Including new perspectives, such as Islam, and drawing on international contributors, this is... more
Myanmar's civil servants have responded to the February 2021 military coup with a resistance movement that seems globally unprecedented in intensity and scale. For the ongoing debate about responsibility, disobedience, and resistance in... more
The purpose of this essay is to engage Michael Fishbane’s reflections on the meaning and task of theological ethics. Fishbane’s lecture, “Ethics and Sacred Attunement,” published in this issue of the Journal of Religion, enacts a... more
This article identifies the assumption of responsibility as a basic need of human beings and applies the concept specifically to older people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It suggests a two-level concept of responsibility, based... more
Se realizó un breve repaso al pensamiento ambientalista jonasiano, de inspiración aristotélica y kantiana, pero con novedosos aportes. El fin fue demostrar la utilidad (y actualidad) de la teleología de Hans Jonas en el desarrollo de las... more
For European literati of the early twentieth century, Fyodor Dostoevsky represented a mythically-Russian spirituality in contrast to a soulless, rationalized West. One such enthusiast was Georg Lukács, who in 1915 began a never-completed... more
This is the foreword to my book "Reinhold Niebuhr - the birth of Christian realism out of the spirit of resistance". It shows the dangerous of German moralism as a substitute for sometimes painful interested-based political choices
In this review I show how Hans-Peter Schwarz, a famous German historian and biographer, analyses the policies of the European Union in the context of the refugee crisis that started in September 2015. He shows how moral claims endanger... more
This paper aspires to shed light on the correlation between partisanship and the forces that dictate the resignation of party leaders. First, we ask what kind of partisanship favors the replacement of a popular leader. Second, we ask... more
The relationship shared by the philosophy of Hans Jonas and that of Emmanuel Kant is ambiguous. On the one hand, we can say that Hans Jonas criticizes quite vigorously the Kantian conception of causality in the Phenomenon of Life and the... more
Este trabajo es una reflexión sobre la principal obra del filósofo alemán contemporáneo, Hans Jonas. Muestra la trayectoria intelectual de Jonas hasta llegar al rescate de la ética de la responsabilidad, que Max Weber sugiere en obras de... more
The article takes a stance in the Weber reception which tries to see him mainly as a forerunner of an empirical social science and a causal conception of power as in the Dahlian tradition. It will argue and confirm Raymond Aron’s take... more
Raymond Aron acomete en este texto un repaso critico de las concepciones nacionales e imperiales de Max Weber, presentándolas como típicas de su época y de su generación, moderadas en su propósito y concisas en su formulación. Emerge de... more
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