Ethics of Food

32 papers
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The ethics of food is a field of study that examines the moral implications of food production, distribution, consumption, and waste. It explores issues such as animal rights, environmental sustainability, food justice, and the impact of dietary choices on health and society.
General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide... more
Eén derde van al het wereldwijd geproduceerde voedsel bereikt niet de monden voor wie het is bedoeld!
Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment This is a post-print of a chapter from the book Key issues in bioethics. A guide for teachers.
Cloning technology may have commercial significance, so patenting (i.e. the legal protection of so-called biological inventions) is surveyed here. There are uncertainties about patenting of the processes of animal cloning, cloned animals,... more
The consumption of traditional meat is currently being challenged by the rise of meat alternatives claimed to be more beneficial for the environment and non-human animals. One of the peculiarities of these products lies in their attempt... more
Recensione a: Adriano Fabris, Etica del mangiare. Cibo e relazione, in “Discipline Filosofiche”,
n. 153 (5 luglio 2023).
Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment This is a post-print of a chapter from the book Key issues in bioethics. A guide for teachers.
The work of Amartya Sen proved breakthrough in our understanding of disasters by shifting the emphasis from the hazard to societal causes of vulnerability. This chapter begins with an outline of Sen's work on famines and its relation to... more
Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment This is a post-print of a chapter from the book Key issues in bioethics. A guide for teachers.
In diesem Beitrag soll ein theoretischer Rahmen fur die Analyse der kulturellen Bedeutung des Geschmacks entwickelt werden. Somit wird nicht die Relevanz des Geschmacks und des Essens fur die Kultur – Kochen, Essensrituale – untersucht,... more
Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, hetzij mechanisch, door fotokopieën,... more
Since its first articulation in official discourse in 1974, 'food security' has become the primary cognitive lens through which the prevalence and complexity of global hunger are viewed. This study traces a genealogy of 'food security'... more
Prior to Malta’s accession to the European Union (EU) in May 2004, new legislative processes regulating the use of animals for scientific research purposes were adopted in line with the provisions found under the European Union Council... more
Over the years, Mars has been the centre of attraction for science fiction writers, Hollywood movie makers, astrologers, astronomers and the scientific community. For scientists and technologists, Mars continues to be an enigma. This is... more
Ti j d s c h r i f t vo o r p r a k t i j ko n d e r s t e u n i n g a u g u s t u s 2 0 1 3 | n r 4 Inleiding Voeding is een van de hoekstenen van de behandeling van diabetes mellitus type 2. Je doel bij je voedingsadviezen is het... more
Dietary guidelines are mostly issued by agrifood departments or agencies of governments, and are the result of power play between interest groups and values. They have considerable influence over food preferences and purchases of... more
The rise of responsible innovation of agriculture is a logic inevitable constituted by the addressing of agricultural Grand Challenges, comprehensive governance of agriculture 4.0. and the rectifying of capital logic.. The characteristics... more
The transition to sustainable land-based agriculture in the Netherlands is deepening. A promising direction is that of agroforestry systems in which food forests represent a special category. Food forests are deliberately designed... more
This article discusses the sin of laziness and its environmental effects. It is also about the impact of this sin on the will of believers to deal with the problems which the state of the ecological crisis poses in front of them. The sin... more
В статье рассматриваются сырные традиции европейских регионов как часть гастрономической аутентичности и традиции потребления еды, свойственной определенной территории. Алтайская территория исследуется в качестве одной из территорий... more
This essay provides an overview of Plato’s contribution to food ethics. Drawing on various Platonic dialogues, the discussion includes an analysis of the problem of gluttony and the correlate virtue of moderation, the diet of the... more
Pitanje neumjerenosti u jelu i piću često i olako svo­dimo samo na količinu pojedenih i popijenih namirnica. Ipak, promotrim o li otajstvo hrane i pića malo manje površnim i malo manje uskim pogledom, vi­djet ćemo da su proždrljivost i... more
The use of satellites in communication systems is very much a fact of everyday life, as is evidenced by the many homes equipped with antennas or dishes used for the reception of satellite television. Satellites offer a number of features... more
Dietary guidelines are mostly issued by agrifood departments or agencies of governments, and are the result of power play between interest groups and values. They have considerable influence over food preferences and purchases of... more
Inleiding Zoveel mogelijk geraffineerde suikervrij eten is gezond, maar suiker volledig van je dagelijks menu schrappen is zo goed als onmogelijk. Suiker is in zowat alle voedingsproducten aanwezig, zelfs in voeding die als uiterst gezond... more
This excerpt of From Field to Fork was published independently in Ethics Food and Society (Oxford, 2015). It discusses the relationship between food security and food sovereignty.
This is chapter 5 of From Field to Fork: Food Ethics for Everyone (Oxford, 2015). It discusses ethical dilemmas that arise in making attempts to improve the welfare of animals being housed in intensive production systems
Amartya Sen's Book of Development as Freedom has been certified as one of the Contemporary Human Development Theories. Sen's work was broadly acclaimed as a step forward, as in if it comes right down to a human development determination... more
This paper faces the problem of the morality of fighting against unhealthy eating cultures. I defend the moral thesis that we have no good reason to fight against them. I also recommend a way for helping people to develop healthy eating... more
Vormen van landbouw die geen of weinig chemie gebruiken en dichtbij burger-consumenten staan zoals Stadslandbouw, groenteclubs en Slow Food groeien ieder jaar met dubbele cijfers. Maar nog steeds heerst onder deze bewegingen een calimero... more
Als je met een ploeg de aarde bewerkt, er kunstmest op strooit, en chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen overheen spuit, dan heeft deze aanpak een andere sociale impact, en ander sociale vooronderstelingen, dan wanneer je dat niet wil. In het... more
Inleiding Een pak rijst, een bloemkool, een kilo aardappelen zien er zo simpel uit: je koopt ze in de winkel, kookt ze enkele minuten en legt ze op je bord. Maar de processen die de rijst, bloemkool of aardappel tot resultaat hebben, daar... more
The thesis is that concepts used in currently dominant customized nutrition will not match easily with the concepts on food and health of various food styles that roam western societies and with a broader view of the relationship between... more
Een belangrijke verandering die zich in de negentiende eeuw voltrekt, wordt in dit essay aangeduid als ‘de geboorte van de consument’. Om de actuele verschuiving en ontwikkelingen inzake de consumptie te begrijpen, is het goed een blik te... more
Recent publications by Pogge (Global ethics: seminal essays. St. Paul: Paragon House 2008) and by Singer (The life you can save: acting now to end world poverty. New York: Random House 2009) have resuscitated a debate over the... more
Filosofie en voeding: gaat dat samen? Filosofie gaat toch over het hogere, en voeding over het lagere, alledaagse? Dit zijn misverstanden. Voeding is een buitengewoon essentieel onderdeel van het menselijk leven. Wanneer we eten verbinden... more
The role of Amartya Sen’s early work on famine notwithstanding, food security is generally seen as but one capability among many for scholars writing in development ethics. The early literature on the ethics of hunger is summarized to... more
Ethical aspects of animal cloning for food supply In February 2007, following the announcement by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concerning possible authorisation of food products derived from cloned cattle, pigs and goats on... more
I argue that a primary aim of philosophical reflections upon food and food practices should be to affirm their significance to and meaning for human life. The production, consumption, and appreciation of food enjoy a broader significance... more
Ljudi radi svojih interesa godišnje ubiju desetine milijardi životinja, a to znači desetine miliona na dan, milione na sat, desetine hiljada na minut, hiljade svake sekunde. Takvo masovno ubijanje i nanošenje patnje, kao i sama... more