Ethics and Values

66 papers
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Ethics and Values is the study of moral principles and standards that govern individual and collective behavior. It examines concepts of right and wrong, justice, virtue, and the role of values in decision-making processes, influencing personal conduct and societal norms.
This study investigates the engagement of youth, women, and persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Kenyan national elections. The research, conducted by Jaslika, aimed to identify barriers to participation and propose solutions. Key findings... more
This article discusses the often difficult and challenging process of setting up a new academic department, especially during a time of budget crisis. Furthermore it examines the role and purpose of the university, the place of so-called... more
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which refers to highly autonomous systems capable of outperforming humans in nearly every economically valuable work, is poised to be one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century.... more
Küreselleşme süreci dünya genelinde önemli değişim ve dönüşümlere yol açmıştır. Siyasal, sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel alanlarda yaşanan bu değişimlerden iletişim alanı da büyük oranda etkilenmiştir. İletişimin küreselleşmesi sonucunda... more
Endast avhandlingens sammandrag. Pappersexemplaret av hela avhandlingen finns för läsesalsbruk i Statsvetenskapliga biblioteket (Unionsgatan 35). Dessa avhandlingar fjärrutlånas endast som microfiche. Abstract only. The paper copy of the... more
HISTORY AND MORALITY Values and time. Subjective factor in history. Abstract. The content and meaning of history as a process, its descriptions and researches are considered on the... more
This article discusses the often difficult and challenging process of setting up a new academic department, especially during a time of budget crisis. Furthermore it examines the role and purpose of the university, the place of so-called... more
Amartya Sen’s remarkable endeavour to realize the normative capability of welfare economics goes beyond the impecunious resultants of the neoclassical welfare economy. The neoclassical welfare economy decoratively bracketed values to... more
Under the influence of Hilary Putnam’s collapse of the fact/value dichotomy, a resurging approach that challenges the movements of American pragmatism and discourse ethics, I tease out in the first section of my paper the demand for the... more
Haustiere wie Hunde, Katzen, Kaninchen, Meerschweinchen oder Ziervögel bekommen in der Regel einen Individualnamen von ihren jeweiligen Besitzer*innen. Der Grund hierfür liegt vermutlich in der Tatsache, dass es sich bei diesen um... more
فتَمَغْرِبِيتْ تَعْبُرُ وتتقاطع وترافق وتلتصق وتلازم وترتبط بطريقة عمودية وأفقية بجميع مناحي حياة المغاربة، سواء داخل التراب الوطني أو خارجه (حالة مغاربة العالم)، لا سيما بتصوراتهم وتموقعاتهم وتمثلاتهم ومواقفهم وأفكارهم حول بوادر... more
Milli Mücadelesinin 100. Yılı olması nedeniyle "Milli Mücadelede Sağlık Hizmetleri" temasını öne çıkardık. İkinci sempozyumumuzu ise tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan pandemi koşulları nedeniyle uzaktan (çevrim içi) olarak düzenledik. 2021... more
ABSTRACT This study inquires ethical evaluation of teachers, investigating their moral reasoning to ethical decision making, in Turkey. Specifically three hypotheses were tested: Overall ethical awareness of teachers is high; Teachers... more
Education and cultural influence have been two very significant factors contributing to one’s ethical and moral values. Such values and principles play a vital role in everyone’s life and they contribute to the universe. Whether the... more
Values are at the heart of almost all theories related to the social sciences. Values underlie all decisions, and act as the basis for resolving discussions and argumentation concerning topics of interest, and social, ethical, and moral... more
Public crisis communication aims to fill and solve very practical crisis management related tasks and issues, but also to uphold core democratic ideas and values. 2 The topic of this chapter, ethical crisis communication, centers on how... more
In this article I show the relevance of early phenomenology for the understanding of sociality by focusing on one element of pivotal importance: the phenomenological idea that affective phenomena are intentionally directed towards the... more
Under the influence of Hilary Putnam's collapse of the fact/value dichotomy, a resurging approach that challenges the movements of American pragmatism and discourse ethics, I tease out in the first section of my paper the demand for the... more
Review of Kevin C. Elliott's Tapestry of Values
Values --> Moral Interpretations --> Ethics This is the natural progression for developing ethical statements and consistent social policies. The key to understanding the organic morality of our species, and the consequent... more
Bu makalede Türkiye’de ürün yerleştirme uygulamasının reklamverenler bağlamında işleyişi ortaya konulmaktadır. Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren, aynı zamanda uluslararası, ulusal, bölgesel ve yerel olarak marka tanınırlığı olan işletmeler... more
Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse abhängen? Ein Teil einer Antwort wird in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt. Ausgehend von der Betrachtung eines Fotos des südafrikanischen Künstlers Pieter Hugo soll gezeigt werden, wie vieldeutig, vielschichtig und... more
Alle Säuglinge von Säugetieren (zumindest die meisten) finden wir süß. Es gibt aber auch ausgesprochen widerliche Tiere. An sich friedliche Tiere, wie der Wolf, flößen uns Angst ein, weil unsere Märchen uns schulen. Spinnen, Heuschrecken... more
o DEFINITION -HISTORISCH: Der Begriff "Roboter" stammt von tschechisch "robota" (Arbeit, Frondienst, Zwangsarbeit); "robot" durch Künstler Josef Čapek geprägt ; bei Karel Čapek in Theaterstück Rossum's Universal Robots (1921) für... more
Although material value-ethics was introduced into philosophy at least a century ago, confusion still persists as to what it implies. This article offers some clarification. It states how material value-ethics stands opposed to... more
The concept of distributed moral responsibility (DMR) has a long history. When it is understood as being entirely reducible to the sum of (some) human, individual, and already morally loaded actions, then the allocation of DMR, and hence... more
by L R and 
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Factors of persons' values becoming The research attempts to reveal ways and mechanisms of persons' values becoming. With factor analysis, it traces directions of value changes in various groups of students by departments, sex, and a... more
In this paper I claim that disgust has a logic. This logic does not let us differentiate aesthetic and ethical value judgements, and shows that there are cases in which they overlap. In order to show this, I will consider Aurel Kolnai’s... more
This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and... more
Van Rensselaer Potter’s conceptualization of bioethics recognized ecology as being integral to the discussion of human values in medicine and healthcare. Indeed, the βίος of “bioethics” for Potter goes beyond its common reference to human... more
"Value Education: Need Of The Hour", Pasaaydaan Foundation, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 43p.; ASIN: B00XXMG8DK, ISBN-13: 978-1512220988, ISBN-10: 1512220981. It is available on Kindle.... more
This study aimed at identifying the reality of adopting organizational culture approach at King Abdullah University Hospital through defining some elements of organizational culture approach including (values, beliefs, anticipations,... more
Editors’ Note: "For all designers, no matter what methods or processes they use, values are essential. Nassim JafariNaimi, Lisa Nathan, and Ian Hargraves take on this crucial topic in their article “Values as Hypotheses: Design, Inquiry,... more
Principles of Economics is the basis of corporate sustainability. But, economics without principles can neither provide freedom of enterprise nor sustainability to the corporate. It is just like even for the kite to fly in the sky require... more
My theme is ‘life-writing’, understood as the shaping of one's life through the contemplation of values, although this activity is mostly unreflective. To become an art so that one's life can be shaped in greater accord with clearly held... more
In this history of the development of ideas of honor in Western philosophy, Peter Olsthoorn examines what honor is, how its meaning has changed, and whether it can still be of use. Political and moral philosophers from Cicero to John... more
Shock advertising or shockvertising is a type of advertising that aims to create an unusual effect on target audience in order to plant ideas in their minds via attention-getting images. Striking images used in shock advertising intend... more
By examining the representation of popular and inquisitorial forms of punishment in the works of Cervantes, this essay seeks to recover shame as an emotional register of lived experience in the early modern Mediterranean, an affect which... more
This study inquires ethical evaluation of teachers, investigating their moral reasoning to ethical decision making, in Turkey. Specifically three hypotheses were tested: Overall ethical awareness of teachers is high; Teachers will... more