Ethics and Politics
Recent papers in Ethics and Politics
در ماههای اخیر شماری از اندیشمندان، روشنفکران و روزنامهنگاران ایرانی آراء خود در باب نسبت اخلاق و سیاست را با انتشار یادداشتها و مقالاتی در عرصهی عمومی در معرض نقد و بررسی قرار دادهاند. این مقاله میکوشد نشان دهد، بر خلاف اکثر این... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que en Maquiavelo la relación entre ética y política consiste en un problema porque supone una tensión entre dos modos posibles de actuación (uno guiado por la ética clásica y otro, por la ética... more
La figura de Sócrates según las diferentes lecturas de Foucault y Arendt: de la parresía a la experiencia del pensar (O: el conflicto político no deseado que se deriva de la reivindicación de un modelo ético y sus tensiones con la idea de... more
The new American Ethos is a posthuman, criminal and hominist Morality of the Nietzschean type -the morality of "Zarathustra" and his anticritical Priesthood-: "My self is for me the great contempt of man... - he wrote- In another time you... more
Le présent ensemble n’entend pas se limiter à présenter les divers traits de cette théorie bien qu’il existe encore très peu d’articles et d’ouvrages philosophiques en français. Il entend contribuer aux débats les plus récents pour... more
Feminist thinkers have long criticized liberal theory's public/private distinction for perpetuating indifference to injustices within the family. Thinkers such as Susan Okin have extended this criticism in evaluating the theory of... more
The issue of political power and its use or misuse is a looming concern the world over. In that at least some measure of power and influence is an integral part of most public political offices, questions of social ethics necessarily come... more
Dealing with refugees is one of the most contested political issues in Australia. We examine how media images of asylum seekers have framed ensuing debates during two crucial periods over the past decade. By conducting a content analysis... more
Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change in general is considered as one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. The public intellectual, Yuval Noah Harari, has termed this challenge an ‘existential threat’ that can lead to... more
Este trabajo se analiza la Teoría de la Igualdad Liberal o Liberalismo Ético de Dworkin, donde plasma el contenido de su sistema ético y moral, a partir de la lectura de dos de sus obras: Foundations of Liberal Equality (Ética Privada e... more
لەم وتارەدا وێرای تیشک خستنەسەر پێوەندیی رەوشت و رامیاریی، گۆڕانی روانگەکان لەسەر رەوشت لە سیاسەتدا و پێگەی رەوشت لە کار و چالاکی سیاسەتوانان و رەوشتی سیاسی، هەوڵ دەدرێت بنەمایەک بۆ کردەوەی سیاسەتوانانی کورد زەق بکرێتەوە. پوختە: باسی... more
Ahlâkın siyaset alanında varoluş imkânları incelenen bu çalışmada, ahlâk-siyaset ilişkisinin etik ve siyaset felsefesindeki genel seyri, Sokratik felsefeden başlayarak İslâm ve modern düşünce geleneklerindeki çeşitli uğraklarına işaret... more
ماکس وبر (1846-1920)، جامعهشناس و اقتصاد سیاسیدان شهیر آلمانی در مقاله کلاسیک خود، ”سیاست به مثابه یک حرفه“، به بررسی رابطه اخلاق و سیاست از منظر جامعهشناسانه پرداخته است. به گمان نگارنده، در حالی که گوهر مدعای وبر در این باب پذیرفتنی... more
Using the legal literature of the ius commune and a body of texts commonly known as the “treatises on the ambassador”, this research examines the birth and the development of the "experience" of diplomacy from the 13th to the 17th... more
This study aimed to clarify the concept of the modern state as defined by Wael Al-Halaq and the methodological tool he used to approach the subject. The study sought to clarify the characteristics of the form of the modern state.... more
gundeme-33-direnme-ve-ruh-sagligi-prof-dr-cemkaptanoglu-ile-soylesi/. 29 Walter Benjamin, "Tarih Kavramı Üzerine (On the Concept of History)," op. cit., 43.
in Il pensiero politico, Anno LI, n. 1 (gennaio-aprile), 2018, pp. 113-125.
یەکێک لە پرسە گرنگەکانی سەردەم پێوەندیی نێوان رەوشت و سیاسەت بووە. ئەوەی کە چەندە ئەو دوو چەمکە دەتوانن کاریگەرییان لەسەر یەکتر هەبێت و رەوشت چەندە دەتوانێت بە ناوانی سیاسەتدا خولەی بێت و سیاسەت چەندە دەتوانێت گوێڕایەڵی رەوشت بێت، چەندە... more
The philosophies of Deleuze, Guattari and Levinas are taken up in an effort to advance the ethical, political, and technological implications of how we interpret, inhabit, and territorialize the Earth. The difference between their views... more
Abundan las apelaciones a la responsabilidad de los políticos y los columnistas más doctos acompañan sus análisis con la inevitable mención a Max Weber. Es comprensible porque la contraposición weberiana entre la ética de la convicción y... more
This essay challenges dominant interpretations of Foucault’s lectures on parrhesia as affirming an ethical, non-political conception of truth-telling. I read the lectures instead as depicting truth-telling as an always political... more
Italian philosophy provides a long-overdue and much-needed supplement to continental thinking. This book offers some living and lively examples, some for the first time in English, of original thought from the Italian philosophical scene.... more
Thèse de doctorat, soutenue le 17/12/2003, Univ. Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, dir. M. A.-Pretceille
This thesis aims to read the philosophy of Spinoza with sexual difference feminism. Spinoza's philosophy has been found useful for some of the contemporary feminist philosophers in the face of modern philosophy, which has kept the agenda... more
Scholars in the humanities and social sciences have turned to ethics to theorize politics in what seems to be an increasingly depoliticized age. Yet the move toward ethics has obscured the ongoing value of political responsibility and the... more
In "Foldings, or the Inside of Thought (Subjectivation)", the last chapter of his book on Foucault, Deleuze records an impasse at the heart of Foucault's investigation of power relations. Foucault's "passion of the outside" has brought... more
Taking the Kantian distinction between a moral politician and a political moralist as a point of departure and as a clue to the structure of the present book, we are offered the chronicle of something very much like a sentimental failure:... more
نتجه صوب الرؤية التي كانت لدى اليونان في التمييز بين الأمور الطبيعية الخاضعة للضرورة وبين الأمور الإرادية الخاضعة للإمكان، وهي الخاصيّة التي تميز السلوك الإنساني. ونجد عند أرسطو تمييزاً لأكثر من عقل ولأكثر من معرفة ولأكثر من منطق. فالعقل... more
این روزها کمتر کسی از جویندگان گفتارها و گفتوگوهای روشنفکری در ایران است که نام مصطفی ملکیان را نشنیده باشد. کوششهای علمی او در دهههای اخیر از هر جهت که بنگریم، نشانهی دگرگونی بزرگی در طرح و پیشبرد مسئلههای اندیشگی در سرزمین... more
The Bangla world-view has been both liberal and prescriptive varying amongst classes, but having an underlying moral thread that resists deviance. This deviance could be social, professional, individual and sexual. The desire for... more
The discovery of extremophiles has enabled development of groundbreaking biotechnology. While most of the extremophile research is focused on thermophiles, organisms that adapt to living in cold temperature, known as psychrophiles, remain... more
The article, born of a dialogue between two thinkers of negativity and the neuter, elaborates Agamben's philosophy of indifference through a series of (dis)connected scenes or thematic episodes. These scenes do not so much describe as... more
In this paper I sketch a Levinasian theory of human rights in relation to contemporary political calls for a Human Rights Revolution. In so doing, I identify three ways in which liberalism, the original political-philosophical harbinger... more
Este artículo busca proponer unos criterios de ética política que sirvan para intentar analizar las situaciones dilemáticas que se presentan en el escenario de la política internacional. Por ello, no son criterios ad hoc, sino teóricos.... more