Ethical Consumption
Recent papers in Ethical Consumption
Despite the availability of extensive research on a wide range of consumer-related areas, some socially sensitive consumer issues have still remained relatively unexplored. Since literature review revealed a gap in the conceptualization... more
This research essay examines the target audience’s profile and preferences for the development of the garment brand Gaia & Dubos, which creates and produces ecological and ethical high-end garments for women in the province of Quebec, and... more
This article is organized as follows. The background section describes the case of newly legalized recreational marijuana. It introduces Portland, Oregon as a hub of ethical consumerism and environmental mobilization; outlines the status... more
In a world where nearly one billion people are undernourished and hungry (FAO, 2010), and where unique natural habitats are being destroyed to make space for growing crops, up to half of the food we make globally is wasted. Stuart's... more
This research attempts to analyze the relationship of Marketing Mix 4A and Health Consciousness towards Ethical Consumption. In this research, the researchers employed quantitative method. The data collection method used was primary data... more
No longer purely associated with fringe politics or hippie lifestyles, terms such as 'ethical' and 'responsible' shopping and 'conscience consumption', are increasingly entering into the everyday language as well as the shopping... more
This study uses best-worst scaling experiments to examine differences across six countries in the attitudes of consumers towards social and ethical issues that included both product related issues (such as recycled packaging) and general... more
Currently the fashion system is in a state of imbalance and has huge environmental impact. Fast fashion consumption is part of this problem. To understand the issues behind fashion consumption and especially the gender issues, more... more
This article is about the role of tourist moral agency in governing. The affiliation between vacationing and governing is illustrated through the examination of a case study: the village of Canhane in Mozambique. The main touristic... more
As Australian consumers step out of their loungewear post-lockdown, many might be looking to buy new clothes for themselves or as gifts. Whether you re buying sweatpants or sequins, online or in-store, ethical fashion shopping can be... more
A re-visiting of ‘Consuming ethics: articulating the subjects and spaces of ethical consumption’
Within the past decade, material disorder—especially that of the domestic variety—has come to stand alternately as evidence, symptom, and potential cause of mental disorder in the North American popular and psychiatric imagination.... more
Mindfulness, derived from Buddhist origins, refers to deliberate, unbiased and openhearted awareness of perceptible experience in the present moment. With its focus on cultivation of benevolent and clear-headed values and actions to self,... more
Coffee: A Global History will be published in October 2018. Download this flyer to get a 20% discount from the publishers or go and pre-order now from Amazon!
In this article we investigate how ‘ethical eating’ varies across neighbourhoods and explore the classed nature of these patterns. While our focus is on ‘ethical eating’ (e.g. eating organics, local), we also discuss its relation to... more
The chapter suggests future research directions in food for degrowth studies. A range of theoretical and mainly transdisciplinary practical approaches and key research questions to advance food for degrowth futures are considered. The... more
Framed within the common goal of advancing trade justice and South-North solidarity, The Fair Trade Handbook presents a broad interpretation of fair trade and a wide-ranging dialogue between different viewpoints. Canadian researchers in... more
Purpose – This study was undertaken to explore the understudied antecedents of moral reasoning and cognitive processes that ultimately shape ethical consumption. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the socio-intuitionist model are... more
This article critically considers the `fit' between FairTrade consumption and conceptualizations of the reflexive project of selfhood. By outlining the ways in which FairTrade products are marketed, we argue that a particular and partial... more
The Fairtrade movement is a group of businesses claiming to trade ethically. The claims are evaluated, under a range of criteria derived from the Utilitarian ethic. Firstly, if aid or charity money is diverted from the very poorest people... more
This report includes findings from online surveys tracking the dietary habits, goals, perceived barriers, and motivators for participants in seven reduction and vegan campaigns in the UK over a six-month period. This includes the largest... more
In diesem Aufsatz geht es mir darum, einen verantwortungsethischen Ansatz in der Konsumentenethik zu entwickeln, der jüngste Debatten zu Kollektivierungs und Institutionalisierungspflichten zusammenführt. Erstens werde ich dafür... more
Nearly all studies of consumers willingness to engage in ethical or socially responsible purchasing behavior is based on unconstrained survey response methods. In the present paper we ask the question of how well does asking consumers the... more
To date, the primary focus of research in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been on the strategic implications of CSR for corporations and less on an evaluation of CSR from a wider political, economic and social... more
Sustainability is a central challenge of the fashion industry. In an era where Internet and social networks allow information to spread quickly, more consumers are familiar with the call for “ethical fashion” as disasters such as Rana... more
This paper presents the results of a research study conducted in Thessaloniki, Greece focusing on the Positive type of Ethical Consumption, namely buying ethical products. The results of a survey among 494 Greek consumers indicate a... more
The following paper contains introductory information about Sustainable production and Consumption and the basic concepts around it, including cleaner production, eco-eficiency and Factor-4 Production. The common goal of the main... more
Voluntary simplicity is often considered to be a sustainable lifestyle phenomenon buttressed by environment-friendly consumption practices. Voluntary simplicity is shaped by the individual as well as the society, and marketplace... more
A farmer on a small scale organic farm in rural India uploads images of his latest produce to consumers and retailers via an open source online food hub; a " conscious consumer " in Charlottesville, Virginia uses an app while supermarket... more
Now in its sixth edition, The Better World Shopping Guide is the most comprehensive guide available for socially and environmentally responsible consumers. Drawing on over 25 years of research, this 100,000-copy bestseller rates every... more
The global number of refugees, asylum-seekers, and those displaced within their countries are at record levels in the post-World War II era. Meanwhile, efforts by relatively wealthy and powerful nation-states to exclude unwanted migrants... more
In recent years there has been an explosion onto the health food scene of exotic 'superfoods': food products celebrated for their nutritional and medicinal values, derived from indigenous traditions and inserted onto the shelves of... more
In this article we analyse Fair Trade as a form of non-state regulation, building on the literature on the internal politics and governance of Fair Trade International (FTI) certification. We focus on recent developments in the FTI... more
• To highlight the core differences between a 'free trade' and a 'fair trade' perspective.
The book examines frugality as an ideal and an ‘art de vivre’ which implies a low level of material consumption and a simple lifestyle, to open the mind for spiritual goods as inner freedom, social peace and justice or the quest for God... more