Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Waste

298 papers
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Ethanol production from lignocellulosic waste refers to the biochemical conversion of plant biomass, primarily composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, into ethanol. This process typically involves pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation, aiming to utilize agricultural and forestry residues as sustainable feedstocks for biofuel production.
Escalante, J. y Fuentes, H. (2013). Estudio experimental de obtencion de bioetanol a partir de residuos agricolas de banano organico en Piura. Tesis de pregrado en Ingenieria Industrial y de Sistemas. Universidad de Piura. Facultad de... more
ABSTRACT: Currently, biofuels are the most significant alternative fuel aiming to provide clean power for transport, in case sustainable production technologies are employed. Due to the increased tendency of turning over the existing... more
Currently, biofuels are the most significant alternative fuel aiming to provide clean power for transport, in case sustainable production technologies are employed. Due to the increased tendency of turning over the existing agricultural... more
The introduction of Feed-in tariffs in the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) fuelled the growth of anaerobic digestion (AD) industry making Germany the country with highest number of operational AD plants. However, the rapid expansion of... more
As the world transportation is totally dependent on the petroleum fuels, the demand of the non-conventional energy is increasing day by day. So, it’s the time to look for approach other than tradition methods for the production of... more
The aim of this study is to shed light on the importance of biofuels as an alternative to conventional energy, in addition to the importance of preserving agricultural crops, which are the main source of this fuel, to maintain food... more
The increasing global demand for sustainable energy sources has directed attention to biofuel production from renewable resources. This study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of bioethanol from sawdust, an abundant... more
An anaerobic two-stage continuous fermentation process with combined thermophilic hydrogenogenic and methanogenic stages (two-stage fermentation process) was applied to artificial food wastes on a laboratory scale. In this report, organic... more
Vegetable oils and ethanol have been used in a plasmatron reformer to generate synthesis gas. Corn, canola, and soybean oils and ethanol have been reformed at different oxygen to carbon ratios and different power levels. Both homogeneous... more
My parents for their love, support and understanding through all my years of study. May God continue to richly and abundantly bless you.
Sugar cane processing generates large amount of bagasse. Disposal of bagasse is critical for both agricultural profitability and environmental protection. Sugar-cane bagasse (SCB), being renewable and cheap substrates, has the potential... more
This work was based on the pretreatment of lingo-cellulosic wastes from agroforestry organic wastes with samples being taken from stations of different sources. Between many of recommended and explained methods for pretreatment of the... more
This work was based on the pretreatment of lingo-cellulosic wastes from agro – forestry organic wastes with samples being taken from stations of different sources. Between many of recommended and explained methods for pretreatment of the... more
The research was carried out to extract bio oil from rice straw at different parameters. The major problem in production of bio-oil is its increase in density with the passage of time. The reason for such phenomenon is the cross-linking... more
The global waste management market is worth nearly half a trillion dollars. It faces a dramatic overhaul as technological advancements transform intelligent waste technologies into a thriving and expanding billion-dollar business... more
This work was based on the pretreatment of lingo-cellulosic wastes from agro – forestry organic wastes with samples being taken from stations of different sources. Between many of recommended and explained methods for pretreatment of the... more
Semiconductor-based metal oxide gas detector of five mixed from zinc chloride Z and tin chloride S salts Z:S ratio 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% were fabricated on glass substrate by a spray pyrolysis technique. With thickness were about 0.2... more
The globe is looking for fuels other than petroleum-derived ones to lessen its reliance on non-renewable resources. Nowadays, ethanol made from maize grain (starch) and sugar cane (sucrose) is the most widely used renewable fuel. Since... more
Oil palm plantations in Malaysia generate more than 36 million tones of pruned and felled oil palm fronds (OPF) and are generally considered as waste. The composition of monosaccharide in oil palm frond can be extracted using hydrothermal... more
Sama ntha Payne A thesis submi tted to the School o f G raduate S tudies in pa rti a l fulfillm e nt o f the requirem e nts fo r the degree of Master of Science De partm e nt of C hemistry Memoria l Uni vers ity of Newfoundla nd
This paper presents the process design and assessment of a sugarcane-based ethanol production system that combines the usage of both mass and heat integration (pinch analysis) strategies to enhance the process efficiency and renewability... more
This study examines the practicable method of lignin delignification and fractionation from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) to produce high purity products. A review on the current literature progress in this field indicated two... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
In this research the activated carbon pretreatments for reed hemicellulose liquor produced in a MILOX process were studied. The remaining sugar fraction was utilised as a raw material for lactic acid fermentation. Earlier results from... more
Wood are one of the most important raw material source for forest products industry. Due to technological developments, researchers in the area of wood chemistry have been showing increased interest in the benefits of utilization wood... more
Although second generation biofuel technology is a sustainable route for bioethanol production it is not currently a robust technology because of certain hindrances viz., unavailability of potential enzyme resources, low efficiency of... more
Empty fruit bunch (EFB), one of the wastes from palm oil production, can be utilized into fuels and chemicals. The aim of this paper is to find the optimum capacity to produce xylitol from EFB. The optimum capacity was found by... more
h i g h l i g h t s Composition of PS is directly influenced by the mill feed composition. Corrugated recycle PS proved efficient as substrate for ethanol production. Optimized process resulted in ethanol concentration and yield of 45.5... more
Due to the potential exhausting and increasing price of petroleum together with environmental issues caused by the combustion of fossil fuels, the search for alternative fuels has gained much attention. In this study, the combustion,... more
The impacts of introducing a cellulase-cocktail treatment system before an acid hydrolysis process for isolating cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) from a cellulose-based model feedstock was investigated. It was found that for a given weight... more
Any link(s) to website(s) in this document have been provided because they may have information of interest to our readers. NIST does not necessarily endorse the views expressed or the facts presented on these sites. Further, NIST does... more
Recently, the industrial focus has shifted to renewable raw materials due to the exhaustion and rising pressures about environmental and political issues. Lignocellulosic biowaste can be derived from a range of sources, such as animal... more
Circular economy aims to create a system that allows an optimal reuse of products and materials. In this context, the contribution provided by the valorization of residual biomass is fundamental for the production of renewable biological... more
Olive tree pruning is an abundant and renewable lignocellulosic residue, which is generally burned in the fields, causing economic costs and environmental problems. This lignocellulosic residue can be considered a suitable raw material... more
The biorefinery concept is attracting scientific and policy attention as a promising option for enhancing the benefits of agri-food biomass along with a reduction of the environmental impact. Obtaining bioproducts based on proteins from... more
A mangrove microbial community was analyzed at the gene and protein levels using metagenomic and proteomic methods with the green macroalgae Enteromorpha prolifera as the substrate. Total DNA was sequenced on the Illumina HiSeq 2000... more
Simultaneous Saccharification, Filtration and Fermentation (SSFF) was developed for lignocellulosic ethanol production. In SSFF, pretreated lignocellulosic material is enzymatically hydrolyzed in a reactor, while the suspension is... more
The present study describes a novel method in which petha wastewater (PWW) and rice straw (RS) were pretreated symbiotically to improve the quality of both wastes. This pretreatment helped in lignocellulosic degradation of RS, which can... more
Highlights  Preliminary design of pretreatments and SSF stages for producing ethanol from sugarcane is addressed.  A MILP model based on fixed time and size factors is proposed.  Parametric analysis on the SSF processing time is... more
Biofuels as renewable resources are one of the options to meet the challenges of fossil fuel resource depletion and atmospheric pollution. Several studies have focused on the technical, economic, and environmental footprint of biofuels,... more
Processing of woody lignocellulosic biomass, under heating in combination with ionic liquids (ILs) was studied in order to obtain simple (fermentable) sugars. Due to the new environmental challenges, finding greener ways to produce... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
This work was based on the pretreatment of lingo-cellulosic wastes from agroforestry organic wastes with samples being taken from stations of different sources. Between many of recommended and explained methods for pretreatment of the... more
At present, the world is confronted with the twin crises of fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation. This has made the search for alternative and renewable sources of energy inevitable. Today, examples of such efforts are seen... more
Cocoa pod husks are a type of biomass that is still poorly explored. This work was carried out as part of the optimization of the delignification process for this residue with potassium hydroxide, to maximize the reducing sugars content.... more
Producing sugar from lignocellulosic biomass is a promising resilient food solution to counter the near-total global failure of food production due to the agricultural collapse that would likely follow an abrupt sunlight reduction... more
During the last few decades, lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel production has attracted worldwide attention due to its relative abundance, renewable nature, and availability as a low cost substrate. Generally, lignocellulosic biomass is... more