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Esports have rapidly expanded from a pastime undertaken by casual players to one of the largest segments of the entertainment industry, in which hundreds of millions of people play and compete daily. Esports Business Management With... more
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    • Esports
Esports has seen a phenomenal explosion in popularity in recent years, gaining increasing interest from the media, sports, and technology industries. The purpose of this study is to show an overview of the recent evolution of the gaming... more
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      Information TechnologyMedia StudiesForecastingVideogames
A B S T R A C T Consumer demand for eSport and the growth of organized video game competitions has generated considerable attention from the sport, event, and entertainment industries. eSport therefore represents a novel and popular area... more
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      MarketingEducationDiversityVideo Games
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      Video GamesGambling StudiesGamingOnline Gaming Addiction
Líder del Domino Internacional
S'Avi del Domino
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      GamesOcio y espectáculo en la AntigüedadOcioTeoria de Juegos
This transdiciplinary work, at the intersection of motor praxeology, the sociology of sports and game studies, seeks to understand the phenomenon of “electronic sport” (Wagner, 2006; Taylor, 2012), using the fighting game Mortal Kombat X... more
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      Sociology of SportVideo GamesSociabilityEsports
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is considering the adoption of e-sports (i.e., organised competitive video gaming), which could be considered a radical innovation as it deviates in many areas from traditional sports... more
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      MarketingSport PsychologyGame studiesTechnology
Espor’a hem ülkemizde hem de dünyanın genelinde bir önyargı olduğu bilinmektedir, çağın gereklilikleri kısa, orta ve uzun vadelerde olmak üzere sürekli değişmekteyken spor olgusunun da değişmesini görmek artık şaşırtıcı olmaktan çıkma... more
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      Sports PerformanceSports Science and Physical EducationEsportsSports Science
This paper focuses on the analysis of audiovisual materials according to the media circulation model of eSports-related content. Its aim is to assess the process of strengthening the commercial potential of formalized eSports enterprises... more
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesBritish Cultural StudiesMedia Industry Studies
E-sports have become a global phenomenon. Recent reports have valued the industry at more than $612 million, with reach extending from Europe and North America, and to the developing markets of Asia. Nowadays e-Sports is highlighted as an... more
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      Data MiningE MarketingBrand PersonalityEmotional Intelligence (Psychology)
Los eSports o competiciones de videojuegos han experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en los últimos años y constituyen una importante fuente de ingresos en la Unión Europea. Particularmente, el mercado alemán de videojuegos es el... more
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      Derecho AdministrativoEducación De JovenesEsports
Imagina que te contrata una gran empresa del sector de la alimentación llamada CÁRNICAS ESPAÑOLAS para ser el Director de un equipo de eSports y competir en las principales ligas nacionales e internacionales con el objetivo de posicionar... more
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    • Esports
The review critiques 'This Is Esports (And How to Spell It): An Insider’s Guide to the World of Pro Gaming', a book written by Paul Chaloner and Benjamin Sillis. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the history of the... more
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    • Esports
1. Abstract: The focus of the study is to find out the potentiality of e-sports in Bangladesh for sustainable development. We should work on the people playing online games of Bangladesh and their sectors of interest about the online... more
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    • Esports
During recent years, while electronic sports (esports) has increasingly become a positive mainstream cultural phenomenon, it also may have several socio-economic implications, such as the growth of esports betting. Much like betting in... more
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      New MediaVideo GamesDigital GamesGambling
El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar sobre el desarrollo de competencias digitales en relación al uso de eSports, centrándose particularmente en los géneros de FPS/TPS y MOBA. Se administró un inventario de competencias... more
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      PsicologíaPsicologyCompetencias DigitalesCiencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
O presente artigo busca ampliar os estudos acerca dos eSports (esportes eletrônicos) no que diz respeito a sua transmissão como forma de entretenimento. Para isso, buscou-se entender sobre a relação entre jogos como forma de cultura, o... more
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    • Esports
Abstract: This article discusses the processes involved in the construction of group membership and cohesion in a semiprofessional team of esports in the city of Belém, the capital of the state of Pará, in the Brazilian Amazonian... more
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      CommunicationGame studiesScience CommunicationVideo Games
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    • Esports
Drawing on sociocultural theories of learning, this case study describes how a small liberal arts university, steeped in a tradition of innovation and discovery, developed and introduced an interdisciplinary academic and applied esports... more
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      Higher EducationEsports
As a female gamer, just like many other girls around the world, I have faced many prejudices regarding my gender, the reason why I chose the place of women in Esports in a national context as my bachelor's thesis.
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      Video GamesMoroccoEsports
Esports has generated an industry of increasing economic and cultural importance. In recent years, universities and other higher education institutions have responded to its growth by establishing programmes of study which aim to satisfy... more
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      EducationHigher EducationLearning and TeachingVideo Games and Learning
Finally a book about eSports with stories of players like Manuel Schenkhuizen, Alessandro Avallone, journalists like Frank Fields, Jonas Gebhardt, scientists like Christian Scholz, Emma Witkowski, managers like Dario Salice, David... more
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      Video GamesEsports
Esports are becoming increasingly popular at U.S. colleges and universities (Jenny, Manning, Keiper, & Olrich, 2017). Currently, collegiate esports programs are spread primarily across two departments (i.e., athletics, student affairs),... more
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      Strategic ManagementInstitutional TheoryEsports
Esports has generated an industry of increasing economic and cultural importance. In recent years, universities and other higher education institutions have responded to its growth by establishing programmes of study which aim to satisfy... more
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      EducationHigher EducationLearning and TeachingVideo Games and Learning
Traditional sport leagues must innovate and embrace emerging trends to grow. At the forefront of these trends are the inherently digital esports –competitive video game competitions. In particular, the NBA is a trailblazer in the esports... more
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      TechnologySports ManagementNetwork AnalysisSponsorship
Individuals tend to compare themselves with others, and the results of these self-evaluations influence subsequent performance. When individuals perceive an advantage over their rivals (challenge-type response), they achieve higher levels... more
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      Social PsychologyPsychophysiologyVideo GamesSocial Psychophysiology
Purpose-This commentary puts forth a conceptual framework, referred to as the COG (Consumer, Organization, Government) Framework of Unintended Digital Technology Service Failures, that specifies consumer, organizational, and governmental... more
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      Social NetworkingHuman RightsDigital TechnologyDigital Media & Learning
Per molti i videogiochi rimangono soltanto un modo per distaccarsi dalla vita reale, ma non tutti coltivano questo pensiero. Altri lo considerano come lo sport del futuro che riuscirà a imporsi e probabilmente a diventare uno dei massimi... more
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      BusinessMarketingSociology of SportNew Media
La presente investigación pretende analizar la escena chilena de deportes electrónicos o e-sports en términos de su infraestructura profesional, sentido de pertenencia de sus participantes y la noción de deportividad que emerge en este... more
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      Game studiesSubculturesBruno LatourVideogames
Grassroots sports, the local implementation of a variety of sporting types, are the backbone and feedstock of all of the major sporting venues and organisations throughout the world. The ongoing pandemic is hitting grassroots sports hard,... more
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      Sport for DevelopmentSports SecurityCommunity SportSport for Development, Peace Education
"Gamblification" is a rapidly emerging form of media convergence between the more chance-based activity of gambling and the more skill-based activity of (video) gaming, for example in the competitive video gaming known as esports. The... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyGame studiesNew MediaDigital Media
Esports has generated an industry of increasing economic and cultural importance. In recent years, universities and other higher education institutions have responded to its growth by establishing programmes of study which aim to satisfy... more
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      EducationHigher EducationLearning and TeachingVideo Games
Esports has generated an industry of increasing economic and cultural importance. In recent years, universities and other higher education institutions have responded to its growth by establishing programmes of study which aim to satisfy... more
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      EducationHigher EducationLearning and TeachingVideo Games and Learning
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    • Esports
This thesis aims to show the impact of the e-Sports phenomenon in the Philippines starting from the years 2000-2015. The e-Sports phenomenon in the Philippines started in the 2000s, brought in by influx of Korean immigrants who had a... more
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      Video GamesComputer GamesElectronic-Sports IndustryEsports
Fußballvereine bemühen sich um eine nachhaltige Markenpositionierung, um Fans lang-fristig zu binden. Vor allem bei sportlichen Misserfolgen sind eine starke Markenpositio-nierung und klare Markenwerte wichtig, um durch treue Fans... more
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      Sports ManagementEsports
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesPsychology
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      Higher EducationE-sportsCurriculumCourse design
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      Intellectual PropertyEntertainmentVideogamesVideojuegos
Johnson examines “bullet hell” or “danmaku” games, and unpicks their relationships to Eastern and Western gaming cultures, and competitive and non-competitive gamers. He first traces the genre’s history and its subsequent spread from... more
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      Japanese StudiesGame studiesVideo Game HistoryEsports
The development of video games can be traced back to the 80s of the last century. The final phase of the gaming industry's development brought with it another phenomenon-e-sport. "Electronic sport" presupposes playing video games in a... more
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This mixed-methods study investigated whether playing the video game Madden NFL can: (a) assist someone in learning about American football, and (b) influence someone wanting to watch or play American football. International university... more
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      Video Games and LearningVideo GamesInstructional TechnologyCulture
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      Criminal LawSports LawEsports
A brand report about Dota 2 which one of the biggest eSport.
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      MarketingBrand ManagementAdvertisingBranding
La pratique compétitive du jeu vidéo se développe sous de nombreuses formes et de nombreux engagements. L'esport, ou sport électronique, montre un domaine en expansion qui dévoile des mécaniques semblables au monde du sport : joueur de... more
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      SociologyVideo GamesGender EqualityFrance
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      Video GamesIntellectual Property LawIntellectual Property RightsEsports
The greatest trick the videogame industry ever pulled was convincing the world that videogames were games rather than a medium for making metagames. Elegantly defined as “games about games,” metagames implicate a diverse range of... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGame studiesMedia Studies