Esotericism & Science

25 papers
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Esotericism & Science is an interdisciplinary field that explores the relationship between esoteric traditions—such as mysticism, alchemy, and occult practices—and scientific thought. It examines how these often marginalized knowledge systems interact with, influence, and challenge conventional scientific paradigms, focusing on their philosophical, historical, and cultural implications.
The question of fungal problems within Biodynamic management remains an unresolved issue in most enterprises. The grape industry still relies of Sulphur sprays, the apple industry on Lime Sulphur, while Biodynamic stone fruit are non... more
Some philosophers seem to want to do away with the idea of substance, that is so pervasive in ancient metaphysics, like Platonism. It is true that modern physics has done away with the notion of fixed, static substances, as can be seen in... more
The making of discoveries is what science is all about", David Miller has argued, "the stuff of the scientific career and of scientific reputation" (Miller 2004, 11). The British physicist Edward Appleton would have agreed. "I am sorry... more
This essay aims to shed some light on the still common sense of a vocation among scientists. Taking its cue from Paul Forman's analysis of twentieth-century disciplinary science and Emile Durkheim's social view of religions, it suggests... more
Over several decades spanning the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, a remarkable number of prominent physicists took up the investigation of psychical and occult phenomena. This was especially true in... more
The aether, proposed to be a subtle primordial substance, was once thought to permeate all space and provide a substrate through which electromagnetic waves, such as light, traveled. It is a powerful explanatory concept that has roots in... more
Recent scholarship, especially the works of Gauri Viswanathan, Alex Owen, and Joy Dixon, has established the wide-ranging influence and importance of the Theosophical Society to early twentieth-century European and American culture. Only... more
Доклады на конференции АИЭМ июнь 2023 Доклад 1: Вечный Гермес: хронология герметицизма, основные этапы, термины и события. Eternal Hermes: chronology of Hermeticism, main stages, terms and events. Доклад 2: Становление изучения... more
This article explores esoteric identities and cultures in the British Parliamentary Labour Party c1929-c1951. The historiography of the Labour Party has tended to overemphasise the onedimensional nature of ideological affiliation and... more
That which we know by means of the five senses is the "not self." The most common fact in life for all of us is that of the material world,-that world which we can see and contact by means of the five senses, and which is called by the... more
The articles included in this special issue of Integral Review represent a wide range of integral scholarship at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), founded in 1968 in San Francisco by Dr. Haridas and Bina Chaudhuri.... more
This introductory article gives a brief account of the founding vision and ontological and epistemological principles of the integral framework expounded by Haridas Chaudhuri and some of his original collaborators at the California... more
5977 Received: 15 Apr 2020 | Revised: 25 Apr 2020 | Accepted: 07 May 2020 Abstract--Great religions to pragmatic capacities sporadically abound in the stories of supernatural phenomena which subsumes telepathy, clairvoyance and... more
This is a 40-page guide for homeopaths interested in using ancient wisdom to support their practice. The main focus is on understanding the periodic table (with insights on rows/series and columns/stages potentially extending to the plant... more
In August 1862, the leading article of one British periodical was headed 'Animal "Magnetism"'. 1 The quotation marks around the word magnetism indicated the anonymous author's understanding of at least one of the many controversies that... more
We would like to begin by thanking our wonderful contributors for their exceptional scholarship, intellectual generosity, and unfailing good humor. They have all made this process a true pleasure throughout. We are also grateful to the... more
The essays in Strange Science examine marginal, fringe, and unconventional forms of scientific inquiry, as well as their cultural representations, in the Victorian period. Although now relegated to the category of the pseudoscientific,... more
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) is mainly known for his inventions, including alternating electrical current (AC), the induction motor, remote control, the Tesla coil, and many patents related to radio and the whole AC system, to name but a few.... more
George Francis Fitzgerald is known to most students of physics for his proposal of the Fitzgerald (-Lorentz) Contraction, but this is a minor episode in a remarkable life. Many of his ideas found expression through others. His powerful... more
This book sets out in two parts a single esoteric worldview discerned across many fields of human enquiry, old and new, with focus on four main topics: myths and stories, the periodic table, the Yi Jing, and complementary medicine... more
This book sets out in two parts a single esoteric worldview discerned across many fields of human enquiry, old and new, with focus on four main topics: myths and stories, the periodic table, the Yi Jing, and complementary medicine... more
Courtenay Raia's The New Prometheans centres on anxieties surrounding the Victorian division of knowledge into different fields, particularly the emergence of the notion of science and religion as "separate spheres." The analysis focuses... more
For many years there have been phenomena such as apparitions of the living, photographs of the living at a distance, near-death experiences, emanations of light from the dying, fog, or incorporeal “doubles,” which have suggested the... more
Aurobindian philosophy and yogic reflection form the core content of the poems under our discussion starting from meditation in silence through yogic postures.
Due to untimely death of Carlos S. Alvarado, this review has been revised by Massimo Biondi, who tried to express, to the best of his knowledge, the thought of the author. It is for this reason that it was decided to maintain the author's... more
This paper surveys the different uses to which history has been put, and the different historiographical perspectives adopted, in psychical research and related enterprises since the mid-nineteenth century. It contrasts recent... more
of content is confined to a brief Appendix A, supplemented by a further Appendix C giving the publication and subscription history of the periodical and locations of surviving issues. (Appendix B brings together some of the contemporary... more
The study sheds critical light on one of the issues in the contemporary scholarly study of esotericism in general as it directly affects Central and Eastern Europe's place within the domain. The term "Western" in quotation marks its... more
This article explores the subject of epidemics from the point of view
of Theosophical teachings using primary sources.
Luigi Pirandello's application of spiritual modes of thought ranging from Eastern mysticism to the modern Western movements of Theosophy, Spiritualism and Parapsychology. Using Antonio Illiano's seminal work, Metapsichica e letteratura in... more
‘The human head had already entered a retrogressive evolution...The processes that run parallel to sense perception and thinking are breaking down processes, processes of destruction... We are here pointing to the abyss of nothingness in... more
The aether, proposed to be a subtle primordial substance, was once thought to permeate all space and provide a substrate through which electromagnetic waves, such as light, traveled. It is a powerful explanatory concept that has roots in... more
The emergence of Religious Studies, or “the science of religion”, as it used to be called in Great Britain, in the late 19th century is accompanied by a competition with other discourses interpreting religion. The present article... more
An exploration of the implications of modern physics for metaphysical thought.
A graduate paper for the course Concepts in Modern Physics, for the Johns Hopkins MLA program (1979).
Artikel ini bertolak dari suatu keyakinan bahwa kendati kebudayaan sebagai suatu keseluruhan yang kompleks berkecenderungan mengontrol, ia juga memberikan peluang dan jalan bagi pembentukan karakter dan bagi proses spiritualisasi... more
Published as "Yoga Psychology and the Transformation of Consciousness," by Don Salmon and Jan Maslow
Evolution Esotericized: Conceptual Blending and the Emergence of Secular, Therapeutic Salvation by Erin Prophet The esoteric appropriation of evolution in the sense of self-improvement or personal transformation can be better understood... more
One of the things I try to describe in the new edition of the New Experience of the Supersensible, in the central fifth chapter, entitled 'the knowledge drama of the Second Coming', is to show how the results of the spiritual research,... more
Sri Aurobindo's Topography of Consciousness Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga aimed not only at what he called the realization of the Divine, but also at an integral transformation of human nature under Divine influence. For this... more
Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776–1858) was the president of the Academy Leopoldina in Breslau from 1818 onwards. His professorship was prematurely terminated for political reasons in 1852. Nees von Esenbeck’s interest in... more
The reason for the complete lack of interest of most people in the current new revelation of Michael and Christ (not to mention the active opposition...), can only be understood if we realize that true spiritual science leads to this... more
T is with a sense of the seriousness of the issues involved that I set myself to the task of writing a book on psychic attack and the best methods of defence against it. The undertaking is beset with pitfalls. It is hardly possible to... more
The 2nd edition of The New Experience of the Supersensible becomes much bigger than I thought, so I decided to write a shorter prelude, to introduce it in a more accessible way. This I plan to do in my next book, "The Three Meetings,... more
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are prominent persons of the 20th century but are not very well known. The vast amount of work that they have left behind should be a fertile field for scholars and researchers. They took up strands of knowledge... more
So intimate this praxis becomes, that we experience the interrelations between the forces of growth and decay, life and death, so intensely, that they become fully embodied in our whole being. And we experience what Rudolf Steiner said,... more