Ernst Jünger
Recent papers in Ernst Jünger
A mildly chronological overview of the philosophers who may have been inspired by the use of psychoactive chemicals, inc. Plato, de Quincey, Davy, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, James, Bergson, Benjamin, Jünger, Paz, Marcuse, Sartre, Foucault;... more
Entrées encyclopédiques sur : Charles Andler, Alfred Bäumler, Georg Brandes, Karl Hillebrand, Karl Jaspers, Ernst Jünger, Henri Lichtenberger, Karl Löwith, la réception initiale de Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Georg Simmel, Oswald... more
ESTICA: Editoriale culturale, politice, recenzii (7 Octombrie 2014) În perioada dintre Primul război mondial şi stabilirea celui de-al Treilea Reich, criza... more
This paper focuses on Ernst Jünger’s essay The Peace (Der Friede). It deals with the basic tenet of the Friedensschrift, i.e. that the worst is war, the stabler is the peace that ensues from it. According to Jünger, peace is the result of... more
Reactionary modernism' is a term happily coined by the historian and sociologist Jeffrey Herf to refer to a current of German thought during the interwar years. It indicates the attempt to 'reconcile] the antimodernist, romantic and... more
recenzja z: Ernst Jünger, „Szklane pszczoły”, w nawiązaniu do: Friedrich Georg Jünger, „Perfekcja techniki”
AUFSATZSAMMLUNG 13-3 Kulturtheoretiker denken den Staat : der Staat im Werk aus-gewählter Kulturdenker des 20. Jahrhunderts / Harald Berg-bauer (Hrsg.).-1. Aufl.-Baden-Baden : Nomos-Verlagsgesell-schaft, 2013.-251 S. ; 24... more
In una fase di accelerata metamorfosi dei media, le soggettività contemporanee e le loro forme sociali risentono di un disallineamento permanente tra un apparato tecnologico sempre più pervasivo e la capacità di interpretarne i segni. Si... more
A háború értelmezése Ernst Jüngernél és Hamvas Bélánál.
Pretendo apresentar neste artigo as visões sobre técnica e guerra de dois dos principais representantes da Revolução Conservadora. O primeiro deles é Ernst Jünger (1895-1998), cuja obra, segundo Walter Benjamin, representava a... more
Il 30 gennaio 1933, mentre Hitler veniva nominato cancelliere, alcuni «nazionalisti socialrivoluzionari» distribuivano nelle strade di Berlino un libretto intitolato Il manifesto nazionalbolscevico. Sulla copertina, sotto il titolo in... more
The increasing reliance on drones is threatening our humanity—but not because of the inhumane ways we use Predator drones in warfare. It is a mistake “to use the term “drone” to refer only to these much publicized military devices.... more
In 1914, Ernst Jünger was 19, and like many other young men of his generation, believed that the war would provide an escape from the narrow-minded bourgeois society... The illusion was short lived. The Great War, although idealised in... more
Heidegger en dialogue : par-delà Ernst Jünger, un retour à Nietzsche MARTINE BÉLAND École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris) RÉSUMÉ : Cet article questionne la relation de pensée entre Martin Heidegger et Ernst Jünger. Pour... more
The article problematizes the contemporary and mostly affirmative understanding of affective processes of outrage and excess in affect theories by outlining a genealogy from the “Conservative Revolution” (Oswald Spengler, Ernst Junger) to... more
El objetivo fundamental de nuestro libro-tesis consiste en concebir la obra del pensador Ernst Jünger como una respuesta al problema del nihilismo, ya anunciado por Nietzsche, considerando el conjunto de su obra no sólo como un... more
La Nouvelle Quinzaine littéraire 1131 (1er-15 juillet 2015).
TILL KINZEL Der Schmerz des Menschen in der Welt Überlegungen zu einem unvollständigen Dialog zwischen Ernst Jünger, C. S. Lewis und Josef Pieper Der Schmerz ist das, was den Menschen erst dann zum Problem wird, wenn er auftritt. Erst im... more
«Occorre che la gente impari a non muoversi, a non collaborare, a non produrre, a non farsi nascere bisogni nuovi, e anzi a rinunziare a quelli che ha… «Tutto ciò che ruota, articola, scivola, incastra, ingrana e sollecita sarà... more
As a singular witness and actor of the tumultuous twentieth century, Ernst Jünger remains a controversial and enigmatic figure known above all for his vivid autobiographical accounts of experience in the trenches of the First World War.... more
From ubiquitous surveillance to drone strikes that put “warheads onto foreheads,” we live in a world of globalized, individualized targeting. The perils are great. In The Eye of War, Antoine Bousquet provides both a sweeping historical... more
An instant is the shortest span in which time can be divided and experienced. In an instant, there is no duration: it is an interruption that happens in the blink of an eye. For the ancient Greeks, kairos, the time in which exceptional,... more
Es conocida la sentencia de Hegel según la cual así como el individuo es siempre hijo de su tiempo, también la filosofía es su propio tiempo aprehendido en pensamientos. La sentencia marca, por cierto, un condicionamiento histórico de... more
Among the many words Heidegger explores in order to elucidate his primary matter for thought, one would not likely expect Schmerz (‘pain’) to play a prominent role. And yet, in a selection of notes recently published in a limited German... more
Biografisk overblik og materiale til filosoffen Hans Lipps for årene 1918-1941. Omfattende stort set alle kendte personer, som har en relation til Lipps i disse år. Lipps' universitetskarriere, hans forhold til kolleger og som underviser... more
This paper outlines the major ideas (ethnic-cultural nationalism/separatism, conservative socialism, authoritarianism, elitism, anti-liberalism, cultural pessimism) and intellectuals of the German Conservative Revolution and distinguishes... more
I consider that my books are a part of Germany’s moral an intellectual armament for the next war […] I am a disciple of Nietzsche, and take the greatest delight in a struggle for power wherever it occurs and whoever wins. (Ernst Jünger,... more
My translation of an interview with Armin Mohler in Éléments 80 (1994). Of particular interest to the history ideas must be his comments on the applicability of the category “conservative revolution” to France. Mohler’s best known work is... more
The study is addressed to the dialectical analysis of the necrophilic feeling towards the dead body of the soldier: on the one hand, within the First World War as ‘love’ for the death and for the corpse of the enemy. On the other hand,... more
Machine intelligence is nearing an inflection point. No one seems to have noticed that a 1957 novel by a reactionary German thinker, Ernst Jünger, eerily prefigures themes in Nick Bostrom’s cutting-edge book on the topic, Superintelligence.
The article seeks to disclose the phenomenon of Conservative Revolution as an attempt at the fullest projection of Nietzscheanism in philosophical and social fields, in particular, resting on the work of its face and recognized... more
A symbolic original study on the imaginary elements in the spherology of Peter Sloterdijk (under rework for future publication)
This paper examines the philosophical anthropology developed in the later work of the historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), particularly his Man and Technics (1931). It has two aims. The first is to argue that Spengler... more
La Revolución Conservadora alemana hace referencia a un amplio movimiento intelectual y político surgido en Alemania y Austria a principios del siglo XX, principalmente en el período de entreguerras, durante la República de Weimar. El... more
The psychedelic community is popularly conceived as having a liberal, anti-authoritarian outlook that seeks to extend civil liberties. However, the cultural history of psychedelics does not support the assumption that this is necessarily... more
Sobre la novela "Nocturno de Chile" de Roberto Bolaño
The essay presents some theoretical reflections around the nietzschean concept of "Treue zur Erde" in its methapysical and political reflections into Martin Heidegger's, Ernst Jünger's, Carl Schmitt's and Julius Evola's thought.