Equivalent Circuit
Recent papers in Equivalent Circuit
An equivalent diagram with localized constants has been created to represent the two winding transformer. The equivalent diagram with localized constants is practically independent of the transformer construction. Only the numeric... more
A practical universal modeling and simulation approach is presented in this paper to show that accurate battery pack simulation can be achieved if cell-to-cell variations were taken into account. A generic equivalent circuit model was... more
A complete analysis of low-noise 0.1 m gate AlInAs/GaInAs HEMT's has been performed by using a semiclassical Monte Carlo simulation. The validity of the model has been checked through the comparison of the simulated results with static,... more
The electrical properties of double perovskite Ho2NiTiO6 (HNT) are investigated by impedance spectroscopy in the temperature range 30–420 °C and frequency range 100 Hz to 1 MHz. The X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the compound... more
We propose an equivalent circuit representation of the photogenerated charge separation and propagation in dye sensitized polycrystalline semiconductor in contact with a redox electrolyte. The suggested equivalent circuit for this type of... more
A large-signal HJFET model is developed for drainlag phenomena caused by deep traps beneath the channel. The model is based on the self-backgating and Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) statistics. It is shown by two-dimensional (2D) device... more
A simple non-quasi-static small-signal equivalent circuit model is derived for the ideal MOSFET wave equation under the gradual channel approximation. This equivalent circuit represents each Y-parameter by its DC small-signal value... more
This paper proposes a new differential topology that features a stacked multiloop inductor. Comparative studies of stacked one-to four-loop spiral inductors with and without patterned ground shields (PGSs) for silicon-based... more
A new modal decomposition equivalent circuit method has been proposed for an analysis of multifrequency and multi-layer frequency selective structure (FSS). The present paper is an extension of the previously published work where it has... more
A new topology for active power filters (APF) using an 81-level converter is analyzed. Each phase of the converter is composed of four three-state converters, all of them connected to the same capacitor dc link voltage and their output... more
The electrochemical oxidation of bisphenol A was carried out using platinum, glassy carbon, titanium dioxide and polypyrrole modified working electrodes. Acetonitrile and water were evaluated as solvents; however, passivation could not be... more
A novel optical technique is proposed for the characterization of MEMS resonators. The proposed technique is based on measuring the response of the resonator (resonance frequency and quality factor) optically, which eliminates the... more
The behavior of excitable systems periodically stimulated by pulses is investigated. The nonself-oscillating regime is studied in the simplest realistic model. The global bifurcation structure is similar in several aspects to the one... more
Measurements of real and imaginary parts of the relative complex permittivity of glycerol were carried out in the frequency range 1 mHz-1 MHz at different temperatures between 188 and 263 K. The permittivity data have been analyzed... more
Many different circuit models have been proposed for double-layer capacitors (DLCs). Presented in this paper is an evaluation of the Debye polarization cell as a model for a double-layer capacitor (DLC). In comparison to other circuit... more
The paper deals with analytical method of design and prediction of performance characteristics for induction motors with solid steel rotor coated with copper layer. On the basis of the distribution of the 2-D electromagnetic field, the... more
The objective of this work was to develop a SPICE compatible equivalent circuit of a thermoelectric module (TEM). A methodology is developed for extracting the parameters of the proposed model from manufacturers' data of Thermoelectric... more
Based on an active transmission line concept and twodimensional (2-D) device simulations, an accurate and computationally efficient simulation technique for high frequency noise performance of MOSFETs is demonstrated. Using a Langevin... more
Sandia has been studying the performance of a group of 18650-size lithium-ion cells fabricated for the Advanced Technology Development (ATD) Program that contain high-power battery chemistry. One of the objectives of the ATD Program is to... more
In this paper, a novel type of auxiliary switched which may consist of planer (pancake) or cylindrical type capacitor assisted edge resonant soft switching PWM series load working coil with electromagnetic eddy current based heated... more
The electrochemical behavior of Cu–Ni alloys with different Ni contents (5–65mass%) in acidic sulfate solutions was investigated. The effects of working conditions e.g. concentration of sulfate ions, immersion time and temperature were... more
Nanoelectrospray technique, or electrohydrodynamic spraying, has been utilised in wide applications including mass spectrometry, microcolloid thrusters and micro/nano-fabrication areas. In this article, a nanoelectrospray system was... more
Electrical impedance spectroscopy was used for the characterization of electroregeneration in a continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) system packed with cation-exchange resin (CIX). CEDI process usually operates in two regimes of enhanced... more
This paper deals with conducted Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) produced by power electronic converters. Both differential-and common-mode components of the conducted emissions are considered. In particular, the analysis is focused on... more
This paper presents the evaluation of the performance, in terms of uncertainty, of a tool designed to estimate the main parameters of a model of a photovoltaic panel (PVP) under real and/or simulated working conditions. The presented tool... more
We present a study of impedance spectroscopy (IS) under varying loads. An equivalent circuit is proposed taking the deformability and the effect of change in free volume into account, which yields the dc ion-conductivity as well as the... more
Photodetectors (PDs) are an important active device in optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs), and, for shorter haul interconnections where circuit (e.g. transimpedance amplifier (TIA)) noise may be the dominant noise in receivers,... more
Recent work by Klippel [1] and Voishvillo [2] has shown the significance of voice coil inductance in respect to the non-linear behaviour of loudspeakers. In such work the methods used to derive distortion require the inductance to be... more
This paper deals with contact currents that may occur when the human body is in contact with two electrodes at different electrical potentials, e.g., an electrical/electronic device and the floor. Actually, any device must comply not only... more
Power transformer analysis and design focusing on the equivalent circuit parameter evaluation by magnetic field numerical calculation is presented. The proposed method adopts a particular reduced scalar potential formulation enabling 3D... more
In this paper, exact common-mode and differentialmode equivalent circuits of PWM inverters in motor drive systems are derived by taking the input rectifiers into account. The proposed equivalent circuits are derived by viewing the whole... more
The increasing demand for more fuel efficiency and environmentally friendly cars coupled with the consumers' drive for more comfort, safety and luxury has led to the introduction of more electrical and electronic systems in the... more
This presentation continues the study of the dynamic characteristics of lead-acid batteries previously reported into larger cells and batteries. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy combined with fuzzy logic methodology of data analysis... more
A new equivalent circuit for inverters is presented. Using this circuit, expression for the elements of the coupling matrix of narrow RF band pass filters is derived. The derivation is based on frequency independent coupling assumed in... more
This paper presents a neural network based approach for improving the accuracy of the electrical equivalent circuit of a photovoltaic module. The equivalent circuit parameters of a PV module mainly depend on solar irradiation and... more
The characteristics of a buck type three phase PWM rectifier are analyzed using circuit DQ transform method. Exact DQ equivalent circuit model is induced and full set of equations are derived in explicit form. With the signal flow graph... more
The paper presents the principle and theoretical basis for application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to study ion transport and partitioning in thin films or membranes supported by a solid electrode and exposed to an... more
A knowtedge of the average electrical impedance of the human body is essentiat for the anafysis of electromagnetic harards in the VLF to MF band. The purpose of our measurements was to determine the average body impedance of severaf human... more
The b Ti-29Nb-13Ta-4.6Zr (TNTZ) has been recently developed as a new implant material. TNTZ alloy is composed of non toxic elements and has a low modulus of elasticity than the other titanium alloys. However, its electrochemical behaviour... more
Schmitt trigger design with given circuit thresholds is described. The approach is based on studying the transient from one stable state to another when the trigger is in linear operation. The trigger is subdivided into two subcircuits;... more
Simultaneous measurements of conductive polymer by two-and four-point techniques were used for evaluation of the contact resistance for the polymer/metal interface. An experimental validation of this approach was performed for polypyrrole... more
The Drude-Lorentz model is a well-known method used to estimate the permittivity of a material, describing its atoms as oscillating dipoles. Notwithstanding its simplicity, in many contexts that model is quite effective and so today it's... more
Translation of English proverbs into Persian language makes Iranian translators encounter at the Source Language (SL) comparing Target Language (TL) levels such as lexical, stylistic, cultural and rhetorical parameters. In this respect,... more