Equivalence Classes

374 papers
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Equivalence classes are subsets of a set formed by an equivalence relation, where each element in the subset is related to every other element by that relation. Each equivalence class contains elements that are indistinguishable in terms of the relation, effectively partitioning the original set into disjoint groups.
Tensión individualismo-gregarismo en la configuración psicológica del ser humano I: apuntes sobre el surgimiento y las variaciones históricas del yo.
Real-world datasets are often vague and redundant, creating problem to take decision accurately. Very recently, Rough-set theory has been used successfully for dimensionality reduction but is applicable only on discrete dataset.... more
Object-oriented (OO) programming techniques can be applied to equational specification logics by distinguishing visible data from hidden data (that is, by distinguishing the output of methods from the objects to which the methods apply),... more
In the paper it is shown that every Hausdorff continuous interval-valued function corresponds uniquely to an equivalence class of quasicontinuous functions. This one-to-one correspondence is used to construct the Dedekind order completion... more
We show that the class of Petri nets is less expressive with respect to bisimulation equivalence than the class of PA processes extended with a finite state control unit.
Combinatorial Hopf algebras of trees exemplify the connections between operads and bialgebras. Painted trees were introduced recently as examples of how graded Hopf operads can bequeath Hopf structures upon compositions of coalgebras. We... more
Combinatorial Hopf algebras of trees exemplify the connections between operads and bialgebras. Painted trees were introduced recently as examples of how graded Hopf operads can bequeath Hopf structures upon compositions of coalgebras. We... more
We propose a complete procedure for verifying register-transfer logic against its scheduled behavior in a high-level synthesis environment Our proposal advances the state of the art because it is the first such verification procedure that... more
We describe a complete method for the latch mapping problem that is based on the efficient integration of previously proposed techniques for latch mapping as well as novel optimizations for further improvement. The highlights of the... more
Equivalence – Equivalence responding (Barnes et al., 1997), based on derived or non-explicitly trained relational responding, supports a behaviour-analytic model of analogical reasoning. Conditional discriminations are the most common... more
Equivalence – Equivalence responding (Barnes et al., 1997), based on derived or non-explicitly trained relational responding, supports a behaviour-analytic model of analogical reasoning. Conditional discriminations are the most common... more
Equivalence – Equivalence responding (Barnes et al., 1997), based on derived or non-explicitly trained relational responding, supports a behaviour-analytic model of analogical reasoning. Conditional discriminations are the most common... more
Bayesian networks [21, 27] are defined by: a network structure, a directed acyclic graph G = (V, A), in which each node vi ∈ V corresponds to a random variable Xi; a global probability distribution, X, which can be factorised into smaller... more
El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos diferenciales del cambio de consecuencias (de contingencias de reforzamiento a contingencias de castigo) sobre el aprendizaje de discriminaciones condicionales y las relaciones... more
The nominal approach to abstract syntax deals with the issues of bound names and α-equivalence by considering constructions and properties that are invariant with respect to permuting names. The use of permutations gives rise to an... more
The idea of a context lemma spans a range of programminglanguage models: from Milner's original through the CIU theorem to 'CIU-like' results for multiple language features. Each shows that to prove observational equivalence between... more
In this paper we will explain our approach for generating test cases for a UML system model. Despite the fact that UML authors claim that UML semantics are precise enough to define non-ambiguous models, we find that the overlap of the... more
Image segmentation is a critical step in computer vision tasks constituting an essential issue for pattern recognition and visual interpretation. In this paper, we study the behavior of entropy in digital images through an iterative... more
Let H = (X, E) be a simple hypergraph and let f (H,) denote its chromatic polynomial. Two hypergraphs H 1 and H 2 are chromatic equivalent if f (H 1 ,) = f (H 2 ,). The equivalence class of H is denoted by H. Let K and H be two classes of... more
Résumé. Dans la littérature, les travaux se sont principalement focalisés sur l’extraction des motifs fréquents. Toutefois, récemment, la fouille des motifs rares s’est avérée intéressante puisque ces motifs permettent de véhiculer des... more
A preorder consists of linearly ordered equivalence classes called blocks, and an alignment is a sequence of cycles on n labelled elements. We investigate the block structure of a random preorder chosen uniformly at random among all... more
The probability of equivalence class formation was assessed in three matching to sample procedures (standard, semi-standard, and linear series), and three training structures (one-to-many, many-to-one, and altered) in a 3x3 factorial... more
This study aimed to determine whether the exclusive positive conditional relations established by the matching-to-sample (MTS) procedure are sufficient for equivalence class formation, or whether the negative conditional relations... more
It has been proved that almost all n-bit Boolean functions have exact classical query complexity n. However, the situation seemed to be very different when we deal with exact quantum query complexity. In this paper, we prove that almost... more
A base-station (BS) equipped with multiple antennas can use its spatial dimensions in three different ways: (1) to serve multiple users, thereby achieving a multiplexing gain, (2) to provide spatial diversity in order to improve user... more
Mining frequent itemsets (FIs) has been developing in recent years. However, little attention has been paid to efficient methods for mining in multidimensional databases. In this paper, we propose a new method with a supporting structure... more
The current study was presented as a paper at the Association for Behavior Analysis International conference in Chicago in 2008. The authors are very grateful to Dag-Erik Eilertsen for help with the statistical analyses and to Lill-Beathe... more
The present experiment examined number of training trials as a function of a required response to sample in establishing conditional discriminations and testing for responding accordance with stimulus equivalence. Reaction times were also... more
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar se um procedimento de ensino por modelação pode produzir discriminações condicionais, formar classes de estímulos equivalentes, e expansão de classes, em seis estudantes universitários. Foram... more
Distance labeling schemes are schemes that label the vertices of a graph with short labels in such a way that the distance between any two vertices u and v can be determined efficiently by merely inspecting the labels of u and v, without... more
The papers introduces a new complex of differential forms which provides a fine resolution for the sheaf of regular functions in two quaternionic variables and the sheaf of monogenic functions in two vector variables. The paper announces... more
XQuery is known to be a powerful XML query language with many bells and whistles. For many common queries we do not need all the expressive power of XQuery. We investigate the effect of omitting certain features of XQuery on the... more
This paper investigates two approaches for Boolean matching using NPN equivalence matching. Luks' hypergraph method is implemented and compared to the Walsh Spectral Decision Diagram (SDD) method that we propose here. Both methods... more
El objetivo del presente trabajo es exponer una breve revisión del estudio del razonamiento analógico desde la Teoría de los Marcos Relacionales (TMR), considerando los modelos formulados hasta la actualidad y la exploración experimental.... more
En el presente estudio se investiga la influencia de la estructura de entrenamiento en la formación de relaciones de equivalencia y de “equivalencia-equivalencia”. Se estudiaron tres grupos de sujetos los cuales fueron entrenados con las... more
Resumen El estudio de las relaciones de similitud física (RSF) y las relaciones arbitrarias resulta de interés ya que permite evaluar la capacidad de formación y discriminación de nuevas relaciones entre estímulos cuando está disponible... more
Resumen El estudio de las relaciones de similitud física (RSF) y las relaciones arbitrarias resulta de interés ya que permite evaluar la capacidad de formación y discriminación de nuevas relaciones entre estímulos cuando está disponible... more
El aprendizaje de categorías es uno de los temas de mayor amplitud y controversia de la psicología contemporánea. Siguiendo al enfoque "biocomportamental" se describirán algunos aspectos comportamentales, neurofisiológicos y... more
A new three-dimensional reconstruction technique is presented that uses an integer control parameter, denoted β, to produce a family of models from a given set of planar cross-sections. Parameter β supports multiple choices for solving... more
Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) antenna technology can provide significant performance improvement for cellular systems in terms of both throughput and energy efficiency. It is widely recognized that inter-user interference... more
This paper describes our participation in the WebCLEF 2008 task, targeted at snippet retrieval from new data. Our system assumes that the task can be tackled as a summarization problem and that the document retrieval and multilinguism... more
For a (simple) graph G, the signless Laplacian of G is the matrix A(G) + D(G), where A(G) is the adjacency matrix and D(G) is the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees of G; the reduced signless Laplacian of G is the matrix (G) + B(G), where... more
We introduce McCarthy-Kleene fuzzy automata (MK-fuzzy automata) over a bimonoid K which is related to the fuzzification of the McCarthy-Kleene logic. Our automata are inspired by, and intend to contribute to, practical applications being... more
En el presente estudio se investiga la influencia de la estructura de entrenamiento en la formación de relaciones de equivalencia y de “equivalencia-equivalencia”. Se estudiaron tres grupos de sujetos los cuales fueron entrenados con las... more
The paradigm of equivalence classes has been widely used to study the formation of categories and concepts. After learning of arbitrary connections between stimuli, new relations are verified experimentally spontaneously although these... more
El aprendizaje de categorías es uno de los temas de mayor amplitud y controversia de la psicología contemporánea. Siguiendo al enfoque "biocomportamental" se describirán algunos aspectos comportamentales, neurofisiológicos y... more
Feature selection is the process of sieving features, in which informative features are separated from the redundant and irrelevant ones. This process plays an important role in machine learning, data mining and bioinformatics. However,... more
In the paper, information table for network traffic data is discretized by supervised learning using WEKA and from this discretized data, three different algorithms for calculation of rules are applied, genetic algorithm, covering... more