Equations of State

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Equations of state are mathematical relationships that describe the state properties of a substance, such as pressure, volume, and temperature. They provide a framework for understanding the thermodynamic behavior of materials, particularly in relation to phase transitions and changes in state under varying conditions.
Hydrodynamic modes for ultracold gases at any general density are considered. By writing the equations for the mode frequencies in a convenient way, we show that it is possible to determine the equation of state of the dense gas from the... more
The model liquids discussed herein are represented as correlated ensembles of particles, moving around and interacting with strong, short-range forces. A spectrum of local vibrations is introduced for the local, collective movements of... more
We investigate a representation of thermodynamic equations-of-state for water and steam using only physical constants and zero ad hoc parameters. Following the reported phase equilibria of a coexisting critical density hiatus and a... more
This note considers singular systems of nonlinear differential and algebraic equations (DAEs) whose constrained state space depends on the control inputs. A state-space realization of such systems cannot be derived independently of the... more
A new equation of state based on the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory (SAFT) is presented to study the phase behavior of associating and non-associating fluids. In the new equation of state, the hard sphere contribution to... more
In this work, we propose a computational strategy and methods for the automated calculation of complete loci of homogeneous azeotropy of binary mixtures and the related Pxy and Txy diagrams for models of the equation-of-state (EOS) type.... more
Midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons are not homogeneous but differ in their molecular properties and responses to external stimuli. We examined whether the modulation of excitatory synapses on DA neurons by rewarding or aversive stimuli... more
In this work, we propose a computational strategy and methods for the automated calculation of complete loci of homogeneous azeotropy of binary mixtures and the related Pxy and Txy diagrams for models of the equation-of-state (EOS) type.... more
We study the influence of Nb doping on the TiO 2 anatase-to-rutile phase transition, using combined transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction and selected area electron diffraction analysis. This approach... more
We apply the chiral SU (3) quark mean field model to study the properties of strange hadronic matter at finite temperature. The liquid-gas phase transition is studied as a function of the strangeness fraction. The pressure of the system... more
In this study, the process of capturing CO2 by using an aqueous MDEA solution under the operating conditions of the concentration range of 10-98 wt% of MDEA, temperature range of 303-323K and atmospheric pressure is investigated. Most... more
We analyze the effect that peculiar velocities have on the cosmological inferences we make using luminosity distance indicators, such as Type Ia supernovae. In particular we study the corrections required to account for (1) our own... more
Small-scale detonability testing: We developed the capability to perform small-scale detonation performance testing, using as little as 10 g of material. Normally, detonation performance tests require several kilograms of material, making... more
Small scale characterization experiments using only 1–5 g of a baseline ammonium nitrate plus fuel oil (ANFO) explosive are discussed and simulated using an ignition and growth reactive flow model. There exists a strong need for the small... more
In this paper, two modified Ricci models are considered as the candidates of unified dark matter-dark energy. In model one, the energy density is given by ρ MR = 3M pl (αH 2 + βḢ), whereas, in model two, by ρ MR = 3M pl (α 6 R + γḦ H −1).... more
We present a comparison of experimentally and theoretically determined osmotic pressures for various colloidal dispersions. Experimental data is collected from several different silica and polystyrene dispersions. The theoretical pressure... more
Quasi-hydrostatic compression of aluminum carbide, Al 4 C 3 has been studied to 6 GPa at room temperature using energydispersive X-ray powder diffraction with synchrotron radiation. A fit of the experimental p-V data to the Birch equation... more
Quasi-hydrostatic compression of rhombohedral boron subnitride has been studied up to 30 GPa at room temperature using angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation. The α-rhombohedral boron type R3m structure of B 13 N 2... more
We present the first principles calculations of the thermodynamical properties of magnesium hydride (MgH 2 ) over a temperature range of 0-1000 K. The phonon dispersions are determined within the density functional framework and are used... more
This paper presents a hybrid way mixing time and frequency domain for transmission lines modelling. The proposed methodology handles steady fundamental signal mixed with fast and slow transients, including impulsive and oscillatory... more
The viscosity of pure hydrocarbons was correlated using a simple function based on the fluid density. The correlation has three adjustable parameters, a compressed state density, F s °, an empirical parameter, c 2 , that scales the... more
A practical method has been developed for determining parameters for the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT) equation of state. Critical temperature, pressure, and density as well as normal boiling point are used to determine... more
A practical method has been developed for determining parameters for the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT) equation of state. Critical temperature, pressure, and density as well as normal boiling point are used to determine... more
There are now many known exoplanets with M sin i within a factor of two of Neptune's, including the transiting planets GJ436b and HAT-P-11b. Planets in this mass-range are different from their more massive cousins in several ways that are... more
In the work of N. Martys et al. [Nicos S. Martys, Xiaowen Shan, Hudong Chen, Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 58, Num.5, 1998 ], a self-consistent force term to any order in the Boltzmann-BKG equation is derived by the Hermite basis with raw velocity.... more
We identify the global symmetries of SU(2) lattice gauge theory with N flavors of staggered fermion in the presence of a quark chemical potential µ, for fermions in both fundamental and adjoint representations, and anticipate likely... more
The combustion and detonation characteristics of CL20 can be improved if it is formed into nanoparticles of uniform size. A new, promising process for particulation of materials utilizes environmentally benign compressed gases as either... more
CL20, a high-energy explosive compound, is a polyazapolycyclic caged polynitramine (2,4,6,8,10,12- Hexanitro- 2,4,5,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane). The combustion and detonation characteristics of CL20 can be improved if it is formed into... more
The equilibrium solubility of anthracene (as a model of coke precursor) in sub-and supercritical propane has been measured using a static viewcell at temperatures from (298 to 405) K and pressures from (4.7 to 11.3) MPa. The values of the... more
Two different types of problems are approached by connecting simplified molecular models with equations Ž. of state EOS. For aqueous-organic solutions of gases chemically reacting with solvent, special techniques to handle electrostatic... more
Two different types of problems are approached by connecting simplified molecular models with equations Ž. of state EOS. For aqueous-organic solutions of gases chemically reacting with solvent, special techniques to handle electrostatic... more
Perturbation theory of equation of state due to Barker and Henderson is reformulated. This new formulation makes it possible to calculate the Helmholtz free energy of a fluid system analytically by perturbation relations of Barker and... more
Here is the list of 22 analytic equations of state we have developed.
Isothermal vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) of the R-1234yf + R-245cb binary system were measured using a "static-analytic" apparatus at temperatures from 283.39 to 343.27 K. The data measured were compared with literature data for... more
Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the Difluoromethane (R32) + Propane binary system are presented at 278.10, 294.83, 303.23, 313.26 and 343.26 K and pressures up to 5.4 MPa. The experimental method is the static-analytic type.... more
The present study introduEs a generalized correlation for the interaction coefficients of N,(i)/hydrocarbon( j) binary systems as a function of the reduced temperature of nitrogen (T,J and the acentric factor of the hydrocarbon (LI)/). It... more
The present study introduEs a generalized correlation for the interaction coefficients of N,(i)/hydrocarbon(j) binary systems as a function of the reduced temperature of nitrogen (T,J and the acentric factor of the hydrocarbon (LI)/). It... more
Remarkable differences in the shape of the nematic-smectic-B interface in a quasi-two-dimensional geometry have been experimentally observed in three liquid crystals of very similar molecular structure, i.e., neighboring members of a... more
En esta tesis se ha profundizado en la construcción del tensor para dos ansatz: placas y tubos, de materia hadrónica a partir del modelo de Skyrme. Las ecuaciones del movimiento, la densidad de la carga bariónica y el tensor... more
We respond to the Comment of Markus Scholle and therewith revise our material entropy constraint to account for the production of entropy.
STEP (the Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle) will advance experimental limits on violations of Einstein's equivalence principle (EP) from their present sensitivity of 2 parts in 10 13 to 1 part in 10 18 through multiple... more