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Nineteenth-century prima donnas were continually on the move, and making a living as a famous diva meant travelling as far and as wide as possible under conditions that were not always terribly pleasant. Pauline Viardot’s life was no... more
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      Women's StudiesEpistolary literature19th Century Italian OperaPauline Viardot
1 Einleitung 3 2 Epistolares Erzählen im Wandel der Zeit 4 2.1 Der empfindsame Briefroman 4 2.2 Der zeitgenössische E-Mail-Roman 7 2.3 Der E-Mail-Roman als Briefroman des 21. Jahrhunderts? 9 1 Einleitung Obwohl der Begriff der... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheEpistolary literatureEpistolary NovelNeuere Deutsche Literatur
Hikâyeye göre, Sarı Selim olarak da bilinen Sultan II. Selim henüz hayatta iken, Saruhan sancağında vazifeli oğlu Şehzade Murad, tuhaf bir rüya gördü. Şehzade'nin rüyası, tabir edilmek üzere derhal civardaki sâlih ve âlim zatlara... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesIslamic StudiesSufism
En 1880, après avoir renoncé à la poésie et exercé divers emplois sur des chantiers, principalement à Chypre, Arthur Rimbaud gagne l'Arabie puis l'antique Abyssinie. Là, durant plus de dix ans, il va se livrer au négoce de tout ce qui... more
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      African StudiesEpistolary literature19th Century French LiteratureArthur Rimbaud
Un conjunt de cartes inèdites adreçades a Guillem Viladot per destacades personalitats de la literatura catalana del seu temps des­mitifiquen la idea del poeta agra­muntí com un creador isolat i incomunicat, i mostren abas­tament els seus... more
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      Epistolary literatureLiteratura catalana
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      Catalan StudiesEpistolary literatureLiteratura catalanaCarles Riba
Il saggio intende dimostrare che, subito dopo la pubblicazione, da parte di Alberico Gentili, dei De iuris interpretibus Dialogi sex (1582) e delle Lectiones et Epistolae (1583-1584) i rapporti fra Jean Hotman e il giurista di San Ginesio... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Дитрих Бонхёффер (1906–1945) – известный немецкий теолог, участник движения немецкого Сопротивления, погибший в нацистском концлагере. В его теологических письмах, адресованных другу и пастору Эберхарду Бетге, зарождается богословская... more
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      ReligionChristianityEpistolary literatureDietrich Bonhoeffer
A partir de los textos de las epístolas denominadas zurzūriyyāt, en este artículo se pretende profundizar en las dos caras del personaje en torno al cual se articulan estas originales y singulares composiciones, exclusivas de la... more
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      Comparative LiteratureArabic LiteratureArabic Prose LiteratureLiterature
In Lettre d’été (Paris, Albin Michel, 2000), Pascale Roze addresses Leo Tolstoy in the manner of a “true secret,” thereby allowing her to “write about that experience” (of having had a brush with death) that otherwise would have remained... more
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      Epistolary literatureFrench Women's WritingContemporary French LiteratureForms of address
RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se aborda la teoría del género epistolar en sus rasgos fundamentales, atendiendo a las características más destacadas que presenta a par-tir del siglo XYIII, momento en que nace la epísola privada en sentido... more
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      Epistolary literatureFederico García Lorca
As a mostly straightforward mystery/ghost story, The Supernatural Enhancements qualifies as genre fiction yet opens itself up to uninitiated readers. In fact, expectations will probably only interrupt the gratification readers are likely... more
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      Cultural History Of GhostsEpistolary literatureEpistolary NovelBook Reviews
Настоящият текст е част от по-голямо изследване на непубликувани до този момент и системно оповестявани епистолари в сп. „Септември“ в периода след Априлското размразяване. Тъй като те участват в реабилитацията на писатели – в една или... more
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      Literary CriticismBulgarian LiteratureEpistolary literatureLiterary History
Sin dall'antichità il reato di falso, che si configurasse quale falsa testimonianza o mediante il confezionamento e l'utilizzo di monete o documenti contraffatti, fu punito assai severamente dalla legge. In epoca romana in molti casi era... more
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      Medieval StudiesEpistolary literatureMedieval Canon & Roman Law
Critical edition by Jerry C. Nash
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      Epistolary literatureEarly Modern Women WritersFrench Early ModernSixteenth Century French Literature
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      Manuscript StudiesEpistolary literatureManoscritti; Codicologia; Storia Delle Biblioteche
Kuulsusrikkal 17. sajandil tõusevad absoluutse monarhia, moralistide, tuntud näitekirjanike kõrval esile olulised aadlisoost naised, kes koondavad enda kirjanduslikes salongides nii intellektuaale kui galantseid aristokraate. Ajal, mil... more
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      Women's Studies17th-Century StudiesEpistolary literatureMontaigne
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      Epistolary literatureEpistolographyGiorgio VasariPietro Aretino
In this paper we point out that certain structural-typological and thematic motific traits of the work show that Turkish Letters bears the dominant attributes of the Enlightenment Epoch. Starting from the very genre – letters, which was... more
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      Epistolary literatureOrientalismVoltaireEnligthenment
in Invigilata Lucernis 40 (2018) 187-98
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      Latin LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesBiographyLate Antiquity
Di Bartolomeo Sacchi (1421-1481), detto il Platina, sono tramandati un epistolario dal carcere, segnalato da Augusto Campana, e numerose lettere extravaganti, che l’umanista non si preoccupò di raccogliere in epistolario. Con il presente... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismEpistolary literaturePlatina
This article discusses American author Carson McCullers' 1942 short story titled 'Correspondence', in order to consider how the unique form of the epistolary short story amplifies themes of alienation and absence. Drawing upon... more
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      Epistolary literatureAffectCarson McCullers
Je t'avoue que je suis si las de tourner dans un cercle vicieux en politique, si ennuyé d'accuser la minorité qui gouverne, pour être forcé tout aussitôt de reconnaître que cette minorité est l'élue de la majorité, que je voudrais oublier... more
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      French LiteratureMedia StudiesLiteratureEpistolary literature
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      Epistolary literature20th Century Italian LiteratureLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaGiuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
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      Dante StudiesItalian StudiesItalian LiteratureEpistolary literature
L'article analyse le rapport entre le geste de Guiraut Riquier d'avoir recueilli ses épîtres versifiés et sa conception de l'autorité poétique.
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      Epistolary literatureMedieval Occitan LiteratureLettersTroubadour Studies
In Querido Diego, Poniatowska’s difficult identification as a Mexican shaped her portrayal of the love of a quasi-historical character, Quiela, for Mexican painter Diego Rivera. Rivera provided Quiela with iconic access to “feeling... more
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      Latin American StudiesAmerican StudiesComparative LiteratureArt History
Die einzelnen Beiträge verbindet das Bestreben der internationalen Brieforscher_innen, die Ästhetik des weiblichen Briefes aus drei Jahrhunderten einer kulturhistorischen Bilanz zu unterziehen, den Einfluss von gesellschaftlichen und... more
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      German LiteratureEpistolary literatureEpistolographyBriefkultur
Sophie von La Roche's novel, which now takes pride of place in the canon of eighteenth-century German literature, was published one year before Von der Physiognomik (1772), the essay in which Johann Caspar Lavater laid the groundwork for... more
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      ArtLiterature and MedicineEpistolary literature18th Century German (Literature)
This essay approaches the question “What is a letter?” as a subquestion of two more general questions, “What is a genre?”, and “What is a category?” I offer a broad-ranging sketch of how how major findings in research on concepts and... more
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      Genre studiesCategory TheoryHistory of conceptsEpistolary literature
This book explores the life and work of the celebrated eighteenth-century English naturalist, explorer, artist and author Mark Catesby (1683-1749). During Catesby’s lifetime, science was poised to shift from a world of amateur virtuosi to... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of the BookHistory of Natural HistoryHistory of Science
"Las cartas de Cicerón se pueden entender como extractos de un diario de su vida y por extensión como un retrato de su época. Y es que hay momentos de su vida en que es posible seguir día a día no solo sus acciones, sino hasta sus... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryRoman Republic
Shashi Tharoor's Riot is a very unconventional novel. The notion that in a culturally, and religiously diverse country like India truth can never be singular, is very much visible in the course of this narrative. In the rendition of the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEpistolary literatureIndian Writing in EnglishShashi Tharoor
Travail d'analyse du film "Méditerranée" de Jean-Daniel Pollet visionné en classe. Mai 2017. Ce devoir prend la forme d'une lettre adressée à ma meilleure amie dans laquelle je discute des aspects du film qui m'ont marquée, en essayant... more
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      Film AnalysisScience FictionEpistolary literatureArt Studies
"Studi linguistici italiani",  XLII (2016)
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      RhetoricLiterary StylisticsItalian LiteratureEpistolary literature
a cura di Nicoletta Leone e Fabio Maggi
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      Epistolary literatureDiálogo Inter-religioso
El artículo busca resaltar la voz del exiliado sobre sus experiencias de exilio. Para ello se tomaron cartas de un grupo de chilenos que estuvieron exiliados en Mendoza (Argentina) y luego en países centrales para comparar sus... more
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      Epistolary literatureEpistolary researchExile StudiesExilio Chileno
Il saggio è dedicato al pensiero e all'opera di alcune donne impegnatesi nell'educazione, istruzione ed emancipazione femminile tra Ottocento e Novecento, e di colei che tra loro costruì una rete ideale: Alice Hallgarten Franchetti... more
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      Epistolary literaturePedagogía socialFemminismoStoria Delle Donne
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      Epistolary literatureEpistolary researchEpistolary culture
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      Spanish Literature (Peninsular)The NovelNarratologyEpistolary literature
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      Military IntelligenceJames JoyceEpistolary literatureIrredentism
El presente monográfico de Mirabilia Journal 31 tiene como finalidad realizar un acercamiento, de manera interdisciplinar, a la figura y el pensamiento de san Jerónimo en el marco de XVI Centenario de su muerte (420-2020). Dos son las... more
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      Epistolary literatureErasmus of RotterdamSt. Jerome
he retrieval of voices that have long fallen silent is one of the primary plea sures of the historian's craft; understanding how those voices have been medi ated, one of its greatest challenges. To what extent are the texts we read, ana... more
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      Jewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryEpistolary literatureRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)
Guglielmo Alberti – a Piedmontese antifascist intellectual of European importance, a friend among others of Gobetti, Gide, Curtius, Debenedetti, Pavese, Berenson, Cecchi, a literary critic and translator – and Gianfranco Contini met in... more
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      Italian StudiesLiterary CriticismEpistolary literatureContemporary Literature
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      Art HistoryEarly Modern HistoryVenetian HistoryEpistolary literature
In the summer of 1716, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu undertook a long journey across Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean to accompany her husband to Constantinople. Here, the Whig politician Edward had been appointed ambassador extraordinary... more
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      Epistolary literatureTravel LiteratureOrientalismLitterature de Voyages
Mario Fabregat Peredo y Daniela Belmar Mac-Vicar, Más allá de la muerte. Recopilación de cartas y notas suicidas (Chile, 1870-1937), Prohistoria Ediciones, Rosario, 2020, 84 pp - De Buena Fuente, 5.
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      HistoryEpistolary literatureHistoriaHistoire
Rassegna critica delle reazioni alla pubblicazione del "Viaggio a Parigi e Londra" di Pietro e Alessandro Verri (1980). Attraverso alcune analisi offerte dalla rassegna, determinazioni circa la tipologia della corrispondenza epistolare,... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEpistolary literatureEuropean EnlightenmentPietro Verri
Mary Wollestonecraft was a leftist English philosopher and writer best known for her essay on women's rights entitled The Vindication of the Rights of Women. After a series of personal and financial events around the year 1795,... more
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      Travel WritingEnlightenmentEpistolary literatureThe Sublime
It is easy to feel small, powerless, and unable to spark any sort of change. Being only one person among billions can seem overwhelming indeed. So much is completely beyond our control. There are only a limited set of decisions that... more
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      Feminist TheoryQualitative methodologyQualitative MethodsCultural Theory