Epistemic Rationality

264 papers
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Epistemic rationality refers to the quality of a person's beliefs and judgments in relation to evidence and reasoning. It involves the adherence to norms of belief formation, such as coherence, consistency, and the alignment of beliefs with available evidence, aimed at achieving true beliefs and minimizing error.
Root, branch, and blossom, attention is intertwined with epistemology. It is essential to our capacity to learn and decisive of the evidence we obtain, it influences the intellectual connections we forge and those we remember, and it is... more
This paper seeks to revive learning as a central topic in traditional (non-formal) epistemology. I begin in §1 by reflecting on why learning might have become a marginal topic in epistemology after Gettier. I argue that the case against... more
Moral encroachment is the thesis that morality has an effect-unrecognized by traditional epistemology-on which doxastic states are epistemically appropriate. The thesis is increasingly popular among those who, in opposition to Gendler... more
The problem of forgotten evidence consists of a pair of scenarios originally proposed by Alvin Goldman. In the ''forgotten good evidence" and ''forgotten bad evidence" scenarios, subjects hold the same memory belief while irreversibly... more
A single argument template-the EPH template-can be used to generate versions of the best known and most challenging skeptical problems. In his brilliantly groundbreaking book Knowledge and Its Limits, Timothy Williamson presents a theory... more
Abstract—reasoning is an important part of many fields like logic, artificial intelligence, philosophy of science, and so on. Reasoning can either be deductive (deduction) or it can be inductive (induction). The decisions based on... more
Se aborda la cuestión de la racionalidad desde la justificación de la lógica, considerando la existencia de sistemas alternativos. Delimito este tema a la justificación de nuestros criterios de racionalidad, centrándome en la racionalidad... more
This paper offers a defense of veritic epistemic consequentialism, addressing its principal critiques. I argue that the core of epistemological value lies in its conduciveness to truth, rendering true beliefs intrinsically valuable. In... more
What is it for the verdict of a criminal trial to be just? It is widely agreed that a Guilty verdict is just only if the defendant did the relevant deed, and only if his rights were not violated in the process of apprehending, charging,... more
This is an encyclopedia entry written for the Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. It provides an overview of the concept of and literature surrounding "group agency" from the perspective of analytic philosophy. It... more
What is the epistemic function of imagination? Traditionally, philosophers have claimed that the epistemic function of imagination is exhausted by its ability to provide justification for modal beliefs, or that it is epistemically... more
Es frecuente interesarse por si la filosofía es un producto únicamente occidental o si se da ese tipo de reflexión intelectual en sociedades no occidentales, incluso en comunidades occidentales anteriores o ajenas a la escuela de Mileto.... more
The overall aim of this article is to reorient the contemporary debate about epistemic consequentialism. Thus far the debate has to a large extent focused on whether standard theories of epistemic justification are consequentialist in... more
Abstract: Agents are enkratic when they intend to do what they believe they should. That rationality requires you to be enkratic is uncontroversial, yet you may be enkratic in a way that does not exhibit any rationality on your part.... more
Ove godine je u časopisu ‘Religions’ (Religije) objavljen zapažen tekst uglednog muslimanskog intelektualca i istraživača Josepha E. B. Lumbarda pod naslovom “Islam and the Challenge of Epistemic Sovereignty” (Islam i izazov epistemičke... more
In this paper, I defend that logic has a normative status for reasoning. To support my argument, I question whether logic can be limited to a formal calculus that establishes relations among truth-bearers. Instead, I argue that logic... more
With the discovery of Bayesian inductive logic optimism about the possibility of rationally justifying inductive inference has been renewed. The justification of Bayesian inductive rules is known as the Dutch-book argument (Ramsey-de... more
In the original publication of the article, the Acknowledgement section was inadvertently not included. The Acknowledgement is given in this Correction.
Public discussions of political and social issues are often characterized by deep and persistent polarization. In social psychology, it's standard to treat belief polarization as the product of epistemic irrationality. In contrast, we... more
We motivate a picture of social epistemology that sees forgetting as subject to epistemic evaluation. Using computer simulations of a simple agent-based model, we show that how agents forget can have as large an impact on group epistemic... more
When I say that I am better off today than I was two weeks ago, I make a claim about my well-being at particular points in time, or at timespans that are shorter than my life as a whole. Thus, I talk about temporal wellbeing. Ben Bramble... more
The method of reflective equilibrium (MRE) is a method of justification popularized by John Rawls and further developed by Norman Daniels, Michael DePaul, Folke Tersman, and Catherine Z. Elgin, among others. The basic idea is that... more
Sarah Moss has recently suggested that when they encounter conflict, epistemic peers should not split the difference between the credence that they each assign to some disputed proposition p, as has been suggested by conciliatory... more
The proof paradox results from conflicting intuitions concerning different types of fallible evidence in a court of law. We accept fallible individual evidence but reject fallible statistical evidence even when the conditional probability... more
It is not unusual for epistemologists to argue that ordinary epistemic practice is a setting within which (infallibilist) scepticism will not arise. Such scepticism is deemed to be an alien invader, impugning such epistemic practice... more
Paradigmatically, epistemic akrasia occurs when a subject believes some proposition p and simultaneously believes that her belief that p is irrational (Horowitz 2014). This characterization is broad enough to admit of further... more
In this article, I argue that faith's going beyond the evidence need not compromise faith's epistemic rationality. First, I explain how some of the recent literature on belief and credence points to a distinction between what I... more
Belief-credence dualism is the view that we have both beliefs and credences and neither attitude is reducible to the other. Pragmatic encroachment is the view that stakes alone can affect the epistemic rationality of states like knowledge... more
The most common definition of belief is taken from analytical philosophy, which understands it as a proposition that is considered as true. Such a broad definition is ambiguous for some fields of empirical research, like psychology, which... more
How are justified belief and rational belief related? Some philosophers think that justified belief and rational belief come to the same thing. Others take it that justification is a matter of how well a particular belief is supported by... more
Posibilidades y límites del análisis. A 60 años de "Is justified true belief knowledge?" 1) Forma y método: Elucidar el significado de un concepto es quizá una de las cuestiones filosóficas más antiguas. Muchos creen incluso que es la... more
In the original publication of the article, the Acknowledgement section was inadvertently not included. The Acknowledgement is given in this Correction.
Public discussions of political and social issues are often characterized by deep and persistent polarization. In social psychology, it's standard to treat belief polarization as the product of epistemic irrationality. In contrast, we... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
7 necessary for this type of academic work, but also in order to provide a proper background. Despite the theoretical character, in the course of the text I devote substantial effort to grounding the theorising in available empirical... more
¿Seguimos reglas de inferencia al razonar? Por más intuitiva que resulte la respuesta positiva a esta pregunta, hay una serie de dificultades para vincular reglas lógicas y prácticas inferenciales. El Problema de la Adopción de Reglas de... more
We may succed in the fulfillment of our desires but still fail to properly own our practical life, perhaps because we acted as addicts, driven by desires that are alien to our will, or as "wantons," satisfying the desires that we simply... more
There seems to be an important intuition that there is a distinctive value associated with direct cognitive contact with reality, in the sense of a sensory experience of it. This intuition is unpacked. It is claimed that it is important... more
I, Muralidharan Anantharaman, hereby, declare that the following thesis is my own work. I also confirm that this thesis has not been submitted for a degree at any other university.
The Uniqueness Thesis (U), according to Richard Feldman and Roger White, says that for a given set of evidence E and a proposition P, only one doxastic attitude about P is rational given E. Luis Rosa has recently provided two... more
In situations where we ignore everything but the space of possibilities, we ought to suspend judgment-that is, remain agnostic-about which of these possibilities is the case. This means that we cannot sum our degrees of belief in... more
There are considerations – excuses – which reduce or eliminate responsibility for wrongdoing and so shield us from blame without casting doubt on the wrongfulness of our conduct. Many think that these excuses reflect the agent's... more
by Ru Ye
According to a widely held norm of rationality, one should not change prior credences without new evidence. An important argument for this norm appeals to accuracy considerations, which says that changing priors doesn't maximize expected... more
There are considerations – excuses – which reduce or eliminate responsibility for wrongdoing and so shield us from blame without casting doubt on the wrongfulness of our conduct. Many think that these excuses reflect the agent's... more
This paper develops four related claims: 1. Critical thinking should focus more on decision making, 2. the heuristics and bias literature developed by cognitive psychologists and behavioral economists provides many insights into human... more
This paper introduces a model for evidence denial that explains this behavior as a manifestation of rationality, and it is based on the contention that social values (measurable as utilities) often underwrite these sorts of responses.... more
This paper aims to show that Selim Berker’s widely discussed prime number case is merely an instance of the well-known generality problem for process reliabilism and thus arguably not as interesting a case as one might have thought.... more