Epilepsy and behaviour

208 papers
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Epilepsy and behaviour is a multidisciplinary field of study that examines the relationship between epileptic disorders and behavioral changes. It investigates how seizures, their frequency, and the neurological impact of epilepsy influence cognitive functions, emotional responses, and social interactions, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the psychosocial aspects of living with epilepsy.
Mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) have gained prominence in addressing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), offering alternative or adjunctive therapeutic approaches. On the other end, one of the possible consequences of PTSD are... more
In this article, the authors try to situate the comorbid and co-occurring mental and cognitive disorders associated with epilepsy within a treatment paradigm that promises an increased quality of life for children with epilepsy. Although... more
1. Cause comuni dei disturbi psicologici - seconda parte
2.I due esami principali nella diagnosi: L'esame del polso radiale e della  lingua
3. Cucina ayurvedica
Purpose of Study: IEM are relatively rare causes of seizures in infants and children. L-serine deficiency that occurs in IEM is determined by a mutation in the genes encoding the enzymes involved in L-serine synthesis. The purpose of the... more
Dal 1° dicembre 2008 al 12 novembre 2013 (quasi 60 mesi) ho seguito 232 anziani non autosufficienti, ospiti nella Struttura Residenziale Santa Chiara dell'Opera Immacolata Concezione di Padova. Il 23,3% o 54 ospiti furono sottoposti ad... more
Methods Authors reviewed the body of research focusing on the neurobiology of panic disorder, established its plausible connection with the neurochemistry of substance abuse (alcohol, cannabis, opiates, ecstasy, and cocaine), and... more
Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin diseases in the world which affects all races and ethnicities. The highest incidence of acne exists in adolescence where 80% of all teenagers can be diagnosed with it. Occurrence is very... more
Seizures, arising from a variety of neurological conditions beyond epilepsy, pose significant health risks, including injury, prolonged episodes, and status epilepticus, which can be fatal if untreated. The SeizureShield is a cutting-edge... more
Background: Teaching people with epilepsy to identify and manage seizure triggers, implement strategies to remember to take antiepileptic drugs, implement precautions to minimize risks during seizures, tell others what to do during a... more
Ritalin is a methylphenidate and a stimulant of the nervous system. Its Pharmacological effects are similar to amphetamines. Ritalin is used in hyperactive children and in some cases of brain trauma usually in the form of tablets. It has... more
Abstract: An article establishes assessment of quality of life, severity of seizures and emotional condition 117 patients with epilepsy, over the age of 18 (35.13±1.19) with different form epilepsy what started from 0 to 69 years... more
Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a significant medical concern, with post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) being one of its consequences. Epilepsy, with a global prevalence of 1%, is the third most common neurological disorder after... more
Background: Female gender has been described as a major risk factor for depression, thus, a double problem for women with epilepsy (WWE) because the higher likelihood of developing depression. Objective: The purpose of this study was to... more
Background: Teaching people with epilepsy to identify and manage seizure triggers, implement strategies to remember to take antiepileptic drugs, implement precautions to minimize risks during seizures, tell others what to do during a... more
Background: Epilepsy is the third world neurological disorder. Epileptic focus causes motor impairment by sending projections to different areas of the brain such as areas which are related to movement control. Regarding the inhibitory... more
Background: Patients and carers increasingly access the Internet as a source of health information. Poor health literacy is extremely common and frequently limits patient's comprehension of health care information literature. We aimed to... more
La Neurocisticercosis es la enfermedad parasitaria más frecuente del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC). Es una zoonosis con una alta prevalencia en los países subdesarrollados en donde las malas condiciones ambientales y la crianza y... more
Recent anatomical and DTI data demonstrated new aspects in the subcortical occipito-temporal connections. Although a direct (inferior longitudinal fasciculus, ILF) pathway has been previously described, its fine description is still... more
Background. Much attention is paid in the literature to the psychological profiles associated with ostomies, but until 2022 there was a lack of a psychoclinic instrument that was able to investigate all 9 individual subjective functions... more
Context: Trigeminal nerve stimulation (TNS) is a promising non-invasive brain stimulation intervention. The TNS has been proposed for major depressive disorder (MDD) with auspicious results. The aim of this study was to review the... more
Background: Falij-e-Nisfi (Hemiplegia) is one of the major neurological disorder usually caused by the occlusion of blood vessels to atherosclerotic thrombosis and embolism .other Causes are cerebral hemorrhage; neoplasms and infections.... more
Background: Falij-e-Nisfi (Hemiplegia) is one of the major neurological disorder usually caused by the occlusion of blood vessels to atherosclerotic thrombosis and embolism .other Causes are cerebral hemorrhage; neoplasms and infections.... more
Background Levetiracetam and zonisamide are licensed as monotherapy for patients with focal epilepsy, but there is uncertainty as to whether they should be recommended as first-line treatments because of insufficient evidence of clinical... more
A principal causa de Epilepsia do Lobo Temporal Mesial (ELTM) e a Esclerose Mesial Temporal (EMT). De inicio, geralmente na adolescencia, a ELTM causa crises com automatismo tipico de lobo temporal, que frequentemente afetam a funcao da... more
Acne vulgaris is extremely common dermatological disorder, affecting more than 85% of adolescents and young adults. In western societies, acne vulgaris is a nearly universal skin disease afflicting 79% to 95% of the adolescent population.... more
Background: On the subject of couple relationships, the literature pays attention to clinical, socioanthropological profiles and psychological issues related to the capacity to love, empathy, satisfaction and happiness; however, there is... more
Abstract Introduction: Pediatric neuroimaging presents a unique set of challenges, primarily stemming from the intricacies of normal myelination processes occurring within the initial two years of life. This complexity is particularly... more
Oxcarbazepine in a monotherapy trial for partial seizures-Placebo-controlled studies in neurology: Where do they stop? To the Editor: The editorial by Drs. Chadwick and Privitera 1 that accompanied our report of a placebo-control... more
Purpose: Acute symptomatic seizures (ASyS) are common in critically ill patients. It is unknown how ASyS affect posthospitalization self-reported health compared to patients with established epilepsy. Methods: This is a retrospective... more
Objective: We aimed to determine the therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) features and the relation to Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) of frequently used new antiepileptic drugs (NADs) including lamotrigine (LTG), oxcarbazepine... more
Objective: To compare the efficacy of Unani formulation in chronic endocervicitis. Methods: A parallel, comparative randomized trial was conducted at Govt. Nizamia General Hospital, Hyderabad from 1998 to 2000 in 50 patients (25 in each... more
Anisoon, Pimpinella anisun is a plant which belongs to umbellifera family. In unani medicine it is also known as anisun. It is usually grown for its seeds (aniseeds). It isan annualgrassyherb. Since centuries its extract of seed it has... more
Sudden health states accompanied by seizures require proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. A seizure in the paediatric population may turn into a life-threatening condition, especially when it is misdiagnosed and appropriate... more
Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 41 años de edad con antecedentes de cefalea migrañosa, que se había agudizado durante el primer semestre del 2012, quien fuera ingresada en el Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Dr. Ambrosio... more
Background: Epilepcy is a chronic neurological disease, and due to its complex mechanism, the current therapeutic drugs for it are not effective enough. It may have a non-neurological origin such as astrocytes and microglia. Objective... more
Background: Pre-op anxiety has adverse effects on the patient's anesthesia and treatment. Currently, electrical interventions are widely used as non-invasive methods to control pre-op anxiety and may have advantages as compared with... more
Background: Ischemic heart disease (IHD) also known as coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. IHD is caused by obstruction of one or more coronary arteries. Among the various causes of obstruction... more
Patient non-adherence to prescribed anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) remains a challenge to successful treatment of patients with epilepsy. However, the literature on epilepsy does not document a comprehensive review of interventions to... more
Dislocation of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) secondary to a seizure is rare. We report the case of a 32-year-old woman, who presented with a left TMJ dislocation during a status epilepticus. The airway was protected until reduction. A... more
Simple and complex visuomotor performance of the right and left sides of the body was investigated in 37 children with left hemisphere lesions, 35 children with right hemisphere lesions, 53 developmentally dyslexic children, 29... more
Falij-e-Nisfi (Hemiplegia) is a condition in which there is loss of movement and sensation in longitudinal half of the either side of the body. It is the commonest form of paralysis, occurring due to stroke or cerebrovascular accident.... more
Epilepsy is one of the chronic neurological disorders with an incidence rate of 3% in the normal population. Epilepsy may render behavioral changes so that affected people are prone to prolonged interpersonal difficulties. In order to... more
Objective Our aim is to assess the types and frequency of seizure-related injuries and to determine their effects on Quality of Life (QoL). Methods Fifty-seven patients with epilepsy were included to our study. The demographic and... more
1 рГБоу вПо «Чувашский государственный университет им. и.н. ульянова», Чебоксары; 2 университет Тромсе, Тромсе, норвегия; 3 университетская клиника Северной норвегии, Тромсе, норвегия; 4 Больница нурланда, Будё, норвегия Приведено... more